Obviously, there are still quite a few researchers who agree that the problem of supermassive W boson is the main goal of CERN in the next period of time.

Whether it is Wilczek or Witten, both of them are considered to be the highest representatives of physics and mathematics ability among everyone present, and their opinions are very important.

Seeing this, Director General Fabiola Gianotti said nothing more, nodded and said: "In that case, [about whether to make the W boson mass verification project the next primary scientific goal of CERN 】This issue is passed. ”

Then, she turned to look at the other side of the conference room and said, "Professor Tang, are you willing to continue to participate in the research on this topic?"

On the other side, sitting were Tang Yifang and other researchers from the Huaguo Institute of High Energy Physics. As partners in this project, they were also invited by CERN.

Tang Yifang stood up, nodded with a smile, and said, "On behalf of the Institute of High Energy Physics of China, I am willing to join in the cooperation."

Generally speaking, such projects will be taken over by CERN alone. Now that we can cooperate, it is naturally a good thing for the Institute of High Energy.

"Okay." Fabiola Gianotti nodded, and then said: "Then move on to the next topic..."

Tang Yifang also sat down.

However, at this moment, the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

He frowned, who would call him at this time?

When he took it out and looked at it, he was stunned. The person on the phone was actually Xiao Yi?

Xiao Yi did not come here with them, but remained in the country.

But why did he make this call?

He answered the phone, covered the phone and whispered: "Xiao Yi, what's wrong? I'm in a meeting now, as I told you before."

Then Xiao Yi's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Has CERN decided to continue to verify the mass of the W boson?"

"Yes." Tang Yifang asked, "Is there any problem with this?"

Afterwards, Xiao Yi said: "Well... Could you please convey my suggestion to me? I think it may not make much sense to continue studying the mass of W boson. Judging from the current performance of the LHC, It should be that the real reason for the overweight of the W boson cannot be found.”

Tang Yifang was stunned immediately. Unintentionally, her tone even raised a little: "What?"

As it happened, Director General Giannotti had just announced the next topic and was waiting for everyone to express their opinions. The venue was very quiet, and his voice seemed particularly abrupt.

Gianotti turned around and looked over and asked, "Professor Tang, do you have any problems here?"

Tang Yifang pointed to her cell phone with a slight embarrassment, and then said a few words into the phone. Just when everyone was wondering if he was so bold on the phone during a meeting, Tang Yifang stood up and apologized slightly. He said quietly: "I'm sorry to disturb you all. That was Xiao Yi who called me. He had a suggestion that he wanted me to convey to you."

Now everyone was stunned, Xiao Yi?

So everyone who was still complaining no longer blamed Tang Yifang for interrupting.

As the first discoverer of the overweight W boson, Xiao Yi has never been to CERN, but his status in their hearts is already extraordinary.

What advice would he have?

"Please tell me." Director General Fabiola Gianotti also nodded and said.

"Well..." Then Tang Yifang conveyed Xiao Yi's suggestion.

Everyone present was stunned.


Xiao Yi actually suggested that they not put too much energy on this issue for the time being?

Good guy, he was the first to discover this problem, and it has now attracted unprecedented attention in the physics community. But he came up again and said he wanted to apply the brakes?

Everyone felt incomprehensible.

Professor Frank Wilczek narrowed his eyes at this time and said: "Professor Tang, Xiao Yi said that with the current collision energy of the LHC, it is impossible to discover the cause of the abnormality of the W boson?"

"Yes." Tang Yifang nodded.

"Did he discover something?"

Tang Yifang took out her mobile phone again and had a conversation with Xiao Yi on the other end of the phone. Finally, he said: "Xiao Yi said that if he can participate in the video now, he can give everyone a simple explanation. If it is inconvenient, it may take several months and he will give a complete explanation."

Suddenly, there were waves of discussion in the conference room.

Fabiola Gianotti pondered for a moment, and finally said: "I agree with this matter in my capacity as the Director-General. If any researchers present have any objections, you can raise your hands."

Off the court, all the participants shook their heads, and no one raised their hands.

"Then, please tell Professor Tang to tell Xiao Yi that we agree to let him explain the reasons to us through video."


Tang Yifang nodded.

After some coordination, Xiao Yi successfully connected to their meeting site.

Xiao Yi's face appeared on the multimedia screen in the conference room, and the environment behind him could be seen in the dormitory.

He waved towards the camera and asked, "Can you hear me?"

Fabiola Gianotti nodded at him and said, "Hello, Xiao Yi. I am Fabiola Gianotti, Director General of CERN. We can all hear you. Next, please explain to us why you made that suggestion."

