After all, if you apply for a mathematics project, you may get hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands, but in fact, when solving the project, mathematicians only need a pen and a piece of scratch paper. From the beginning to the end of the project, it adds up. The cost may not reach 100 yuan, and if the extra money is not spent, it will affect future project applications.

As a result, in order to spend the extra project funds, the people in charge of mathematics projects will try various ways to spend these funds. Academic conferences are such a good way.

As such a method that achieves multiple goals with one stone, more people attend mathematics academic conferences.

"I heard that Professor Liu recently discovered a good student in our affiliated high school?"

At the banquet, at a certain seat, several mathematics professors with relatively close relationships were sitting together, and Liu Bin was among them.

Hearing the friend next to him ask about himself, Liu Bin smiled and said, "He is indeed a very good candidate. Maybe he will be another Cao Yuan in our mathematics community in the future."

The friend next to him was actually a professor at the School of Mathematics at their HKUST. Hearing what Liu Bin said, his eyes couldn't help but squint. Cao Yuan was very familiar to teachers like them from HKUST. He was already expected to get a Nobel Prize in Chemistry at the age of 22. If Xiao Yi can be called the Cao Yuan of mathematics, won’t he win the Fields Medal?

"Professor Liu is actually so optimistic?"

Liu Bin nodded, "You may not understand because you have never seen him, but judging from the talent he has shown, it is enough for me to believe that he has such a future."

Today is already Thursday. He has been attending this academic conference for 4 days. During these 4 days, in addition to attending the academic conference projects, he will spend some time looking at Xiao Yi's draft paper. .

Every time he watched it again, he would marvel in his heart.

He wanted to see Xiao Yi's way of thinking and then... learn from it.

Yes, he, the professor, was trying to learn from Xiao Yi.

But obviously, it is difficult to learn anything just in this way. After all, only geniuses can do the thinking of geniuses. There is no such thing as trying to imitate geniuses.

At this time, Liu Bin turned to look at another professor next to him and said, "Professor Xu, I remember that you are in charge of Hua Luogeng's class, right? When this student I am optimistic about enrolls, you will know how good he is." incredible."

Professor Xu was startled after hearing Liu Bin's words, and then he laughed and said: "I thought you wanted to ask me to help you run the program for that student so that he can enter Hua Luogeng's class."

Liu Bin waved his hand: "Then you are just joking. The students I am optimistic about still need help to operate it? If it really needs to be operated, then it is not worthy of my attention."

Professor Xu shook his head and laughed: "Okay, I know who you are, Liu Bin."

"According to this, that student will be in his senior year of high school this year and will take the college entrance examination... It won't be long before he comes to our school, only in the second half of the year."

Liu Bin laughed: "He did take the college entrance examination this year, but, he is actually a sophomore in high school."

"Second year of high school?"

The professors present were all stunned.

"Is it a junior class?" Professor Xu quickly reacted.

"Yes." Liu Bin nodded.

This made several professors interested. At the same time, they understood why Liu Bin compared him to another Cao Yuan. After all, the latter also came from the junior class of HKUST.

"Oh? A math genius is going to appear in the junior class of HKUST?"

At this moment, a voice came.

Several people turned their heads to look, and the eyes of several professors from the University of Science and Technology lit up.

"Academician Hu!"

Hu Guangde is the honorary president of the Chinese Mathematical Society and a mathematics academician of the USTC. He can be said to be the treasure of the School of Mathematics of the USTC.

Unexpectedly, they could get the attention of Academician Hu while chatting here.

"Hey, don't be so solemn, Xiao Liu. I just heard you say that you met a good young man. Come and tell me about it."

Hu Guangde sat directly next to them and said with a smile.

Hearing Hu Guangde's words, Liu Bin's heart moved.

Although he believed in Xiao Yi's ability, he never thought of introducing him to their treasure immediately. After all, Academician Hu also went to the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris and the mathematics department of Princeton University for exchange studies. I have seen countless mathematical geniuses. When the time comes, he rushes over and says that he has discovered a genius. Maybe Academician Hu will just take it as a joke.

It's just that Academician Hu is obviously relatively free now, so he has the idea to listen to it.

And this a good opportunity to introduce Xiao Yi to Hu Guangde?

For any mathematics scholar, having a good teacher is a very important thing. Just like those well-known mathematicians, their teachers are basically also well-known mathematicians.

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "If I tell you directly, I'm afraid you won't feel that deeply. I will contact the student directly and you will test him in person."

