"It is indeed a bit less." Wilczek said with a smile: "However, this problem is not big. For this result, 2000 sets of data are enough to explain something, and these 2000 sets of data come from Compared with the BEPC of Huaguo, the advanced level of BEPC is still much worse than that of the LHC, such as the degree of error in directly measured data. "

Wilczek said: "The various sensors used by BEPC should not be as good as the LHC, including the resolution of the detector, so if the LHC data can be used for calculations, I think the final results can be more accurate."

"In addition, in terms of data volume, there must be at least 1 million to be more credible."

Everyone present nodded in agreement.

"Then should we invite Xiao Yi over?" someone asked.

"If you can invite me, that would be the best," Wilczek said.

However, at this moment, someone suddenly said: "Well, Professor George Parisi is contacting me, and he now hopes to participate in our discussion online."

"George?" Wilczek was stunned and suddenly said: "By the way, I remember didn't he go to China some time ago? Is he still there now?"

"Like he's actually still there?"

"Then he must have communicated with Xiao Yi." Wilczek said: "Then get him online quickly. I would like to hear the news from him."

"Okay, Professor Wilczek."

Soon, they opened the big screen in the research room, and Professor George Parisi's face also appeared on it.

"Hello everyone." Parisi greeted with a smile.

"Hello, Professor Parisi." Wilczek and others also said hello.

However, at this moment, they noticed that there were two other faces next to Parisi. One of them was Tang Yifang. The CERN researchers present all knew each other. After all, they had often collaborated and communicated in the past.

The other young face made them hesitate for a moment, and finally recognized it.

"This is... Xiao Yi?"

Parisi laughed and said: "Yes, this is Xiao Yi, the discoverer of the W boson overweight problem. I guess you have already read that paper."

"What was the outcome of your discussion over there?"

"We're staying positive and think it's worth a shot," Wilczek said.

George Parisi nodded and said: "Very good, this is why I am contacting you now. Next, Director Tang will talk to you."

Then, he gave up his position to Tang Yifang.

Tang Yifang expressed her hope to obtain LHC collision data.

Regarding this request, Wilczek pondered for a moment and then said: "This is no problem. However, on behalf of CERN, I also hope to join this research. Of course, we are not willing to be absent from such a heavyweight discovery."

Tang Yifang smiled and said: "Of course, this is very reasonable. We, the China Institute of High Energy Physics, are also honored to cooperate with CERN."

Wilczek laughed immediately and said, "Okay, then it's decided."

Two major high-energy physics research institutions have reached a cooperation in this regard to jointly study the problem of the excessive mass of the W boson.

Therefore, CERN sent the LHC collision data in the recent period to the Institute of High Energy Physics of China, and then both parties jointly started data processing of the W boson signal.

Target data volume: 1 million!

Such large-scale cooperation matters are also very common for high-energy physics learning.

Of course, the slight difference is that in the past, other research institutions rushed to cooperate with CERN. Basically, CERN was in a dominant position. After all, CERN has the most high-energy physicists and the most powerful particles in the world. Accelerators and other research institutes are all just behind us.

But this time, the Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics and CERN are working together and are on equal footing.

This is naturally because the method they used came from Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi now represents the Institute of High Energy Physics of China.

The news spread quickly and spread throughout the physics community, causing a shock in an instant.

After the latest issue of PRL came out, it started a discussion all over the world. At that time, many scholars in the field of physics were discussing whether this matter was credible.

Now, CERN has stepped forward, and according to public information, Professor Wilczek is in charge of this collaboration. This undoubtedly shows that CERN attaches great importance to the speculation in this paper and is now preparing to further verify it. This is the conclusion.

As a result, all physicists could not calm down.

On the international version of Quora, there is a new question in the physics section. In just a few days, it has attracted nearly a thousand answers and discussions.

[CERN and the China Institute of High Energy Physics plan to cooperate to verify the overweight problem of the W boson. What does this mean? If the W boson is really overweight, what does it mean? 】

There is a highly praised answer from a researcher working at CERN.

[CERN on-the-job researcher came to answer this question.

First of all, let me explain the cause of this incident. I think everyone should know the cover paper published on PRL at the end of July, right? The genius from the world of mathematics came to his loyal physics and directly used the statistical results of 2000 sets of data to give a result that shocked the physics community, that is, the mass of the W boson was suspected to exceed the standard. 0.1% of the model.

what does that mean?

I quote here an interview with Professor Edward Witten.

Q: "Professor Witten, what is the status of the Standard Model in the world of physics?"

