After Xiao Yi and the others returned to Beijing, the Institute of Mathematics received the news first, and then invited him and Zhang Yitang to the Institute of Mathematics.

The main thing is to learn about the proof of the Landau-Siegel zero-point conjecture with them.

The Institute of Mathematics also invited them to give a report on the proof of conjecture here.

Zhang Yitang did not refuse this. In addition to returning to China for a year, he also wanted to contact the domestic mathematics community. It would be good to hold the first report in China.

Xiao Yi refused. He didn't want to go anywhere for the next period of time, so the report on the Landau-Siegel zero-point conjecture would be handed over to Zhang Yitang.

Anyway, Professor Zhang seemed quite happy to give the report.

After spending one night in Beijing, Xiao Yi said goodbye to Zhang Yitang on the second day, February 11, and got on the plane back to Feishi.

February 11, 2021, is also the New Year’s Eve.

Going home for the New Year.

When Xiao Yi appeared at his door at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Soon, the door was opened.

Father Xiao and Mother Xiao, who had already received the news, were standing at the door. When they saw their son, they suddenly showed excited expressions.

Xiao's mother went up and hugged her child. Xiao's father was still able to control his emotions, but he also walked up and patted the child on the shoulder.

"Welcome home."

In the past month, they, as parents, knew the commotion Xiao Yi had made outside.

In addition to pride, there is also no lack of worry in my heart.

But finally, Xiao Yi returned home safely.

In the evening, the dining table was filled with a sumptuous New Year’s Eve dinner.

Xiao Yi tasted these familiar flavors and squinted his eyes, his expression full of enjoyment.

Although I had eaten Chinese food yesterday and before my flight this morning, the taste of my hometown was still slightly different compared to my mother’s.

While eating, I shared my experiences over the past month with my family. This New Year's Eve dinner can be regarded as a true reunion.

However, Xiao Yi also heard his mother complaining. Since he became famous, people have often knocked on the door recently. They are basically people from some companies, wanting to cooperate with Xiao Yi to promote products, which has caused a lot of trouble. disturb.

In addition, there are media reporters and so on. For example, after Xiao Yi proved the twin prime number conjecture, the media came to visit him, hoping to interview Xiao's father and Xiao's mother.

So Xiao Yi thought about it and said, "After the New Year, let's go to Jade Court to buy a house."

Hearing what Xiao Yi said, Xiao's father and Xiao's mother were stunned.

Jade Court is a high-end community in their Feicheng City. It is mainly composed of villas. The environment is naturally ranked among the best in the city, and the security conditions are also very good. At least you don't have to worry about strangers. It's something that comes to your door.

It's just that... the cheapest house there costs nearly 10 million, not to mention the most expensive one.

Buying a house there?

"Where did our family get so much money?" Xiao's mother smiled and shook her head.

"We have it at home." Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Didn't you see the news in the news that I made 6 million US dollars?"

Father Xiao and Mother Xiao were immediately stunned.

"Is this...really?" Both of them stared at their son with wide eyes.

Xiao Yi didn't waste any time. He took out his phone and showed the two of them his bank card balance.

Seeing the long string of numbers, Xiao's father and Xiao's mother felt dazzled.

"Based on the exchange rate, it's almost 40 million, which is completely enough to buy a house in Jade Hall." Xiao Yi said, "That's it, I'll go see it after the New Year."

Anyway, he spends the money he earns, and since he has nothing to spend it on, he might as well buy a house for his parents.

Of course, Xiao's father and Xiao's mother still refused at first, but after Xiao Yi's repeated persuasion, they still agreed.

"I'm stuffed."

After finishing another bowl of rice, Xiao Yi put down his bowl and chopsticks and looked at his parents' bowl. Probably out of shock, he didn't eat much of the rice in it.

"Hurry up and eat. Mom's cooking is so delicious today. Dad, you are also taking care of my mother's meals. You see she doesn't eat much. Are you losing weight?"

Hearing his urging, Father Xiao and Mother Xiao looked at each other, and finally said with a smile: "Okay, okay, I got it."