"Anyway, after he enters school, you will be able to see him sooner or later."

Hearing that Liu Bin immediately climbed up the pole to introduce this student to him, Hu Guangde immediately couldn't laugh or cry. This Liu Bin really knows how to seize opportunities.

But this also made him more interested. What kind of student could Liu Bin value so much?

Chapter 21 Academician’s Examination

"Hey, can you hear me? Xiao Yi?"

"You can hear me, Professor Liu."

Xiao Yi faced the computer and responded with a blank expression.

Just five minutes ago, he was reading "Principles of Number Theory" in Chinese class, and then he was called into the office by Luo Penghua.


He was also approved to use Luo Penghua's mobile phone.

Then he learned that Professor Liu, who was attending a mathematics academic conference in Beijing, wanted to find him about something very important.

And, use video calls.

So now, he saw Liu Bin on the phone screen.

It looks like Liu Bin is at some kind of banquet?

Liu Bin smiled and said: "Xiao Yi, how have you been studying recently? Have you read the book I brought you?"

"Of course I did!" Xiao Yi nodded and said gratefully: "I have never been exposed to such data before. Now that I have been exposed to it, I discovered that mathematics can be so interesting!"

Liu Bin immediately laughed and asked: "Is it the book "Mathematical Analysis"? It is a very good thing that you can become interested when reading this book. Those freshmen in our college have just When learning this book, almost 99% of people look miserable.”

"Uh..." Xiao Yi hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Liu Bin noticed his hesitation and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Well...actually, it's not just "Mathematical Analysis"."

Xiao Yi said: "In the past few days, I have read "Mathematical Analysis", "Advanced Algebra", "Analytical Geometry",..., "Elementary Number Theory", and now I am studying "Principles of Number Theory". The knowledge in these books is quite good. Interesting to me.”

“Especially this Principles of Number Theory, the problems raised in it and the methods to solve these problems are very interesting to me.”

Liu Bin on the other side of the video was silent.

If he heard correctly just now, Xiao Yi has read 7 books in these four days, and now he has started reading the 8th one.

Even... or the book "Principles of Number Theory".

He remembered that the "Principles of Mathematics" he gave Xiao Yi was a relatively difficult number theory book, mainly for scholars who were advanced in number theory. But now Xiao Yi has started to read this book?

Of course, no matter what book Xiao Yi reads, it doesn't matter. The most critical question is, "How did you manage to read the eighth book in less than four days?!"

Liu Bin finally asked in disbelief.

"Read two books a day, and then you can read the eighth book today." Xiao Yi answered.

What the hell...

Liu Bin didn't know what to say.

Because he really didn't know how to refute what Xiao Yi said, two times four equals eight, who doesn't know?

After being silent for a long time, he finally asked another question again: "You read two mathematics books in one day. Do you understand everything in the book?"

"That's not true."

Xiao Yi's answer finally made Liu Bin breathe a sigh of relief. To put it simply, if you read two books a day, how could you possibly understand all the knowledge in the book? This is just in line with normal people!

Then he would become serious and criticize Xiao Yi's habit of "not asking for a thorough explanation". How could he read mathematics books with this attitude?

However, before he could speak, Xiao Yi's next sentence came: "Basically, I understand about 80% of it."

"Analytical geometry is okay. The content in that book is relatively simple. I should have mastered almost 95% of it after reading it once. The most difficult part is the theory of real variable functions. The book is not only thick, but also very difficult. It is much more difficult than the other book on Function Theory of Complex Variables, so it took me almost a whole day to read this book, and I should have mastered less than 70% of the content. "

"But this book is really interesting."

"Then there is the book I am reading now called "Principles of Number Theory". The Fermat's Last Theorem described in it is really amazing. Mr. Andrew Wiles who proved Fermat's Last Theorem is also really admirable!"


Liu Bin became even more silent.

Of course, while he was silent, the professors around him also showed expressions of disbelief.

What did they hear?

I read eight books in four days, including real variable functions, which is the most troublesome book for lower grade math students.

Learning real variable functions ten times is a cliché among mathematics majors. But this student, who just started his sophomore year of high school this year, said that not only did he finish reading it in just one day, but he even understood 70% of it?

Several professors recalled the time when they were studying real variable functions as undergraduates.

They can become mathematics professors naturally because they are quite talented in mathematics, but they also have to admit that real variable functions are really difficult to learn.

The result... Damn it, this young man!


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