For the conference organizing committee, this is probably a mixture of pain and joy.

"Wow, there are so many people."

In a certain queue, there are quite a few Chinese faces, looking at the situation on the scene, they can't help but show an expression of amazement.

These people are students from several major universities in China.

Chen Muhua said with emotion: "You are worthy of being called God Xiao!"

And standing behind him was Ye Cheng, who said: "After all, he is my brother Xiao."

Standing next to him was Lupin, who waved his hand nonchalantly and said: "Don't worry, don't forget that when God Xiao proved the Goldbach conjecture, there were more than 10,000 spectators in the Great Hall of the People. Now there are only more than 7,000 people, a small scene."

"Only?" Chen Muhua rolled his eyes and said unhappily: "Although there are not 10,000 people, more than 7,000 people are also considered a small scene? You go up and try it?"

Lupin said stubbornly: "I can go up."

Ye Cheng: "It's hard, if you can have 100 people watching, it's good."


They immediately started to fight.

They used to quarrel in the group, and now they finally meet offline, and it's time for a real-life PK.

Just like when they met yesterday, the dog manager Jiang Long was beaten up severely.

But not long after they started playing around, a noise suddenly broke out in the crowd, and everyone looked in a certain direction.

Ye Cheng and the others were also attracted, looked over, and then opened their eyes wide: "I'm awesome! Xiao Shen!"

Xiao Yi walked over here surrounded by a group of organizing committee members.

He had obviously just come from the hotel.

People at the scene shouted to Xiao Yi.

Ye Cheng and the others were among them.

Probably because they were shouting in Chinese, and they were all calling nicknames like "Xiao Shen" and "Xiao Ge", Xiao Yi also turned his head and noticed them, then smiled and nodded at them and said hello.

Ye Cheng and the others suddenly felt like they had succeeded in chasing stars.

The foreigners around saw that their shouting actually attracted Xiao Yi's attention, so they couldn't help asking: "Isn't his name 'Xiao Yi'? Why did he respond when you called him 'Xiao Shen' and 'Xiao Ge'?"

Ye Cheng and the others laughed, "You can try to call him like this, maybe he will respond?"

So the foreigners shouted in a strange tone.

As a result, Xiao Yi really looked over, which made these foreigners excited, and at the same time confirmed one thing, Xiao Yi may have multiple names, maybe "Xiao Yi" is just his stage name.

Xiao Yi probably didn't expect that there would be such a rumor about him in the future.

At this time, he had already entered the venue directly under the leadership of Berezovsky and others.

There was no need to queue up.

Who has ever seen a speaker queue up to give his own report?


As Xiao Yi entered the venue, the people outside also recovered from their excitement and continued to queue up to enter.

However, they were more looking forward to this report in their hearts.

Time passed quickly.

After some arrangements in the No. 1 conference hall, the number of seats has been expanded from more than 4,000 to more than 7,000.

It looks a lot more crowded, and as more and more people enter the venue, it feels more crowded.

However, the people who have arrived at the scene are not annoyed by the crowd. At this time, they are only looking forward to 10 o'clock, when the report meeting officially begins.

In this way, the clock finally points to the number 10.

The lights on the podium in the lecture hall are on, attracting everyone's attention. As they look over, they see the chairman of the organizing committee, Berezovsky, coming out.

Everyone is not surprised. This report is the first event of this mathematician conference. Even the opening ceremony has been delayed to this evening. Berezovsky has to come out and meet people first.

He stood in the middle, bowed slightly to everyone present, and then said: "Dear guests from afar, welcome to St. Petersburg to attend the 2022 International Congress of Mathematicians. I am the chairman of the organizing committee of the conference, Berezovsky."

"For reasons that everyone knows, this time, which was supposed to be the opening ceremony, to announce the Fields Medal, Gauss Medal and other awards that everyone cares about, has now become an academic report meeting."

"However, I think everyone's attention to this report is probably no less than the attention to the Fields Medal winner."

"The theme of today's report, Yang-Mills existence and mass gap problem, is one of the two most important unsolved problems in mathematical physics. The other is the well-known existence and smoothness problem of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations."

