"But then again, in the past, we didn't see each other, so the relationship between our School of Mathematics and the Institute of Physics was pretty good. As a result, when you came, the two old men didn't like each other."

Xun Yong said with a smile: "You kid, you are almost like a succubus."

Xiao Yi: "..."

Fuck succubus, you are over 40 years old, and you even know this thing, what do you usually read?

After entering the Science Park, they went straight to the office building.

"I'll call someone to the conference room first, you take Xiao Yi to see someone first."

Xi Lan said to Pang Cheng.

Pang Cheng nodded, and then said to Xiao Yi: "Let's go, I'll take you to see someone first."

Xiao Yi was puzzled, to see someone?

Who is this heavyweight?

Pang Cheng didn't say anything, and took him to a reception room.

After entering the reception room, Xiao Yi saw an old man sitting on the sofa inside.

And this old man was holding a stack of printed articles in his hand.

Xiao Yi could recognize the content at a glance. It was his paper "There is a Strictly Positive Mass Gap in Yang-Mills Theory".

The International Congress of Mathematicians ended, and the content of his report has been published as a conference paper. Anyone interested can download the original text of his paper on the official website.

Obviously, the old man was reading this paper.

However, who is this old man...

At this time, the old man probably heard the noise, then turned his head and looked at Xiao Yi, and then smiled: "Hello, Xiao Yi!"

Xiao Yi was stunned: "Mr. Yang!"

The old man in front of him was the originator of the law of parity non-conservation and Yang-Mills theory, the Nobel Prize winner in physics, and the master of physics who is still alive in the current physics community, Mr. Yang Zhenning.

Seeing Xiao Yi's surprised expression, Old Yang laughed and said, "I can make a young master of mathematics and physics see me and be surprised. I have no regrets in my later years."

Xiao Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You are the master, I am still young."

"So you are the young master." Old Yang said with a smile, then waved to Xiao Yi, motioning him to sit next to him.

Xiao Yi also sat down quickly, Pang Cheng nodded to Old Yang, and then left the reception room.

"To be honest, when I heard someone tell me a few months ago that the mass gap problem might have to be proved mathematically, I still felt a little bit unbelievable. I know the difficulty of this problem very well. From a mathematical point of view, it is too difficult, and it seems that it can't be solved in this century."

"But after hearing that it was you, I became a little skeptical. Although I still don't believe it completely, I still feel that there is a little hope."

"And now, I am very happy that you have succeeded in doing this."

Mr. Yang patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder and said, "Anyway, I would like to congratulate you first."

"Thank you." Xiao Yi nodded.

Mr. Yang waved his hand and said, "Your graduation ceremony should be held later, and I guess there won't be much time for me to talk to you."

"I will just talk to you about life."

Hearing his words, Xiao Yi was stunned.

Graduation ceremony?

So, what Academician Xi Lan and others are going to announce is their graduation?

But before he could think about it, Mr. Yang had already started to say the next words.

He put aside his surprise for the time being and listened carefully.

"I also read your answers in the interview."

"I am lucky if I get it, and I am doomed if I lose it. I can't help but sigh that I can see these truths clearly at your age. Maybe there are really people who are born with knowledge."

Old Yang smiled and patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder.

Xiao Yi was speechless.

Is he born with knowledge?

Obviously not. As for why he can have such a mentality, it is probably because in the more than ten hours of study every day, in addition to studying the current topic, the things he thinks about in his mind, or the occasional strange ideas that emerge, are unimaginable to anyone else, no matter how top scholars or transcendent hermits.

The wisdom of a normal person is only about 100, and how can a normal person imagine 20 times this wisdom?

Mr. Yang smiled and said, "Perhaps it is precisely because I don't have such a mentality that I have made many mistakes."

"According to others, it is a slap in the face."

"Back then, Pauli denied my parity non-conservation, and then he was slapped in the face. Later, because I didn't like the concept of symmetry breaking introduced in Yang-Mills theory, I also denied the Higgs mechanism for nearly 50 years, even though theoretically, the Higgs mechanism made the gauge field a huge success."

