"Sun Lina! Are you going to be lazy again?"

At this time, Luo Mingya, who had just entered the laboratory, came back. When she saw their instructor, she didn't have the awe that students had when facing their teachers. On the contrary, she rushed forward and pointed at Teacher Sun. The thing in his hand said: "Hand over the switch in your hand!"

"Hey, hey! There are outsiders here, please save some face for me!"

"Your face depends on how much you contribute to the project, and now it turns out that 70 to 80 percent of the current progress of this project that you are responsible for is my contribution!"

"I'm a mentor! Believe it or not, Yan Bi!"

"Then I'll find my aunt."


Seeing this scene in front of him, Xiao Yi was stunned.

Teacher Sun seems to be holding a switch in his hand, but...

Is there something wrong with this lab?

Isn't Luo Mingya a student?

Isn't this a bit contrary to Tiangang?

That Teacher Sun...

"Xiao Shen, this is the X-ray diffraction in our laboratory. It is mainly used to analyze the crystal structure and crystallographic information of materials. This equipment is worth 700,000. It is imported from Germany, Bruker D8ADVANCE, a very good brand."

At this time, another girl, Zhao Yuanyuan, began to follow their senior sister's instructions and began to introduce their laboratory to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, came to his senses, nodded and said: "Oh, thank you."

But he couldn't help but asked curiously: "Who are your senior sister and your mentor..."

"Oh, Teacher Sun is Senior Sister Luo's cousin, but..." Zhao Yuanyuan lowered her voice: "What did our Teacher Sun say...it was a bit awkward, and then our Senior Sister Luo made a special push, so Senior Sister Luo I can’t stand it anymore, the way the two of them get along has become like this, and even our laboratory has become like this.”

Xiao Yi held his forehead, he was really experienced.

Using push to describe a scholar generally means that the scholar works very hard and is very active in academic research.

Thinking about Senior Sister Luo's resume, it is indeed quite pushy.

"Don't tell them this is what I said! Otherwise she will definitely cause trouble for me." Zhao Yuanyuan whispered. After seeing Xiao Yi nodded, she continued: "Then I will take you to get to know other instruments. !”

"Okay, please."

Xiao Yi nodded.

Then Zhao Yuanyuan took Xiao Yi to look at various other instruments.

After some introduction, Xiao Yi gained some experience.

However, compared to the teacher-student relationship between Luo Mingya and Sun Lina, he can only say that this knowledge is still small.

Just like that, after seeing the laboratory and getting acquainted with various instruments, Luo Mingya suddenly came over.

She held a stack of A4 paper in her hand and said to Xiao Yi: "Here are the data from our latest experiment. Would you like to try to analyze them?"

Xiao Yi nodded: "Of course."

"Okay, let me explain it to you first." Luo Mingya said: "The data here mainly involves a metal alloy. These data are obtained through tensile experiments on different samples under different conditions. The stress-strain data comes out.”

"Based on data comparison, there are obvious differences in the data of some samples, which are slightly weaker in strength."

"So the purpose now is to explain why this problem exists."

Xiao Yi took the paper and then looked at the data on it, first of all a curve chart.

At this time, Luo Mingya said to Zhao Yuanyuan who had not left yet: "Yuanyuan, you did this experiment. Please explain the meaning of these data to Xiao Yi here."

"Okay." Zhao Yuanyuan's eyes lit up, and she didn't expect that it was her own experiment. She had been thinking about this problem for a long time, and finally ran out of ideas, so she went to Luo Mingya for help.

And now, Luo Mingya entrusted it to Xiao Yi...

Well, even if Xiao Yi can't solve it, her senior sister Luo will eventually help, right?

However, at this time, Xiao Yi said: "We should use Fourier transform to process these data."

Chapter 138 Maybe just looking for differences?

Chapter 138 Maybe... looking for differences?

As soon as Xiao Yi's words came out, Luo Mingya, who was about to go about her own business, and Zhao Yuanyuan next to her were stunned.

You only looked at it for a while and you came to the conclusion that Fourier transform should be used?

Although it's all about mathematics, this data is also from their material major, right?

Can you understand?

Luo Mingya stopped her feet and turned her head to look over: "What's the reason?"

Xiao Yi pointed to the curve chart and said: "You see, the stress-strain curve of each sample contains many oscillations and fluctuations, and the curve of the abnormal sample shows different behavior from other samples."

"So it's easy for us to think of using Fourier transform for processing."

"After all, anyone who has studied Fourier transform should know that for this kind of curve oscillation, it is best to use Fourier transform to deal with it."

"Hmm...but there is too much data. It would be better to use a computer to process it."

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Zhao Yuanyuan looked confused.


Have it?

So the curve of the abnormal sample is so different from the curve of other samples?

Why didn't she see it?

And Luo Mingya leaned over to take a look, and after thinking for a moment, she said: "Indeed, there is indeed a clear difference."

She had never seen this data before, and she had not taken the time to look at it after Zhao Yuanyuan gave it to her.

She glanced at Zhao Yuanyuan and said: "Didn't you find this?"

Zhao Yuanyuan looked confused.


Should I find it?

She whispered: "No, senior sister, I feel that from the curve, these lines are similar... At most, at most, it is..."

"Okay, you don't need to be at most, just look carefully and learn well."

Luo Mingya shook her head, forget it, I still won't explain it to the rookie.

Xiao Yi took another look at the curve and then said, "Let's convert these data into signals in the time domain. In this way, these data should represent the mechanical response of this metal under different strain conditions."

"However, the time domain signal alone is not enough. We also need to convert them to the frequency domain."

"This requires the help of a computer. I can't handle it alone."

Xiao Yi shrugged and said.

After all, there are too many data, and using a computer is obviously more worry-free and labor-saving.

"The computer is in the next room, let's go now." Luo Mingya acted decisively and walked in front to lead the way.

Zhao Yuanyuan quickly followed.

Of course, Xiao Yi followed.

However, what happened here also attracted the attention of other people in the laboratory. Xu Ming and Liu Chao, as well as another boy named Wen Xiping, looked at each other and quickly followed.

When they came to the computer room, there was a server. Xiao Yi asked, "Don't you have a server? Why do you want to rent mine?"

Luo Mingya said, "This server is several years old, and it was only worth 700,000 yuan at the time. You have to queue up to use it, not to mention that the project we are doing will take a long time. This antique is not even worth a dog."

Xiao Yi: "Uh..."

Zhao Yuanyuan whispered, "Senior sister, we seem to need it now..."

Luo Mingya snorted, "I use it to give it face, not to mention that the current project is yours, so it's like you are using it."

Zhao Yuanyuan could only shut up in dissatisfaction. If she continued to talk, her human rights would be lost.

After turning on the computer and connecting to the server, Luo Mingya called up the data and began to convert the data from the time domain to the frequency domain as Xiao Yi said before. This is the spectrum diagram.

Xiao Yi looked at these curves carefully, and pointed to a part of the curve representing the abnormal sample, and said: "Obviously, there is a very obvious specific frequency oscillation peak on this part."

Following that, Luo Mingya also stretched out her hand, pointed to the curve of the normal sample and said: "The oscillation peak of these normal samples is different from that of the abnormal samples, especially in this type of frequency."

The two people spoke one after another, and Luo Mingya raised her eyebrows and glanced at Xiao Yi.

Being good at math, can you achieve this level?

It's even faster than her reaction?

The other people watching nearby were even more stunned.

The conclusions drawn by these two brothers and sisters are already incomprehensible to them.

Can you really see anything from the data chart above?

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