Pang Cheng immediately laughed and patted Xi Lan on the shoulder, "Did you hear that? Xiao Yi has no objection, so don't say anything."

Then he said to Xiao Yi: "Xiao classmate, you don't have to worry about not being used to physics. In fact, I came here today to talk to you about cooperation on a physics project. You can study this project and have a deeper understanding of our physics."

Xiao Yi frowned: "Physics project? What project?"

Pang Cheng smiled and said: "Of course it is condensed matter physics, after all, I am studying condensed matter myself."

"As for this project, it involves high-temperature superconductors. I don't know if you are familiar with FeSe, the material of iron selenide."

"FeSe itself is an iron-based superconductor, and its superconducting transition temperature in bulk form is about 8 K, however, later some scholars found that when FeSe is deposited in a single layer on a specific substrate, its superconducting transition temperature can be significantly increased. "

"Especially on the SrTiO3 substrate, this superconducting transition temperature even exceeds 100K, which is much higher than the superconducting transition temperature in the bulk form, and even higher than YBCO. "

"The current academic community believes that this is mainly related to the interface effect between the substrates. The electronic coupling and phonon mode at the interface may be the key factors that lead to the significant increase in this superconducting temperature. "

"Therefore, the purpose of our project is to study the main reasons in this process, in order to help the study of high-temperature superconductivity mechanism. "

Pang Cheng paused, then smiled and said: "Speaking of which, your absolute electronic calculation has also provided us with a lot of help. It is for this reason that I plan to invite you to join our project. "

After listening to Pang Cheng's topic, Xiao Yi thought about it a little.

This is a very interesting topic.

High-temperature superconductivity mechanism?

Superconductivity is a very important topic in condensed matter physics. It can even be said that more than half of the people in condensed matter physics are studying superconductivity.

Previously, the most important theory in superconductivity was the BCS theory, and the famous Cooper pair was also born from this theory. But the problem is that the BCS theory only successfully explains the superconductivity principle of some traditional superconducting materials, and only involves low-temperature superconductivity. For some new and high-temperature superconductors, the BCS theory is more limited.

Therefore, how to explain the superconductivity mechanism of these new and high-temperature superconductors is the current research focus.

So, Xiao Yi nodded: "Okay, when will this topic start?"

"Haha, this has already started, but now it has entered a bottleneck stage." Pang Cheng said: "So now I invite you to help us and see if we can break through this bottleneck."

Xiao Yi asked again: "When can I join the topic?"

Pang Cheng: "Any time is fine. The research location of the topic is also in our institute. Um... you should go back to your school to deal with graduation matters, right?"

Xiao Yi nodded: "Yes, I don't know exactly how long it will take, sister, take a look at our school. "

Pang Cheng looked directly at Hu Guangde: "Old Hu."

Hu Guangde waved his hand: "Well, I know, it won't take too much time, it will be done within two weeks, are you satisfied?"

Pang Cheng nodded with satisfaction: "That's it."

Then he saw Xiao Yi again, rubbed his hands and said: "Xiao Yi, what do you think now?"

Xiao Yi smiled and said: "Then I will come directly after I finish the relevant procedures for graduation."

"Okay, I've been waiting for you to say this!"

Pang Cheng clapped his hands and said.

"But, Old Pang, you have to take good care of our Xiao Yi." Hu Guangde said again.

"You don't have to worry about that." Pang Cheng rolled his eyes and said, "What do you mean by your Xiao Yi? Xiao Yi will be a member of our Institute of Physics from now on. I should be the one to say 'our Xiao Yi'. How can I not take good care of him?"

Hu Guangde: "You fucking..."

And Xi Lan, who hadn't said much beside him, said at this time: "Don't forget, Xiao Yi is also a member of our School of Mathematics. After you come here, Xiao Yi, you can rest here at night. We will prepare a dormitory for you."

"You said it as if we don't have student dormitories here." Pang Cheng raised his eyebrows: "No... We will directly arrange a dormitory for Xiao Yi as a researcher. Old Xi, you are just talking nonsense. You value Xiao Yi, but the treatment is completely inferior to him. "

Xi Lan's face darkened, and she said, "I just said to prepare a dormitory, but I didn't say that it was a student dormitory. Instead, you said it was a student dormitory in your first sentence."