"That's good." Xiao Yi nodded with a smile, and then said, "Director General Gianotti, and all the researchers at CERN, hello."

"First of all, I apologize for interrupting your meeting."

"Regarding that suggestion, I will use the methods of mathematical physics to explain it."

"First of all, we all know that the mass of the W boson is given by the Higgs mechanism through spontaneous symmetry breaking."

"Then, we first introduce the Higgs field based on the SU(2)L×U(1)Y gauge symmetry."

Xiao Yi turned around and started the demonstration on a small blackboard behind him - this small blackboard was what he asked the institute for some time ago.

"The Higgs field is a (2)SU(2) complex scalar doublet = (+, 0), where:"

[+=1/√2(1+i2), 0=1/√2(3+i4). 】

"Then we choose the potential energy of the Higgs field in the following form."


where μ^2 and λ are greater than 0. 】

"After that, we minimize the potential energy V, and the Higgs field obtains a non-zero vacuum expectation value, causing the symmetry to break..."

Xiao Yi began to slowly deduce and gradually showed how the W boson obtained mass through the Higgs mechanism.

"Finally, we calculated the kinetic energy term of the Higgs field through the action of covariant derivatives, and replaced the VEV of the Higgs field, and finally generated the mass term, thereby determining the mass of the W boson."

"So far, it is exactly the same as the derivation process in our physics community in the past, and there seems to be no difference, but why is there a problem with the mass of the W boson in the end? Please see, if I introduce a new vector field again in the step of breaking the symmetry of the Higgs mechanism."

"As for this vector field, it comes from the topological quantum field theory of the Yang-Mills equation."

"Now, we construct a four-dimensional sphere The anti-self-dual Yang-Mills field on S^4 satisfies the following conditions. ”


“Where F is the curvature form of the Yang-Mills field, * is the Hodge dual operator. ”

“As we all know, in the four-dimensional case, it can be linked to the four-dimensional Yang-Mills theory by introducing boundary conditions and topological invariants, and similarly, we can also substitute it into the process of symmetry breaking of the Higgs mechanism…”

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Frank Wilczek and Edward Witten in the conference room narrowed their eyes.

And George Parisi was also present, and he was surprised: "This is... a new field! ? "

As soon as his words came out, the atmosphere in the conference room was immediately ignited.

Originally, a considerable number of people were confused when facing Xiao Yi's process. The mathematical logic was too complicated, and the methods used were beyond the imagination of most people, so they couldn't understand the meaning of these derivation processes.

However, George Parisi's words gave a very accurate explanation for Xiao Yi's deductions-

The "culprit" that caused the W boson to be super heavy may come from a "field" that has never been discovered by the physics community in the past? !

Then, Xiao Yi also responded to this coincidentally: "... With the introduction of this anti-self-dual field, and after reconciling the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the Higgs mechanism, we can find that it not only becomes harmonious, but also has an incomparable mathematical beauty."

"And, under this new process, we can easily calculate the new mass of the W boson, which is 80429MeV!"

In the conference room, everyone's eyes showed incredible and shocking.

In this way, it's right!

This almost successfully explains the reason why the W boson is super heavy!

And what does a new field represent?

Maybe it's another elementary particle, maybe it's a subversive discovery of a fundamental force that has never been discovered, and of course, it may be the supersymmetric particle that the physics community has been pursuing.

The conference room was terribly quiet. Almost everyone opened their mouths wide, feeling extremely incredible about this result.

Even Tang Yifang had never expected that Xiao Yi's simple suggestion would lead them to such an unbelievable discovery.

In the conference room, only Xiao Yi's voice remained.

"... Then in the end, we can summarize the following characteristics of the field: it interacts strongly with W bosons at extremely high energy states, and exhibits extremely weak interaction forces at conventional energy states. Finally, there is one more point, it may be a unified medium for strong and weak interactions."

Xiao Yi smiled shyly: "Regarding this field, before we can thoroughly figure out what it is, I will temporarily name it X field, or Xiao field."

"If it is finally proved to be a supersymmetric particle, then the name X field will naturally be eliminated."

"Finally, back to the beginning, the reason why I suggest that you don't continue to spend time and energy studying the mass of the W boson is because it is as difficult to determine whether it really exists through a particle accelerator as it is for supersymmetric particles. The only thing to be thankful for is that we can indirectly determine its existence through the mass of the W boson."

"Therefore, the resources of the particle accelerator might as well be used to study other topics, which may be more valuable."

"Well, I'm done. Do you have any questions?"

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