"Editor-in-Chief Warner of Physical Review Express? Okay, okay, what? The length of the paper should be controlled within 8 pages, so I need to streamline the previous paper? Okay, I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Ming asked again: "You won't tell me that the editor of Physical Review Express also invited you to submit an article?"

"Well, that's true." Xiao Yi nodded, but then he frowned: "But the problem is that Physical Review Express insisted that I shorten the length of the paper to 8 pages, which will increase my workload."

His original paper had more than 40 pages. It was very simple to shorten it to less than 8 pages. He just needed to delete the previous content and leave the main model.

However, he was too lazy to modify it.

But in this regard, Xu Ming, Liu Chao and others: "......?"

That's Physical Review Express! PRL!

Just modify the paper!

Looking at Xiao Yi's expression of a full man who doesn't know the hunger of a hungry man, their back teeth were about to break.

But... well, after all, there is the option of JACS, and PRL is indeed an alternative, and the impact factor of JACS is higher than that of PRL.

In the end, Xiao Yi made a decision, forget it, and publish in JACS after returning.

As for why he didn't submit to "Nature" and "Science", it was because his paper was relatively professional, and the consumers of these two journals would probably not understand it.

For papers like Luo Mingya's project, although relatively professional, it is relatively easy to be favored by these two journals because it involves the popular research direction of two-dimensional materials.

After suffering a blow again, Xu Ming and the others stopped asking more questions, and honestly started eating and talking about other things, such as where to go next.

After this project was completed, they finally got the nod from the senior sister, and they could temporarily take a vacation to play.

However, this has nothing to do with Xiao Yi.

After dinner, they returned to school.

Because it was not too late, Xiao Yi returned to the Entrepreneurship Center again.

Today's learning task is not over yet.

Under the illumination of the incandescent lamp, Xiao Yi once again faced the desk piled with draft papers, but the pen in his hand did not move.

"So far, the best conclusion of the Goldbach conjecture is that any odd number greater than 5 can be expressed as the sum of three prime numbers, as proved by Harold Helfgott in 2013."

"This is also the weak Goldbach conjecture."

"But the problem is that the weak Goldbach conjecture and the strong Goldbach conjecture are only formally related, but they are relatively independent mathematical propositions."

In other words, the proof of the weak Goldbach conjecture is not very helpful in proving the strong Goldbach conjecture.

The former is about odd numbers, and the latter is about even numbers.

So far, the best result on the strong Goldbach conjecture is still the result made by Chen Jingrun in the past, which is called "1+2".

Xiao Yi began to recall the paper by Chen Jingrun that he had read.

This paper is full of memories for him. After all, when he first started reading papers, Chen Jingrun's paper was among them. In the previous mathematics entrance examination, the first question asked by the academicians was a fragment from this paper.

He recalled those fragments inadvertently in his mind.

Suddenly, Xiao Yi was startled.

"The question at that time seemed to be... intercepted from Lemma 8 and Lemma 9 used by Mr. Chen Jingrun to prove Theorem 1 in the paper..."

"In it, he considered the Fourier coefficients of the modulus q, and transformed the integer decomposition problem into an integral representation of certain whole functions through Fourier transform"

"After that, he used the sieve method to deal with the screening of non-prime parts, and especially analyzed the distribution of numbers containing at most two prime factors..."

His eyes gradually lit up.

He quickly entered the computer and found this paper. He followed his memory and found those key fragments.

Until the end, he slapped his thigh and became excited.

"That's right, it's a combined analysis of the sieve method and the circle method! The complete combination of Xiao's expansion and the circle method can also use the same idea!"

The familiar inspiration emerged again.

The pen in his hand finally began to move.

[Let A be a set, define the sieve function S(A, z) as a sieve under parameter z: S(A, z)=∑d|P(z)μ(d)|Ad|...]

Time passed quietly until the end.


Xiao Yi showed joy.

Xiao's expansion successfully combined with the circle method!

If the previous circle method expansion can only be said to be a technology.

Then, this new combination form can be called a theory!

"Next, it is to formally improve Chen's theorem!"

Turn the 2 in "1+2" ​​into a real 1!

Chapter 153 Goldbach's conjecture, proved

In the following days, Xiao Yi returned to his normal life.

After getting the real circle method expansion theory, proving the Goldbach conjecture will no longer be a problem.

This is often the case for many math problems. Solving the problem may be just a small step away.

However, sometimes it may be unimaginably difficult to take this small step, and you need to develop a very powerful theoretical weapon to support yourself and take it completely.

The new circular method expansion theory is such a theoretical weapon. What to charge

Just like that, another week passed.

"Brother Xiao, you actually want to go to class with us today?"

In the 313 dormitory, Ye Cheng and others who were packing their schoolbags were stunned when they saw Xiao Yi who was also packing his schoolbags with them.

According to past experience, didn't Xiao Yi go out at seven o'clock in the morning and come back very late at night?

It was surprising enough just to see Xiao Yi in the dormitory when they got up this morning.

Xiao Yi smiled: "Yes, I haven't gone to class for a long time. Today I plan to experience the life of a student again."

Ye Cheng and the others immediately rolled their eyes.

Good guys, they are going to class, and you are going to experience life?

can only say……

As expected of Xiao Yi.

However, at this moment, Ye Cheng's eyes suddenly lit up: "Let's go, let's go, I have some questions to ask you."

"What's the problem?" Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but become curious.

This kid is not the kind of person who likes to ask questions. Most of the time, Ye Cheng is doing research alone.

Of course, this does not prevent him from doing very well.

Judging from the final exam results of last semester, Ye Cheng was ranked first in the class, and his grade point score was 4.3. Their grade point score at Huaguo University of Science and Technology is 4.3, which means that each subject must be on the 4.3-point scale. 95 points or above.

This is very impressive. You must know that their class is actually very difficult. After all, they are surrounded by such excellent people, and the people in the class can only take the exam. In order to distinguish their grades, all the test questions will be It is more difficult than the normal test questions in the School of Mathematics.

To be able to still get full grade points under such circumstances, Ye Cheng can be said to have worked hard.

Of course, Xiao Yi's results are not included in these results. After all, his exam items are different from others.

"I'm currently working on a paper and I'm having a little difficulty..."

Ye Cheng explained.

However, before he finished speaking, Song Ziyang and Luo Qiao next to him suddenly stared.

"What? You guys have started writing papers? When did you write them?"

"What the hell, you play games with us every day and secretly play games with us, right? "

Ye Cheng quibbled: "No way! I obviously wrote it openly, okay? It's just that you didn't notice it!"

"When did you start writing openly and honestly?"

"I wrote it in the library. I never hid it! It's just that you didn't notice me when you came to the library."

"Still quibbling! Old Song, get him!"

"Get him!"

Then Xiao Yi witnessed the process of Ye Cheng being hung up and beaten.

He shook his head in amusement.

Then he also joined the fight and secretly tickled Ye Cheng twice.

Ye Cheng: "You are bullying on campus!"

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