They just came here to make trouble.

But there is no way, they can't just point out these people's names and respond.

In short, this incident has caused serious losses to Nature.

Although there are still scholars who support Nature and think that Nature is right, Xiao Yi should publish the preparation process of the new FeSe superconductor to benefit all mankind.

However, these voices basically can't bring much impact. On the contrary, the scholars who made these voices were "comforted" by quite a number of netizens, asking these scholars who support Nature to selflessly contribute some of their own patented technologies and other things.

These scholars couldn't stand the scolding in the end, and deleted their comments on the Internet, or directly closed the comment area to restrict other people's comments.

However, no matter how big the public opinion was, Xiao Yi himself didn't pay too much attention to it afterwards.

At this time, he was receiving people from the province, mainly discussing matters related to the mass production of new FeSe.

"...Yes, the main thing is that we need a piece of land to build a factory first. Well, in order to avoid leakage of the production process, it is best to use a fully automatic production factory."

"How to mass produce? I have solved this problem, and it will not be a big problem."

"How to realize the automated process? This is not a problem, I will solve it."

"Manpower is still needed. After all, the equipment needs to be watched by someone, and some production processes still need to be watched by someone."

"Then there is..."

Xiao Yi told the other party about all the requirements.

"Well, that should be it."

After speaking, Xiao Yi nodded, and then said to them: "Are there any other questions?"

"No, no, it's detailed enough."

The leader was the director of the Anhui Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, named Chen Hua. After writing down what Xiao Yi said, he took a last look and asked: "By the way, Professor Xiao, this new superconductor... doesn't it have a specific name?"

"Name?" Xiao Yi fumbled his chin and said: "Well, if you want to ask the full name, it is HCP-type silver-doped FeSe alloy."

Chen Hua shook his head helplessly and said: "I mean It sounds like a rather cool name. Look at what people call adamantium in movies. "

Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows: "Oh, Director Chen is so fashionable? He even knows this."

Chen Hua pointed to his face and said: "Come on, Professor Xiao, I'm only 30 years old this year, not an old guy."

Xiao Yi laughed, then pondered for a moment, and said: "Then call it... HTSC-1."

Chen Hua nodded slightly: "It sounds good, but what do these four letters mean?"

"It means high-temperature superconductivity."

Xiao Yi shrugged and said.

Chen Hua: "... That's it? Isn't that too direct?"

Xiao Yi thought for a moment and said, "Then call it SSC-1?"

Chen Hua: "You're not going to tell me this is called Super Superconductor One?"

Xiao Yi smiled and gave a thumbs up: "That's right!"

Chen Hua was helpless and finally said, "Forget it, let's just call it HTSC-1."

He stood up and said, "We will start preparing for the subsequent factory construction and other related matters soon. By then, we will also need Professor Xiao to complete the design plan so that we can start purchasing."

"Okay, then I'll trouble you."

Xiao Yi nodded.

According to the original agreement, Science Island Laboratory and Anhui Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission jointly established Anhui Provincial Superconducting Technology Co., Ltd. Science Island Laboratory provided technology, and Anhui Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission was responsible for business management and production.

The part of the profit of Science Island Laboratory was naturally used to support the laboratory's infrastructure, as well as to pay wages and support projects.

Xiao Yi could have invested in this company and held a certain share. This kind of thing is also quite common and is a way for scholars to make money.

However, Xiao Yi did not pay for it in the end.

This new FeSe... well, from now on it should be called HTSC-1, which is his return to the country and the government for building such a laboratory for him.

Since the Science Island Laboratory is also completely state-owned assets, HTSC-1 is also 100% state-owned assets.

However, HTSC-1 is the first output of the Science Island Laboratory, but it will definitely not be the last.

Especially the Nature event that just ended.

Xiao Yi watched Chen Hua and his men leave the office, thinking about the next goal in his mind.

Those foreign guys want what he has researched, and he doesn't give it to them, so they will get him?

That's sorry, he can only research more things so that they can see but not touch them.

"So, what should I study next?"