Pang Cheng shrugged, "It doesn't matter. Anyway, Xiao Yi, you can live in our researcher dormitory, not theirs."

Hu Guangde interrupted and said, "Although I am not in the Institute of Mathematics now, I remember that the researcher dormitories of the Institute of Mathematics and the Institute of Physics are together, right?"

The two institutes are basically next to each other, so naturally these dormitories are also together, so why are there so many differences.

Pang Cheng: "This is different. We arranged a senior researcher dormitory for Xiao Yi, but their Institute of Mathematics may not be."

Xi Lan's face darkened, "Pang, keep talking nonsense!"

Then, the two quarreled again, and Xiao Yi next to them didn't know what to say.

Can you argue about this?

It's just a dormitory.

If you really can't, just arrange one for him.

Well... after all, he has never enjoyed the experience of owning two houses in Beijing.


Time passed quickly. Although the report of 10,000 people was over, the discussion did not stop at all. At the same time, someone had translated the report and put it abroad.

Naturally, many mathematical scholars in the foreign mathematics community discussed the contents of the report.

Many universities also invited Xiao Yi to give reports there, but Xiao Yi refused.

After all, he had made plans at the beginning. In the future, things like going abroad should be done at most once a year. If more than that, he would not be able to bear it.

Of course, the main reason is that the proof of Goldbach's conjecture has basically been recognized by the academic community, so there is no need to go out for additional explanation. If you have any questions, please communicate by email. Thank you.

After the report, Xiao Yi did not stay in Beijing for long. He returned to Feishi the next day and dealt with graduation-related matters.

Although the defense was completed, he still had some exams to take, so he had to take all of them, after all, he still had to take enough credits.

Of course, these exams were not too difficult for him.

In this way, about ten days later, he completed all the exams and got all the credits.

"This is your undergraduate degree certificate and master's degree certificate."

In the dean's office of the School of Mathematics of HKUST, the dean personally handed two degree certificates to Xiao Yi.

The two certificates Xiao Yi took were quite large.

Bachelor of Science, Master of Science.

He smiled and nodded: "Thank you."

The dean smiled and said: "There is nothing to thank you for, you got it all by yourself."

"I have to thank you for allowing our college to achieve such brilliant achievements this year."

The dean smacked his lips with some regret: "I am still a little reluctant, you just graduated like this."

Xiao Yi laughed.

"Okay, for your diploma, you have to go to the Academic Affairs Office to get it. It should have been done."

"Oh, don't forget your graduation photos. They should be here soon."

Just after the dean finished speaking, the door of the office was knocked. Then, several teachers from the School of Mathematics that Xiao Yi knew came in, mainly his substitute teachers, and then Hu Guangde.

"Xiao Yi, congratulations on your graduation."

Professor Liu Bin came up, patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Probably the fastest student in the world to complete undergraduate and master's graduation."

Recalling when Xiao Yi enrolled last year, compared with Schultz's undergraduate graduation in one and a half years, they said that Xiao Yi would complete undergraduate graduation in one year.

Who would have thought that now the goal has been exceeded, and the master's degree has been directly completed.

"Do you want to contact the Guinness World Records to issue you a certificate?"

Hu Guangde next to him also joked.

Xiao Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "That's not necessary..."

"Okay, let's all stand, Xiao Yi stands in the middle."

The dean next to him shouted at this time.

Afterwards, they stopped talking nonsense and quickly stood in a row.

Xiao Yi stood in the middle, and Academician Hu and Professor Liu stood next to him.

The person who took the photo was the assistant called by the dean, standing in front, and when everyone was ready, he took the photo with a "click".

Then there was Xiao Yi's solo graduation photo.

A person stood in front of the camera, and the picture was frozen.

It means that this journey in his life has ended.

Perhaps the only regret is that he is the only one who graduated.

It's not like when he graduated in the second year of high school, all the classmates in the class came over and accompanied him to complete the graduation photo.

However, speaking of this matter, today is June 9th.

The college entrance examination is over, and a few days before the college entrance examination, the University of Science and Technology Affiliated High School took graduation photos, and he also went.

Accompanying his high school classmates, took a complete graduation photo.

After all, there must be a give and take.

I also hope that they can achieve excellent results in the college entrance examination.


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