[It's ok, others can't even shout if they want to! ]


The students of the entire University of Science and Technology are celebrating.

On the other side, the joint exam group is even more excited.

[Damn you guys! ]*n.

Countless non-University of Science and Technology students expressed deep resentment to the people of the University of Science and Technology.

University of Science and Technology-Ye Cheng: [I'm so sorry, who let Brother Xiao be our man? You'd better forget it! ]

University of Science and Technology-Song Ziyang: [Hahaha, keep playing the music and dancing! Whose university doesn't have a Fields Medal? No way, no way? ]

University of Science and Technology-Luo Qiao: [Sorry, I am a student from the School of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Science and Technology of China. That's right, the terminator of twin primes, the prover of the Goldbach conjecture, the solver of the Millennium Puzzle, the predictor of X particles... Professor Xiao Yi is a professor in our school. What school are you from? 】

Today, the students of the University of Science and Technology started to act crazy, so that the entire group chat seemed to be overwhelmed.

In the end, Jiang Long, as the administrator, could only use the Great Silence Technique again, and then silenced all the people from the University of Science and Technology one by one.

[University of Science and Technology-Ye Cheng was silenced by the administrator for 7 days]

[University of Science and Technology-** was silenced by the administrator for 1 day]

[University of Science and Technology…]

[University of Science and Technology-Xiao Yi was silenced by the administrator for 1 day]

University of Beijing-Lupin: [? ]

University of Beijing-Chen Muhua: [? ]

Qinghua-Jiang Long: [! ]

Qinghua-Jiang Long: [Fuck, I silenced the wrong person, Xiao Shen should not have noticed it? ]

[University of Science and Technology-Xiao Yi was unblocked]

Qinghua-Huo Wen: [Old Jiang, you are so brave! ]

[You are so brave! ]*n

Of course, Xiao Yi naturally did not realize that he was silenced by mistake.

Now, he was receiving a call from Academician Pang Cheng, and he had no time to care about the joint examination group.

"Are you leaving now?"

"No, no, I'm still a researcher at our Institute of Physics, right?"

"You...ah." Pang Cheng sighed, and finally said: "Well, the conditions offered by Fei City are really good, it's better for you to stay there."

Emotionally, he didn't want Xiao Yi to leave.

But considering the conditions offered by Fei City, Pang Cheng didn't think anyone would refuse.

According to the information revealed so far, 200 million yuan, to build a laboratory centered on Xiao Yi alone, basically, as long as Xiao Yi is still alive, or has not resigned, then this laboratory is probably basically equivalent to Xiao Yi's property.

This is not only an honor, but also a real benefit.

And they Shangjing, and their Institute of Physics, can't offer such conditions.

The reason is simple, there are too many scholars on their side, too many top scholars, and similarly, there are more mountains.

Spending 200 million on one person, the resistance encountered must be unimaginable.

This even exceeds the money Qinghua spent on Yao Class.

But this is also easy to understand. When Yao Qizhi came back, he was almost sixty years old. Naturally, his energy in scientific research was not as good as that of young people. Xiao Yi was only nineteen years old this year. God knows how many results he can produce in the future that will shock the scientific community and shock people's eyes?

Finally, Pang Cheng could only say: "Then I won't advise you anything. I wish you can produce more results in Fei City. In addition, remember to come back often. After all, you just said that you are still a member of our institute."

Xiao Yi smiled and said, "Of course."

After talking for a few more sentences, he finally hung up the phone.

After putting down the phone, Xiao Yi felt a little emotional. Many people in Shangjing called him. For example, the presidents of Jingda and Qinghua called him, hoping that he would go to teach there.

However, facing the budget of at least 200 million yuan given by Hui Province and Fei City, they could only sigh and said that they really did not have such great courage.

Of course, even in Hui Province and USTC, the resistance of these two hundred million yuan is not completely gone.

Now, USTC is probably in a meeting.

However, he should not worry about this matter and wait for good news from Principal Bao Hexin.

Now, he should focus on the most important thing.

Looking at the table in front of him again, the draft paper on it is exactly some of his ideas about the high-temperature superconductivity mechanism during this period.

"Specifically, in the strong correlation system of electrons, the local electron density fluctuation caused by iron vacancies enhances the interaction between electrons, and this enhanced interaction should be the main reason for the formation of stable pairing states of electron pairs, at least it is likely to be so..."

"But how this process is realized is still a problem. Whether it is from a mathematical or physical phenomenon, I have not found the reason yet."

He touched his chin: "It is mainly because I have done too few experiments..."