"If the answer to the latter is the last problem in the classical physics system, then the Yang-Mills existence and mass gap problem will be the most concerned problem in the quantum physics system."

"It not only involves the most cutting-edge theory in physics, quantum field theory, but also the fundamental nature of the strong interaction force among the four fundamental forces. Although physicists have experimentally proved the existence of the mass gap, how to complete the proof of this problem mathematically is still an extremely difficult problem. The mathematical community believes that only more complex mathematical tools can achieve this for us."

" And today, the speaker of this report will bring his new mathematical tools to introduce to us how the mass gap in the strong interaction force exists from a mathematical explanation!"

"Then, let us welcome Xiao Yi!"

Amid the applause of the audience, Xiao Yi walked out from the backstage and appeared in front of more than 7,000 audiences.

"Thank you, Mr. Chairman."

Xiao Yi nodded to Berezovsky, who also clapped and nodded to him with a smile, then left the rostrum, walked down the stage, and sat in his seat.

On the stage, Xiao Yi was the only one left.

He faced more than 7,000 pairs of eyes in front of him and smiled gently.

If he had faced more than 10,000 pairs of eyes in the Great Hall of the People, he might have felt a little nervous.

Now, with the [Ruthless Link] BUFF upgraded to level 5, he was not at all moved by the scene in front of him.

Listen to the truth.

He bowed slightly.

As the applause died down, he said, "Hello, everyone. Today is July 6."

"I have been in St. Petersburg for a few days. Coincidentally, this period is also the time when the white night phenomenon appears. Perhaps these two days of nights with the sun have left a lot of impressions on everyone."

"And for me who has never seen the white night, the same is true."

"Goethe said that in this world, there are two things worth looking up to for a lifetime: the starry sky above our heads and the morality in people's hearts."

"Now seeing the light in the sky that seems to never end, I think Goethe is right."

The chatty beginning attracted people's attention, and this period is indeed the day of the white night in St. Petersburg every year.

At this time, Xiao Yi suddenly changed the subject: "However, for us scientists, these things are too romantic."

"The creed of science is every tested theory, every summarized law, and every recognized theorem."

"Therefore, all truths are what we look up to the most."

"Today, I want to bring you a new truth."

"Of course, it also needs to be tested and recognized by you."

"Then let's officially start."

Xiao Yi snapped his fingers, and the theme of this report appeared on the multimedia screen.

[Yang-Mills theory has a strictly positive mass gap. ]

And he also began to tell the proof process.


Chapter 173 Carnival of mathematics and physics

"It feels like... he has become different from before."

In the audience, Schultz looked at Xiao Yi on the stage and couldn't help but say something.

Faltings next to him smiled and asked: "What's different?"

"Well... it feels different everywhere." Schultz said.

Faltings smiled, turned his head and looked at Xiao Yi on the stage again, and said: "To sum it up, he has a real master style."

Schultz was stunned: "Master style?"

Faltings nodded and said: "In the past, his reports would not have such small talk at the beginning, and he would often go straight to the point. Now, he has the mind to chat with so many listeners like us, which means that when he faces us, he has really been calm, as if we are all here to listen to him teach the truth - although it is true."

"Is that so." Schultz nodded thoughtfully and said: "After all, he has even proved the quality gap problem, so he is certainly a master."

"That's not necessarily the case." Faltings shook his head: "Do you think you are a master?"

"Me?" Schultz was stunned, and then waved his hands repeatedly to deny: "How can I be a master..."

"You still have self-knowledge." Faltings said with a smile.

Schultz's expression suddenly became embarrassed.

"To be called a master, one must not only achieve the master's level in terms of achievements. In the history of mathematics, there are only a few people who can do this. In recent years, there are probably only Grothendieck and Serre."

Faltings said: "What's more important is to change your mindset. At least you have to recognize your own abilities in your heart. Only then can you be truly considered a master."

"You still need to work hard." Faltings patted Schulz on the shoulder: "Of course, I still have high hopes for you. After all, I had already boasted in front of the media that you are one of the three mathematicians I most recognize. Don't embarrass me."

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