He has now thoroughly understood the use of [Material Mastery]. Now when he studies any material that can be explained by the current theory, he will have a great deal of confidence in completing it.

For example, HTSC-1 was finally completed based on the XSC superconductivity theory he completed.

In simple terms, if you want to use [Material Mastery] to create a material with a certain property, you must first understand the principle of forming this property.

Of course, if there is no principle, it is okay, but then you have to rely on luck.

Using the simulation function attached to [Material Mastery], Xiao Yi can simulate the microstructure of a piece of material. By constantly changing the structure in this way, he may be able to create the properties he wants.

After all, structure determines properties.

However, this method of relying on luck is still a bit forced, so it is better to find some goals that are currently guided by relevant theories.

And soon, Xiao Yi had a goal.


Specifically, it should be a solid-state lithium battery.

Since the birth of lithium batteries, liquid lithium-ion batteries have been getting closer and closer to their theoretical limits, and the battery field has been increasingly seeking the next breakthrough.

Solid-state lithium batteries are considered to be one of the important development directions of the next generation of batteries, and based on the current research progress of major next-generation battery technologies, solid-state lithium batteries are also considered to be one of the most likely technologies to be realized.

The difference between it and the current liquid lithium-ion batteries is that the latter mainly uses liquid electrolytes, while the former uses solid electrolytes.

Solid electrolytes have many more advantages than liquid electrolytes.

The first point is safety.

Solid electrolytes are not as easy to burn as liquid electrolytes, so the risk of battery fire and explosion is greatly reduced, and they are more stable at high temperatures, reducing the possibility of thermal runaway.

Especially when the battery is damaged, the liquid electrolyte may leak, and after contacting with the air, a violent reaction may occur, which will be ignited.

Just like the videos of electric vehicles catching fire that everyone has seen on the Internet, they are basically caused by battery damage.

Solid electrolytes do not have this situation. Because of the stability in the solid state, they will not react even if they come into contact with air.

In addition to safety, there is a higher energy density.

Solid electrolytes allow the use of lithium metal with higher energy density as the negative electrode instead of the graphite negative electrode in traditional lithium-ion batteries, thereby significantly improving the energy density of the battery; and solid electrolytes usually have a higher voltage stability window, allowing the battery to work at a higher voltage, further improving the energy density.

Of course, higher voltage will bring a problem, that is, the problem of lithium dendrites being more likely to precipitate.

Lithium dendrites can be said to be a major killer of lithium batteries.

Lithium dendrites are structures formed when lithium ions are deposited on the surface of the negative electrode in the form of branches or needles during the charging process.

Because there may be only a few atoms at the tip, it can be called one of the sharpest "needles" in the world.

This needle is likely to directly pierce the battery separator, causing a short circuit and eventually the battery to catch fire.

However, solid electrolytes have a good restraining effect on lithium dendrites, because solid electrolytes have strong mechanical strength. Lithium dendrites are likely to be completely impervious to solid electrolytes, thus avoiding this situation.

Of course, this still depends on the strength of this solid electrolyte. After all, it is obviously impossible to resist atomic-level needles such as lithium dendrites if the strength is not enough.

But no matter what, the various advantages of solid-state lithium batteries make it an inevitable choice to replace lithium-ion batteries.

"The most important thing is that there are already quite a lot of theoretical guidance in the direction of solid-state lithium batteries."

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi smiled slightly.

Since the theory has basically taken shape, [Material Mastery] will naturally be able to play the greatest role.

"You're next! Solid-state lithium battery!"

Just at this moment, the office door was knocked.

Xu Ming and his men looked in.

"Brother Xiao, are you done talking?"

When Xiao Yi saw them, his eyes lit up, and he waved at them, saying, "We're done talking. Come on, it's just right, I have something to talk to you about."

Wouldn't it be a waste if the best labor force is not used?


You said these people are other people's students?

Other people's students are more attractive!

Xu Ming and his men were stunned, "What's the matter?"

Xiao Yi said, "Are you interested in continuing to work on the next project with me?"

Xu Ming and his men were immediately excited.

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