"Tsk, so, regardless of the fact that among the major majors now, biology and materials have the most research funds. Once those people in physics spend money, they will really die."

Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "It sounds quite interesting."

"You also think it's interesting?" Zhang Yitang smiled: "I used to find it interesting too, but in the end it's still inseparable from mathematics."

"Well... let's just say that the Siegel zero point we have developed now, I think it can be used in physics to verify the theory of the multi-dimensional universe in a few years."

"Siegel probably proved in the 1930s that the Landau-Siegel zero point does not exist in a range that cannot be effectively calculated."

"So there is a saying that through the Siegel zero point problem, we can divide it into two universes. The first universe has a Siegel zero point, and the second universe does not have a Siegel zero point."

"We didn't know which universe we were in before, but now we know that we are in this universe where there is no Siegel zero point."

"Then, in another universe, it exists."

"This question sounds very physical."

"For example, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, doesn't it mean that compared with the universe we live in, there is another subspace, with all the properties completely opposite to our universe. Maybe in that space, mathematics The rules completely changed, so there was a Siegel zero point.”

Zhang Yitang shook his head: "Although with our ideas, we can't imagine how the mathematical laws will completely change in another space. Maybe... in another space, from their observation point of view, Our field of complex numbers is their field of real numbers, and our field of real numbers is their field of complex numbers.”

Listening to Zhang Yitang's words, Xiao Yi's brows gradually raised. This kind of completely opposite mathematics?

It sounded even more interesting to him, and he couldn't help but said: "It's probably equivalent to Roche geometry?"

"Hmm... almost." Zhang Yitang nodded, "Of course, the difference between the two is quite big. At least Luo Che geometry can still be applied to problems in our world."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

The office was slightly quiet for a moment.

Zhang Yitang looked at Xiao Yi's thinking expression, and then said jokingly: "Of course I'm just talking to you briefly. Don't suddenly become interested in physics and then go to study physics, otherwise if……"

"I'm afraid the mathematics community is going to verbally criticize me."

Xiao Yi laughed dumbly, then waved his hands and said, "It's not that bad, not to mention there are still so many unsolved problems in mathematics. My heart is still in mathematics."

Zhang Yitang smiled and said: "Then don't worry about mathematics, but go to physics."

Xiao Yi couldn't laugh or cry, he sounded like a scumbag.

"Okay, let's not talk about these gossips for now. The next step is to organize the paper."

Zhang Yitang took over this matter directly: "Leave it to me to compile the thesis. Maybe the Landau-Siegel zero-point conjecture will be the last major achievement in my life. Let me compile it myself." Compiling the thesis can be regarded as a precious memory. ”

In this regard, Xiao Yi naturally did not refuse, and said with a smile: "You have said so, so of course I will not refuse. After all, organizing the paper is quite troublesome, but if you encounter any problems, just come to me."

"OK." Zhang Yitang nodded with a smile.

In the next few days, Zhang Yitang began to organize the paper, while Xiao Yi continued to study the connection between the circle method and Xiao's expansion.

Although there are still many difficulties in further exploring the connection between the two methods, Xiao Yi accidentally came up with something new.

"It seems...it's helpful to use this method to decompose prime factors, right?"

Chapter 130 Mining Software

What is the use of factoring prime factors?

Well, of course it is used to attack the RSA encryption system.

Of course, this kind of thing is illegal, and Xiao Yi will definitely not do it.

However, this method has another use, which is to mine Bitcoin.

As the first blockchain cryptocurrency on earth, Bitcoin's mining method is also very simple, which is to decompose prime factors.

The mining process has [mining areas]. A mining area has a certain number of Bitcoins. Miners dig and dig and dig in this mining area. Then if a miner digs out a key value, it is what they want. The factor you are looking for, then this miner can get the reward of this block. Of course, this kind of miner belongs to solo mining. If you are lucky, you may get it right at the first dig - but the price is that the probability of winning is higher than winning the first prize in the lottery. Be low.

Another mining method is a mining pool, where everyone mines together, and finally rewards a certain number of Bitcoins based on the contribution each miner provides in the process.

As for their contribution, it is evaluated based on the computing power provided.

Naturally, the greater the computing power provided, the greater the contribution, and the more Bitcoins will be obtained in the end.

The professional term is called proof of work (poW).