A: "The status of the Standard Model, I think for most physicists, it is something that is disgusting but has to be used. It combines all the current experience in physics - you know, physics Science is an empirical science, that is, a science that pays attention to the systematic research and understanding of phenomena and things through methods such as observation, experiment, and data analysis.

Therefore, even a mathematically rigorous theory is worthless if it cannot be verified by these three methods, just like string theory.

Of course, it is precisely because the Standard Model is such a collection of all experiences. Therefore, it is completely normal if there are some discoveries beyond experience in the future, and because our human experience is compared with the broader universe. , is really too small, so I think there are quite a lot of opportunities like this. "

Q: "Then if such a thing is really discovered, what would it mean for physics?"

A: "It means surprises, it means treasures that have never been unearthed. To be honest, I am looking forward to that day. Maybe there will be discoveries that can help verify string theory?"

Professor Witten's answer has already well explained the significance of W boson superheavy to the physics community. It is a surprise and means that there is still physics worthy of our continued exploration.

The current cooperation between CERN and the Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics indeed represents our recognition of the possibility of W boson overweight. The current goal is to verify this. According to our plan, we will verify at least 1 million sets of data. This is a major project and is expected to take six months to complete.

Everyone can look forward to the final result. If the final facts prove that the mass of the W boson is indeed overweight, then the physics community will probably be unable to sit still. This implies a new physical phenomenon, or the need to investigate the Higgs The mechanism needs to be modified, and the self-energy effect also needs to be considered. In short, each of them is very important, and if it is finally confirmed that there is a new physical phenomenon, it will be an innovation for the entire physics community!

That's all I want to say.

Of course, at the end, I would like to make the most realistic suggestions for ordinary researchers like us. The discovery of W boson overweight is mainly due to the mathematical method used in Xiao Yi’s paper. This is a set of The brand-new error processing and data analysis method is worthy of everyone's study and research. It is now called Xiao's error analysis theory.

This theory is very helpful for the analysis of any particle accelerator, and is even expected to be used in medical cyclotrons. I don’t know the specific application method, but it can be used to accurately diagnose patient diseases or accurately treat malignant tumors. Treat, greatly reduce damage to surrounding healthy tissue, and more.

above. 】

This answer has already received tens of thousands of likes and quite a few replies.

[Another day when the physics building was not completed (sad)]

[The value of the standard model is still decreasing! 】

[Is your CERN researching time travel? Are you related to John Titor? Are you secretly studying how to create miniature black holes to destroy the earth? 】

[Please, this is CERN, not SERN. 】

[Does this mean that it will be a good choice to major in high energy physics in the next few years? If you can find some magical results from this. 】

[Come on, kid, maybe you will find a new particle named after you! 】

[I will study Xiao Yi’s paper now! 】

In the lively discussion, people generally expressed their eager expectations for this event.

But the only problem is probably that we still need to wait six months.

However, for the vast majority of high-energy physicists, just six months is not a big deal. Now, they are more concerned about Xiao Yi's paper.

Shaw's error analysis theory has become the target of study by physicists during this period.

After all, now CERN, other organizations that own particle accelerators, and medical companies that develop medical cyclotrons, all offer high salaries to hire experts in Shaw error analysis theory.

Glory and wealth are here to try!

And time, also in the heat of the physics world, slowly passed.

Chapter 166 Invitation letter to the National Science and Technology Awards Conference

The heated discussion about the overweight W boson gradually disappeared after about a month.

Of course, the physics community is also aware that everyone is now waiting for the latest results from CERN and the Institute of High Energy Physics. In addition, after discussions at the meeting, CERN finally decided to put the verification of the mass of the W boson in the first place in the new collision mission three months later.

This will take some time.

Scholars in related fields have also put their attention back on their respective research.

Time has come to September 1st.

It is the enrollment season of the new year again. High school students who just finished the college entrance examination in the first half of the year have now been promoted to college students.

In addition, after the preliminary and re-examinations, the graduate students who finally successfully entered their favorite schools are also the same.

Huaguo Academy of Sciences, Academy of Basic Sciences.

Graduate students from the Institute of Mathematics and the Institute of Physics next door entered the place where they will live in the future graduate stage today.

Such research institutions generally open graduate school points, which are suitable for students who are more interested in research. Compared with graduate school in universities, they are more professional and pure.

At this time, in the office of Academician Xun Yong in the Institute of Mathematics.

This year he also accepted two master's students and one doctoral student.

At this time, his two new master's students, who had just enrolled today, were reporting to him, their mentor, in the office.

"Hello, Teacher Xun!"

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