"If I can observe more high-temperature superconductors and obtain more experimental data... Then use [Material Mastery], I will have a chance to figure it out."

He shook his head helplessly.

Unfortunately, if you want to activate the effect of material mastery, experimental data alone is not enough, you must have samples.

Otherwise, he can find a lot of experimental data to strengthen his understanding.

Of course, this condition of material mastery is relatively easy to understand. After all, the internal structures of different samples cannot be exactly the same. There will always be some differences.

Therefore, comparison of samples and experimental data can help understanding.

What's more, who knows whether the data on the Internet is fake?

"Well, in a few days, you can go to the laboratory at the School of Materials first. Although Luo Mingya's laboratory is not as well equipped as a professional condensed matter laboratory, it can still be used."

Thinking of Luo Mingya's laboratory, Xiao Yi also recalled this sect that was slightly anti-Tiangang.

I don’t know what their current situation is.

Shaking his head slightly, he then looked at the scratch papers in front of him again and began to think.

At the same time, on the other side.

In the conference room of the University of Science and Technology, a group of leaders of the University of Science and Technology, as well as academicians and professors, were discussing matters.

What they were discussing was exactly the investment related to the introduction of Xiao Yi.

"In principle, I agree with this matter. Xiao Yi is indeed a world-famous scholar. He has indeed made profound achievements in mathematics and physics. Of course I will not refuse to invite him to come to us. This is a great opportunity for us." It will be beneficial to improve the image of our province and our University of Science and Technology.”

At this time, an old academician expressed his opinion.

"However, I have always maintained my previous thinking. It would be too much to invest 200 million or even 300 million in just one person."

"It's just a mathematical physics laboratory. 50 million is already too much. If the remaining funds can be used to support other projects, even if it is 1 million to support a project, I don't know how much can be supported, so I will use the remaining funds. For 150 million, that’s equivalent to 150 projects!”

"Or we can focus some of the funds to support projects where we have already made breakthroughs, such as our quantum information project. Maybe it can help us achieve breakthroughs in some of the existing key points."

"Principal Bao, I said this, and I believe you also know it."

Bao Hexin, who was sitting in front, glanced at the old academician, smiled, and said: "So, what Academician Chen means is that I have agreed with Xiao Yi before that at least 200 million yuan will be allocated to you." Three-thirds?”

"For an Institute of Mathematical Physics, 50 million is enough." Academician Chen said: "What's more, I didn't say that the remaining 150 million will be given to our Key Laboratory of Quantum Information. The microscale laboratory is definitely more powerful than us. We need this funding, as well as the synchrotron radiation laboratory, and of course many professors in our school also need funding.”

Bao Hexin said: "Then do you think if only 50 million is allocated to Xiao Yi in the end, how much will it affect the province's impression of us?"

Academician Chen smiled and said, "President Bao, you don't need to scare me with this matter. As the most important university in Hui Province, our leaders will understand."

Bao Hexin nodded slightly, but felt very disappointed.

HKUST has a nickname on the Internet, called Huaguo University of Quantum Science and Technology, because HKUST has a bunch of research institutions related to quantum information technology.

There are Key Laboratory of Quantum Information, Department of Quantum Physics and Quantum Information Research, in addition to Quantum Information Innovation Institute, National Laboratory of Quantum Information Science, etc.

Therefore, the "quantum information power" has become a major strength of HKUST, and it has also become the main reason why HKUST has invested heavily in quantum information technology over the years.

Bao and Xin have nothing to say about this. After all, they have indeed made many achievements in quantum information.

And this has not affected the strength of HKUST in education. After all, students cannot feel this aspect.

However, Bao Hexin was dissatisfied with the idea that they now wanted to allocate some funds from wooing Xiao Yi.

He turned his head and looked at another person, another leader in quantum information at HKUST, Academician Pan Wei.

"Academician Pan, what do you think? You are also the executive vice president of our school. I hope you can think about it from the perspective of the development of the school."

Academician Pan Wei said: "President Bao, before that, I would like to ask, why are you planning to provide Xiao Yi with 300 million more funds now? It is 100 million more than before."

"This is Xiao Yi's request." Bao Hexin said: "And the province has no objection to this. At most, it needs a meeting to discuss it."

"Xiao Yi asked for it?" Pan Wei shook his head and said, "Principal Bao, I know you want to bring a top mathematician to our school, a Fields Medal, but to be honest, a mathematical physics laboratory , you really don’t need that much money to build.”

Bao Hexin smiled: "Then guess, why didn't the province refuse? That's an extra 100 million! Why do you think the province agreed without objection?"

Hearing this question, many people present frowned, including Academician Pan.

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