"Until 2012, when the Higgs particle was discovered in the LHC, I had to admit that I was slapped in the face in the same way."

Mr. Yang smiled: "But, there is a saying that the history of physics is the history of slapping in the face. In this continuous slapping in the face, our physics will become better and better."

"Just like the W boson mass problem you discovered, the result that was originally recognized by the physics community was completely slapped in the face."

Xiao Yi laughed and nodded in approval.

Just like that year, not long after the sentence "The building of physics has been basically built" was said, two dark clouds floated over the building.

Then, Mr. Yang continued to talk to Xiao Yi about a lot of things, about life and academics.

Of course, he was not preaching, just telling stories.

After an unknown amount of time, the door of the reception room was knocked, and Pang Cheng walked in and said: "Mr. Yang, Xiao Yi, now they are ready, and everyone is here."

"Okay, I've basically finished talking to Xiao Yi here."

Mr. Yang said with a smile, and then he was about to stand up.

But after all, he was over 90 years old and his body was not very healthy, so Xiao Yi quickly supported him.

Mr. Yang nodded to Xiao Yi and said to him: "Although he didn't say anything, he understood my wish."

"I'm glad to see talents like you appear in our country."

"Qian Xuesen had a question called Qian Xuesen's Question, and I later had a question called Yang Zhenning's Three Questions."

"But now it seems that you have answered these questions."

Mr. Yang smiled and patted Xiao Yi's shoulder, and then walked out the door without saying anything more.


Under the leadership of Pang Cheng, they also came to the conference room.

At this time, many people were already sitting in the conference room, including people from the School of Mathematics and the School of Physics.

Xiao Yi also met his juniors.

For example, Zou Qiao and Gong Weihua, who had become students of Professor Xun Yong with him, were also sitting among them, waving at him at this time.

There were also two banners on the front wall of the conference room: [Graduation Ceremony of Doctoral Student Xiao Yi of the Institute of Mathematics and Systems Science].

The other banner, as expected, was from the Institute of Physics.

When Xiao Yi walked in.

Xi Lan and Pang Cheng smiled and said to him: "Congratulations, you graduated."

Although he had just learned about this from Mr. Yang, Xiao Yi still cooperated and pretended to be surprised and said: "What?"

Mr. Yang next to him noticed Xiao Yi's look and couldn't help laughing, but he didn't expose him.

"Considering your report at the International Congress of Mathematicians, we decided at that time that it was time for you to graduate directly." Xi Lan smiled.

Xun Yong next to him also smiled and said: "It's too stressful to let a Fields Medalist be our doctoral student here, so it's better to let you graduate as soon as possible."

Pang Cheng also nodded in agreement.

Xiao Yi pretended to be shocked for a while, and only after a moment did he show an expression of acceptance and nodded.

"Then, take your seat first and finish today's graduation ceremony."

Afterwards, Xiao Yi sat in the front seat and began this doctoral graduation ceremony that belonged to him.

It can also be regarded as a kind of process.

First, Xi Lan went up to give a speech, which was nothing more than a compliment, then his mentor also went up to give a compliment, and then Pang Cheng went up to give a compliment.

And Mr. Yang was also invited to give a speech.

Finally, it was Xiao Yi who received the doctoral degree certificate jointly awarded by the two research institutes from Xi Lan and Pang Cheng.

Whether it is mathematics or physics, they all belong to science.

Finally, in the applause, Xiao Yi has completely ended his student days.

Nineteen years have ended the most important period of a person's life.

"So, finally, Xiao Yi."

Just after the graduation photo was taken, Xi Lan next to Xiao Yi said to Xiao Yi: "On behalf of the Institute of Mathematics, I officially hire you to be our researcher. Are you willing?"

Pang Cheng also smiled and said: "I also hire you on behalf of the Institute of Physics to become a researcher at our Institute of Physics. How about it?"

The two handed Xiao Yi a letter of appointment at the same time.

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