Listening to the other party's introduction, Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

In fact, he has read many papers in this area during this period, so he is relatively familiar with research in related fields.

It is estimated that if he writes a review, he can send it to the review pages of some top journals.

After a brief introduction, Guo Ding handed a lot of experimental data to Xiao Yi: "Look, these are some of our current images, data and the like. You can understand it first."

"Afterwards, we are trying to use computational simulations to help them analyze the situation and see if we can find a way for them to introduce iron vacancy defects in FeSe/SrTiO3 single-layer superconductors."

Xiao Yi took the data and read it.

Guo Ding didn't speak anymore. He walked to the computer nearby and began to study the model.

Time passed quickly.

About an hour later, Guo Ding noticed that Xiao Yi came to his side and put the information on the table.

"Have you finished reading?"

"Well, I've finished reading."

Xiao Yi nodded.

"Okay, then let's..."

Just when Guo Ding was about to explain their work, Xiao Yi continued to speak and interrupted him.

"I looked at the experimental data in detail. In addition, I also thought about some papers in this area during this period. I have some ideas about the method of our experiment."

"You said, can we use hydrogen to promote atomic migration and defect formation in FeSe/SrTiO3 single-layer superconductors?"

"The specific principle is the high diffusivity and chemical activity of hydrogen atoms..."

Guo Ding was stunned and said blankly: "What?"

He is only an expert in computational physics and is by no means proficient in experimental physics.

But at this moment, Pang Cheng came to them at some point and said in a deep voice: "You continue to talk."

Xiao Yi was startled and turned to look at Pang Cheng.

Academician Pang seems to be a bit good at approaching others quietly.

However, he continued: "Well, to put it simply, it is a hydrogen power method..."

"Under high temperature conditions, hydrogen gas decomposes into active hydrogen atoms, and then the hydrogen atoms diffuse inside the material and penetrate into the crystal lattice of the material. Then the hydrogen atoms interact with the metal atoms in the material, such as our FeSe/SrTiO3 monolayer Iron atoms in superconductors lower the migration energy barrier for these atoms."

"The lowered energy barrier will make it easier for metal atoms to migrate, forming vacancies or other types of defects."

"In this way, will we have a chance to realize iron vacancy defects in FeSe/SrTiO3 single-layer superconductors?"

Xiao Yi's words made Pang Cheng fall into thinking.

Until a moment later, he took a deep look at Xiao Yi and said, "It seems that inviting you to join is definitely the most correct choice I have ever made."

"The method you mentioned has great potential!"

Chapter 160 Praise Xiao Shen!

Xiao Yi's idea was not temporary.

Before coming here, he actually didn't know anything about the subject, but had a rough understanding of the progress of Academician Pang's research.

Naturally, we also know that the process involves the transformation of the parent compound and the parent-superconductor.

So in his initial research, he thought about what method should be used to achieve an ordered FeSe monolayer with iron vacancies.

Then, hydrogen, the smallest atom of all elements, entered his field of vision.

"Professor Guo, I need to trouble you to simulate this process to see if it can be realized on a computer."

Finally having a feasible direction, Pang Cheng turned around and said to Guo Ding.

If more positive results can be obtained through computational simulation, then this method will definitely have great potential.

Guo Ding came back to his senses at this time, and then nodded: "Okay, leave it to me, but..."

He turned to look at Xiao Yi again and said, "Of course I also need Xiao Yi's help, and I also need you to explain the details to me."

Xiao Yi smiled and said: "Of course."

Pang Cheng nodded, then patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder, "I'm waiting for your good news."

Academician Pang left, but looking at his slightly accelerated pace, it seemed that he was thinking about the specific implementation method of this experiment.

Only Xiao Yi and Guo Ding were left again.

Guo Ding blinked and said to Xiao Yi: "You are really... It's really surprising."

Xiao Yi said modestly: "I just thought about it casually."

Guo Ding was helpless, "Then you are so casual."

Shaking his head, Guo Ding said no more. Anyway, he had a very clear positioning of himself, as long as he understood the field of computational physics.

Then he stopped talking nonsense: "Then let's start now. Regarding the hydrogen power method you mentioned, what is the specific implementation principle?"

Xiao Yi nodded and then began to introduce.

"First of all, we must clarify our purpose, which is to introduce iron vacancy defects in FeSe/SrTiO3 single-layer superconductors."

"What you need to know is that to introduce iron vacancy defects, we have to overcome the migration energy barrier."

"Taking the migration of Fe atoms in the FeSe crystal as an example, if Fe atoms migrate from one lattice position to an adjacent position without the help of other auxiliary means, the energy barrier that needs to be overcome is relatively strong. Under experimental conditions, I think It is also troublesome to do so. Even through energy input, it is difficult for us to ensure the uniformity of energy input. "

"So we have to find ways to lower the migration energy barrier."

"As for this, we can easily think of using some other atoms to weaken the metal bonds, and obviously, we can think of the hydrogen bonds of hydrogen atoms."

"When hydrogen atoms combine with metal atoms, it will cause the redistribution of the electron cloud. This redistribution can change the local charge density around the metal atoms, thus changing the local potential energy surface, and the Fe-Se bond is weakened."

"In addition, another advantage of hydrogen atoms is that they are small enough to diffuse quickly through materials."

When Xiao Yi said this, Guo Ding's eyes lit up: "Oh! I understand!"

Although he was only a computational physicist, it was not that he did not understand the basic knowledge. Therefore, after Xiao Yi's detailed explanation, he quickly understood the basic principles of this experiment.


He gave a thumbs up.

"There are quite a few people who have studied this topic over the years, but no one has really thought of using hydrogen atoms to achieve this."

Then he took out the scratch paper and started writing on it, "Well... let me model this process first, and then run it on the computer."

"I feel like it's completely feasible."


Without wasting time, Guo Ding immediately began to build a model of the experimental process based on the principles.

Xiao Yi was also watching. Although he did not do it himself, this did not prevent him from roughly understanding Guo Ding's modeling process.

There is not much of a gap between computational materials science and computational physics, not to mention that what they are currently studying is closely related to materials science.

In this way, time passed quickly. They completed the modeling during the day, and then started running on the computer at night.

As a national research center, there is certainly no shortage of servers here, and even supercomputers can be obtained.

Finally, the simulation results came out.

"Success! We really introduced an iron vacancy defect!"

In front of the computer, Guo Ding waved his fist excitedly and looked at the results on the computer with great excitement.

This key issue was successfully solved by them!

"Good for you!"

He glanced at Xiao Yi next to him and laughed.

Xiao Yi smiled, but he was not too happy.

For Guo Ding and others, this problem may have stumped them for a long time, but for Xiao Yi, this problem was solved on the first day he came here.


It’s really not a very high sense of accomplishment.

He said calmly: "We still have to simulate a suitable environment."

"For example, the hydrogen environment, the concentration, pressure and temperature of hydrogen are all key parameters."

“Then there’s time for heat treatment.”

Guo Ding smiled and nodded: "This is natural. I will set the parameters later and run it all night to see if I can find the optimal temperature range."

"By the way, I have to tell Academician Pang the good news."

It was already 10 o'clock in the evening, so only the two of them were left here.

Then Guo Ding took out his mobile phone and made a call. At the same time, he said with a smile: "I don't know if he is sleeping. It's best not, otherwise he won't be able to sleep tonight."

The call came through quickly.

Pang Cheng's expectant voice came from inside: "Professor Guo, is there any good news?"

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