Everyone nodded, it made sense.

However, at this moment, the contact person who was in contact with Xiao Yi suddenly exclaimed: "Wait! Xiao Yi sent me an email. He sent me the topic of his report!"

Everyone in the conference room was stunned.


Berezovsky also ran over quickly, "Let me see what he sent?!"

Others also gathered around.

Then, they saw an email displayed on the computer in front of the contact person.

The sender was Xiao Yi, and the title of the email was: [There is a strictly positive mass gap in Yang-Mills theory]

Suddenly, everyone present showed a look of shock on their faces.

Xiao Yi, done? !



"【Ruthless Link】 has been in effect for more than 150 days, and a high-value academic paper has been completed, and the level has been raised to lv5."

"The skill effect has changed as follows: For every hour of learning, the learning efficiency will be increased by 2 times, up to 20 times."

"At the same time, a new additional effect can now be randomly generated."

"The additional effect is being randomly generated..."

"Congratulations to the host! Get the additional effect: [Material Insight]!"

Chapter 171 The upcoming International Congress of Mathematicians

In the 60-square-meter dormitory, in front of the large solid wood desk, Xiao Yi sat in his seat and calmly looked at the draft papers on the table in front of him.

The contents of these draft papers are the conclusions he finally completed in such a long period of time.

The theorem he proposed is also a conjecture: [Let G be a compact, simple Lie group, and A is a Yang-Mills field defined on the four-dimensional sphere S^4. If there is a non-zero Chern number c, then the lowest energy excited state of the Yang-Mills field A has a strictly positive mass gap. 】

Now, it has been thoroughly proved by him.

This also officially means that the existence and mass gap problem of Yang-Mills equation, one of the seven major mathematical problems of the millennium and also the only two mathematical physics problems, has become the second problem to be solved among the seven problems.

He reached out and sorted out the draft papers on the desk one by one, and read them again from beginning to end.

The final proof still originated from the sudden inspiration of the Hodge standard conjecture that night almost two months ago, which allowed him to finally extract a key mathematical method from countless previous thoughts.

The most critical methods are Hodge decomposition and vertex algebra.

In the study of complex algebraic clusters, Hodge theory provides very powerful tools to analyze their geometric and topological properties.

Hodge decomposition is one of the core concepts of Hodge theory, which decomposes the deram homology on complex algebraic clusters into (p, q)-type parts.

On the other hand, vertex algebra, as an important tool in quantum field theory and algebraic geometry, can be used to describe algebraic structures in conformal field theory.

Combining Hodge decomposition with the vertex algebra framework can provide new perspectives and tools for understanding the moduli space structure of complex algebraic clusters, and the most important thing is that the Hodge structure can be extended to quantum field theory.

Xiao Yi directly named this mathematical method the Hodge-vertex algebra analysis method, and if it is extended to quantum field theory, it can probably be named quantum Hodge theory.

Whether it is this new mathematical method or the physical method of quantum Hodge theory, it can be called a very significant breakthrough.

The former can help the mathematical community to have a deeper understanding and research on algebraic geometry. Xiao Yi can even be sure that this method can help solve a lot of problems in algebraic geometry, such as the Hodge conjecture and Grothendieck's standard conjecture. The latter also includes the Hodge standard conjecture, in addition to motivation theory, etc.

And quantum Hodge theory can probably help the physics community to achieve further understanding of quantum field theory, which may be a great progress for the theoretical physics community that has been inactive for a long time.

You should know that in quantum field theory, no new theory has been born for many years.

Most importantly, Xiao Yi used this new method to not only confirm the authenticity of the X-field, but also to make predictions: the existence of the X-field must be accompanied by the appearance of an undiscovered particle, and this unknown particle was naturally named X-particle by him.

A new particle that can be compared to the Higgs particle!

In general, this achievement is probably the most valuable one among Xiao Yi's many achievements.

"It is indeed a conclusion of high value."

Recalling the voice that appeared in his mind when he completed the proof just now.

Sure enough, it must be at least as difficult as the Millennium Problem to be judged as high value.

After all, just to prove this problem, he came up with such an important method.

And now the [Ruthless Lianxue] buff, which has been upgraded to lv5, also makes him clearly feel that his understanding of everything in this world has been greatly improved again.

Even... probably because the overall effect has been increased by 20 times, he has a feeling of qualitative change.

Now he feels terribly strong.

Questions like the Riemann hypothesis and the Hodge hypothesis are all trivial!

Ahem... Well, it's not that difficult.

But if he is really allowed to study these issues, there is a high probability that he will have a chance to achieve a breakthrough.

"However, this time it seems that an additional effect has been generated?"

"What's it called... material insight?"

[Material Insight: Whenever it involves research related to materials, you can always gain insight into the key points. 】

Hiss, this effect...

"Seems a bit awesome?"

His brows couldn't help but move.

For the research of materials, academic circles basically find out the key points through continuous trial and error.

Therefore, it is very important to grasp the key and reduce the cost of trial and error.

The explanation of this additional effect is very interesting.

"Always able to discern the key points?"


Xiao Yi wondered if he could try to do a materials project when he looked back?

Well, let's wait until everything at hand is settled.

At least we have to settle the International Congress of Mathematicians in a few months.

And speaking of the International Congress of Mathematicians…

By the way, what day is it today?

He opened the computer and took a look for the first time in a long time.

April 17…


Where have I seen this date?

Suddenly he slapped his head.

It’s the deadline for submission of report topics for the International Congress of Mathematicians!

He quickly logged into his mailbox, and when he took a look, he saw the reminder email sent by the organizing committee of the conference.

So he used his hand speed, which had been single for 18 years, to quickly write the topic and summary of his report, and then sent it.

After seeing that the email was successfully sent, he was relieved.

During this period of time, he had been immersed in research. He really didn't pay much attention to his mailbox, and he almost forgot about the day.

He also knew that even if he was overdue, the conference organizing committee would definitely give him a period of grace.

However, it is still very important to submit it on time, although he is almost on time to submit it, and there are only a few hours left before the final deadline.

"Well, the next step is to prepare the report in a few months. In addition, I have to relax. I have been quite exhausted during this period."

Stand up and move your body, do three circles on the left and three on the right, twist your neck and twist your butt.

Suddenly, the mailbox on the computer interface suddenly notified that another letter had been received.

After taking a look, he saw that it was the email address of the organizing committee of the International Congress of Mathematicians that he had just replied to, and now he had sent another email back.

Automatic reply?

He opened it and took a look.

[Hello, Mr. Xiao Yi. First of all, thank you for submitting the report topic in time. In addition, I would like to ask, if you submit this topic, does it mean that you have successfully proved the quality gap problem? 】

This shouldn't be an automatic reply, right?

oh! It's definitely not an automatic reply.

Because there is another signature below, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 2022 International Congress of Mathematicians, Alexander Berezovsky.

Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows. Could it be that the other party thought that he had not solved it yet, but just saw that the deadline was approaching, so he sent a temporary topic?


After thinking for a while, he replied: [As for the quality gap issue, just now, I have a wonderful proof method. You will know it when the report meeting starts. 】

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