So the miners have rows of graphics cards plugged into their mining machines.

As for why a graphics card is used, this is because the computing power of the graphics card is very strong, much higher than that of the CPU.

In addition to the fact that the higher the computing power, the greater the contribution to mining, there is another point, that is, the algorithm advantage.

By continuously optimizing the algorithm during mining, the mining efficiency can be continuously improved, that is, the workload in the process of mining a block can be increased, so as to obtain more Bitcoin rewards in the end.

And now...

" After combining the circle method with Xiao's expansion, it seems to have a very strong efficiency in decomposing prime factors..."

"The most important thing is that its decomposition process is very simple."

Xiao Yi narrowed his eyes.

The circle method itself can be used to decompose prime factors, but it is less efficient than the sieve method. However, his Xiao's expansion originally contains the principle of classification sieve.

Therefore, the combination of the two made him accidentally come up with a particularly convenient prime factor decomposition method.

As for why it is convenient?

That is because the process of decomposing prime factors is very simple. In other words, if it is converted into a computer program, the computing power occupied during its operation will be quite small, at least compared with other prime factor decomposition programs.

Therefore, it is possible to increase the workload in mining in disguise, thereby increasing the speed of mining.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi could not help but raise his eyebrows.

Before, in addition to planning to build a blockchain, he also planned to develop a mining software to practice.

Mining software does not need to build a mining farm, it only needs to earn commissions from the miners.

This is in line with Xiao Yi's requirements. After all, he does not have time to build a large number of hosts for mining, and he also needs to maintain them. Maybe the power supply bureau will find that his electricity consumption is too high and directly stop his mining farm.

It is said that many mine owners in China have gradually transferred their mines abroad because of this kind of thing.

Of course, mining is not completely banned in China, mainly according to the regulations of different regions.

In short, it is definitely not feasible to be a mine owner yourself, so the best way is to come up with an algorithm and let other miners mine for him and earn commissions for himself. This will obviously be much more comfortable.

And you can also earn money from all the mine owners in the world.


"Let's do it!"

Xiao Yi's eyes were fixed, and he started to write the program.

After so many days of research and study, he has a deep understanding of programming. As for writing a mining software, it is not difficult.

The most core part is the mining algorithm.

Of course, now that the mathematical principles have been figured out, it is not difficult for Xiao Yi to figure out the algorithm.

However, as the core part of his software, in order to avoid the leakage of the algorithm, he also has to write a protection program to prevent it from being copied by others.

Algorithms cannot be patented, so they can only be well protected.

In addition to the core algorithm system, there must be a user system.

This is very simple, that is, an account management, just copy and paste one on hithub, of course, Xiao Yi decided to write one by himself to exercise his ability.

Well...in addition to the above parts, the most important thing is to have a charging system.

After referring to the charging methods of various mining software, Xiao Yi finally decided to charge two fees. The first is the software usage fee, which is 50 yuan for each mining machine.

It is said that the largest mining farm in China is the Bitmain mining farm in Sichuan Province, which has hundreds of thousands of mining machines. This means that if all of this mining farm uses his algorithm, it can bring him tens of millions of revenue.

And in the world, there may be tens of millions of mining machines, which is equivalent to hundreds of millions or even billions of revenue.


Thinking of this, Xiao Yi couldn't help but have a thought similar to the beginning of Yuri in the movie "Lord of War": The question is, how can I get all the mine owners to use my software to mine?

Ahem, let's not dream for now.

In addition to the software usage fee, there is the mining commission, which is the same as other software, charging 1% of the mining income.

Finally, there is the server system. After all, since it involves accounts, the system naturally needs to use servers.

In this way, the security of his algorithm can be guaranteed to the greatest extent to prevent it from being leaked.

Finally, there is the distributed computing power scheduling. When the mine owners log in to his software and start mining, he can call the computing power of the mining machines of those mine owners and start mining using his algorithm.

"Well...it's actually quite complicated."

After thinking about the various functional parts required for this software, Xiao Yi couldn't help but sigh that nothing is simple.

And there is another key issue, how should he promote the software after it is written?

This problem is really difficult to solve.


He can't just use his own account on Weibo to say: [I have developed a mining software, everyone come and use it].

Forget it, this is somewhat suspected of advertising on Weibo.

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