"The history of Goldbach's conjecture has a long history in the mathematics community. It has far-reaching significance for the development of the entire mathematics community. It completely stumped the great mathematician Euler at that time, so that he spent his whole life After even solving it, it completely inspired the mathematical community to study the prime number problem. After that, it even indirectly led to the formulation of the Riemann Hypothesis..."

Academician Xi began to deliver a speech for this report.

Backstage, Xiao Yi also tidied himself up and stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself.

Just now, the makeup artist specially put on makeup for him. Of course, it was not heavy makeup, but simply painted eyebrows and eyeliner to make him look more mature.

In addition, what he is wearing today is not a suit, but a Chinese tunic suit. Someone measured it for him some time ago and then found a Chinese tunic master to cut it out. It fits him perfectly.

The style is also very traditional, and even has a style button on the collar.

"Brother, he's quite handsome."

Looking at himself in the mirror, Xiao Yi thought a little bit in his heart.

"Xiao Yi, you are ready to go on stage."

At this time, Liu Cong called him.


Xiao Yi responded, then left the mirror and turned towards the exit.

"...Then let us welcome Xiao Yi with applause and bring you a report on Goldbach's conjecture!"

Academician Xi Lan just finished his speech, and then he applauded.

In the auditorium, the applause of tens of thousands of spectators also rang out, which was particularly clear under the special acoustic structure of the auditorium.

Similarly, tens of thousands of pairs of eyes looked towards the entrance.

Xiao Yi stepped out.

The Chinese tunic suit made all the Chinese people at the scene shine. Although the suit has been accepted by China and has become formal wear on many occasions, the tunic suit still has an irreplaceable position in the hearts of the Chinese people.

Underneath, some old people couldn't help but smile and said: "What a handsome young man."

Xiao Yi naturally couldn't hear the following words. He walked to the center of the podium, faced the people present, and bowed slightly.

Then he raised his head and looked at the many pairs of eyes present.


There is no such thing as nervousness. Now he is a calm yuppie.

Then, he opened his mouth and said: "Hello dear viewers and defense teachers, I am Xiao Yi."

"Thank you all for coming to attend my report, which is also my graduation defense meeting."

"As for the theme of this report, I believe Academician Xi has just described it in great detail, so I won't go into details."

"Then, let's start my report directly."

Afterwards, Xiao Yi walked to the podium aside and operated the computer on it. The ppt on the big screen behind him immediately turned a page.

"Can all even numbers greater than two be written as the sum of two prime numbers?"

"Here, we first introduce the conclusion of Mr. Chen Jingrun about 50 years ago, Chen's theorem."

The report officially began, and Xiao Yi first quoted the conclusion of Chen's theorem.

And this also made the audience pay attention.

On a seat in the second row of the audience, the old woman's hands tightened, and there was an old photo frame on the table in front of her. The person in the photo frame was facing the rostrum.

Next to him, the old woman's son watched this scene and reached out to fiddle with the photo frame so that the people above could have a clear view of the content on the rostrum.

In addition to them, there are also many old people who sit up slightly. For them, the Chen's theorem mentioned now is the most proud achievement of their old friend.

Xiao Yi's voice was the only voice left in the audience, and everyone listened attentively. From the beginning of this paragraph, Xiao Yi tried his best to tell the audience the reason for Chen's theorem in a story-telling way.

However, this method of storytelling will eventually come to an end.

"However, Mr. Chen's conclusion also proved that the solution to Goldbach's conjecture could not be achieved at all with the mathematical theory at that time."

"In other words, the mathematical community needs new mathematical tools to have a chance to completely solve Goldbach's conjecture."

"It's hard to imagine that for such a centuries-old problem, there are still no suitable tools to solve it hundreds of years later."

"But fortunately, such a tool finally appeared."

Xiao Yi introduced a little shyly: "This method is called a parity check classification sieve. This method comes from the paper I proposed in the proof of the twin prime conjecture."

"The classification sieve can judge the distribution of prime numbers very well, and it can show good applicability to any prime number problem."

"However, the sieving method alone is not enough. Just like the method used by Mr. Chen, he also applied the circle method."

"The circle method and the sieve method seem to be two completely different methods."

"It's just that for mathematics, trying to connect different things is a job that many mathematicians are doing."

"So, my most important job is to combine the sieve method and the circle method to make them a more powerful tool for solving prime number problems."

"And how to try to combine the two is also a difficult question."

“In this process, I used the technique of Shaw polynomial expansion—well, this method is also named after me.”

Xiao Yi explained again slightly embarrassedly.

It made everyone present smile.

"Then, next, I will officially start to deduce this process."

Turning his head, Xiao Yi started writing on a small blackboard next to him.

【(log x)2xε(J(2A)w + J11/6τ 1/2...】

Finally, their report finally reached a professional level.

Sitting on the seat on the second floor, Guo Xiaoming was currently conducting a text live broadcast on his mobile phone.

[Hahaha, I don’t know if you have seen it. Xiao Shen is a b-fabricator. The classification screen is his, and the Xiao expansion is also his. But having said that, Xiao Shen’s report is too kind. Until now, I You can actually understand what he is saying. 】

Click Send.

Then he looked up again and saw mathematical derivation written in heaven on the blackboard.

After being stunned for a moment, he could only lower his head and send another message: [I was wrong, Xiao Shen's kindness is over. 】

If the previous difficulty was limited to the level of popular science, just like the reportage "Goldbach's Conjecture" back then, then it has indeed entered the real mathematics major.

Confused faces began to circulate in the auditorium.

Only a few mathematicians can barely understand it.

They also include some foreign mathematicians. These mathematicians dare to come over to listen to Chinese reports. In fact, it is because they all know some Chinese. Otherwise, no one will come and torture themselves to listen to a report that does not even speak the same language. .

In this way, time passed quickly.

"...Finally, we have successfully combined the circle method and the sieve method, using Xiao's expansion as a chain bridge, integrating these two seemingly unrelated methods to form a theory, just like As I explained in my paper, I named it circular expansion."

Finally, after some complicated deductions, Xiao Yi turned around and looked at the confused audience in front of him. He smiled and was not surprised at all.

"Although I have not conducted in-depth research, I think this method can be used to solve many other problems, and I am also looking forward to future related results in the mathematical community."

"Then..." Xiao Yi paused and said, "Next, it's time to formally solve Goldbach's conjecture."

"I'll be a little faster."

Then, he began to write quickly on the small blackboard.

At this speed, even mathematicians who could just understand it began to be unable to keep up.

In the end, they had no choice but to give up.

Anyway, the next derivation process only requires understanding the original text of the paper, although there are also quite a lot of amazing ingenuities in it.

Of course, it is enough to listen carefully to Xiao Yi's explanation of the circle method expansion theory.

As Xiao Yi said, the circle expansion theory will be able to be used to solve many other mathematical problems.

Hu Guangde took off his glasses and leaned back on the chair.

Xi Lan, who was next to him, also gave up, turned to look at Hu Guangde, and asked: "So, after Xiao Yi graduates, where will the graduate students go? What do you say?"

Hu Guangde shrugged and said, "Who knows? Although many schools around the world have sent us emails, Xiao Yi seems to be... planning to study in China?"

Xi Lan's eyes suddenly lit up: "Then why not... let him consider our Institute of Mathematics?"

Hu Guangde suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked at Xi Lan, "Good guy, are you waiting for me here?"

However, in the end, he shook his head and said, "You can ask Xiao Yi when the time comes. Only he can decide this matter."

Chapter 157 Outstanding Youth

"... So far we have shown that for any even number greater than two, we can express it as the sum of two prime numbers."

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