Xiao Yi walked into the kitchen to wash the dishes. Looking at his son's back, Xiao's father and mother both showed happy smiles.

The next few days are also time to visit relatives.

Xiao Yi is now considered a celebrity among their relatives. This Chinese New Year has given their family a good face.

However, their family doesn't have many relatives, and they visited all their direct relatives' homes in almost three days.

After the seven-day Spring Festival holiday passed, Xiao's father and Xiao's mother came to the sales department of Jade Court and looked at the house.

Xiao Yi didn't go because he was afraid of being recognized. Anyway, after he converted all the 6 million US dollars into RMB, he transferred 20 million from it and gave it to Xiao's father and Xiao's mother to look at the house. 15 million to buy the house and 5 million to decorate it. use.

As for him, there was another pressing matter.

That is his mining software.

Boss Huang has already called to ask when it will be ready, so he has to set up the server.

So on the eighth day of the lunar new year, he came to school.

Professor Liu Bin's office.

There was a knock on the door. Liu Bin, who had just returned to school, was cleaning up his desk and said, "Please come in."

Turning his head to look, he was immediately stunned.

He originally thought that other teachers in the college were looking for something to do. After all, today was the first day that their staff returned to school. There were indeed a lot of things to do, but he didn't expect that the one who came in was...

"Xiao Yi?"

"Professor Liu, happy New Year." Xiao Yi said hello with a smile.

"Haven't you started school yet? Why are you here now?" Liu Bin immediately stepped forward and took a good look at the young man.

I haven't seen him for almost two months, but the young man in front of me is becoming more and more famous.

It was the twin prime number conjecture again, and it was Xiao's expansion. By the way, he also went to the computer to try his skills, and then made a deep mark in the fields of information security and cryptography.

A few years ago, the Siegel zero-point conjecture was discovered by the way. Although the mathematical community is still verifying the results, it has generally expressed positive views.

"Don't you miss Professor Liu?" Xiao Yi chuckled.

Liu Bin rolled his eyes, and then said: "Okay, okay, then I'll take what you said as true."

"But you've been there for more than a month, right? I almost thought you wouldn't come back."

Xiao Yi's expression was embarrassing: "How could this happen? I haven't even graduated yet."

Liu Bin smiled: "It doesn't matter whether you graduate or not..."

But he didn't say much, and then asked: "But I heard that Professor Zhang Yitang is going to give a lecture on Siegel's zero-point conjecture at the Institute of Mathematics in two days. Are you not going?"

"I won't go." Xiao Yi waved his hand: "It's too tiring to give reports. Take a break. Professor Zhang really likes to give reports, so I won't take his place."

"You." Liu Bin didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Being invited to give a report at the Institute of Mathematics is considered an honor in China, not to mention it is a proof report of an important conjecture. It is really...

Don't know what to say.

"Okay, just explain your reasons for coming. I might have to go to a meeting later."

Liu Bin waved his hand and stopped following Xiao Yi.

"Hehe, Professor Liu still understands me." Xiao Yi smiled, and then said: "Professor, didn't I get a server back at the end of January? Today I want to get this server up as soon as possible."

Xiao Yi explained his purpose.

"Oh! This." Liu Bin suddenly realized, and said: "That server should be placed at the entrepreneurial base."

"Hmm... You probably started this server because you planned to start a business, right?"

Xiao Yi nodded: "Yes."

Whether it’s the current mining software, or the blockchain in the future...

Well, of course they all belong to entrepreneurship.

"Then fill out this form."

Liu Bin found a table from his desk and handed it to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was stunned and looked at it. It was just an application form for innovation and entrepreneurship.

"Last month I considered that you might start a business, and then I contacted the people at the Entrepreneurship Center in our school. Director Cao there said that as long as you apply, the school can approve it for you. A start-up capital of 200,000 yuan, and a space of about 30 square meters, where your server is now placed.”

"Please fill in this form first."

Hearing what Professor Liu said, Xiao Yi was immediately moved. He didn't expect that he had done these things when he asked Professor Liu to help find a place to put the server.

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