At this moment, his interest in "problems that are truly at the forefront of mathematics" was completely aroused.

The topic that combines the two major mathematical directions of number theory and algebraic geometry made him excited just by hearing it.

If he can solve such a problem, then the curiosity that has been surrounded by various simple problems and cannot be satisfied for some time will surely be relieved, right?

"Then let's get started!"


On the other side, in Liu Bin's office.

He picked up his briefcase, prepared the materials for class, and then prepared to turn off the computer.

He pressed the shutdown button, and then the word document reminded him whether to save.

It was the various paper topic database he had just opened. It was probably because he accidentally typed a punctuation mark just now that it reminded him whether to save.

He clicked "Don't save" and the shutdown program continued.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw from the corner of his eye that he seemed to have accidentally copied a topic he had prepared for himself in the topic database and sent it to Xiao Yi.

It seems to be a topic in the field of combining number theory and algebraic geometry?

Moreover, the difficulty is particularly high, involving Far Abel, which is a relatively niche thing in mathematics, so he has basically never seen this topic.

But after looking at the time, forget it, let's go to the classroom quickly. In college, teachers being late for class is a teaching accident.

Well, Xiao Yi should not choose this topic from so many topics.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world?

Time flies, and the years pass by.

Another month has passed quietly.

And this year, the college entrance examination in 2020 is finally coming.

June 5th.

Evening self-study in the third science class.

"Since the college entrance examination will start on June 7, and since our school is one of the test sites in our city, the school will be closed from tomorrow, and the first and second grades will stop classes. Tomorrow, students can choose to go home or stay in school."

On the podium, the head teacher Luo Penghua announced this matter.


Suddenly, all the students in the class were excited.

This vacation is completely free, which student would not be happy?

However, Luo Penghua quickly poured cold water on them: "Don't be happy too early. After you seniors have finished their exams, don't think that you will be in the third year of high school after the summer vacation. After the college entrance examination, you will be in the third year of high school. At that time, you must follow the third year of high school."


The students who were excited just now suddenly became discouraged, and their voices were prolonged.

Whether it was the ascetic life of the third year of high school, or the fact that entering the third year of high school meant that they were getting very close to the college entrance examination, they all felt melancholy.

"What is there to be melancholy about? These are things you will face sooner or later. Don't play around during the next few days of vacation. I will call your parents tomorrow if you plan to go home. If you don't go home on time and stay outside secretly, I will call your parents."

Hearing the warning from the head teacher, those students who had some small thoughts about the next few days of vacation immediately stopped.

As the head teacher, he understood the thoughts of these students very well.

"In addition, Xiao Yi from our class will also take the college entrance examination with you seniors. He will probably enter the University of Science and Technology in the second half of the year, so let's send our best wishes to Xiao Yi now!"

At this time, Luo Penghua mentioned Xiao Yi.

The students present all looked at Xiao Yi's position.

During the evening self-study, Xiao Yi would still return to the classroom to study. No matter what, he still liked to stay in the class. He chose to go to the study room during the day because he was embarrassed to study mathematics in the class of other substitute teachers.

"I wish Brother Xiao the top scorer in the college entrance examination!"

Chen Wei shouted loudly and started the conversation, which scared Xiao Yi and the whole class, and also made the whole class react.

So, all kinds of words wishing Xiao Yi the top scorer in the college entrance examination spread in the classroom.

For the second year of high school, there are not so many twists and turns. After learning that a classmate is about to leave, whether or not he is heading for a better future, the young boys and girls still expressed their most sincere wishes.

Xiao Yi's heart was slightly warmed, and he said: "Thank you everyone!"

"Don't just thank me, now that I have come to this, you can decide whether to take the top prize or not!"

Chen Wei continued to make a noise.

Xiao Yi smiled: "Take it! I will definitely take it!"


Another round of applause.

In front of the podium, Luo Penghua looked at the scene in front of him with a smile. Sometimes, after staying with these teenagers for a long time, he would feel as if he had returned to his youth.

As for whether Xiao Yi can take the top prize, although the probability is not 100%, it can be said that he has a very good chance, at least a greater chance than that of No. 1 Middle School.

Just like the last placement test held for senior high school a week ago, this placement test was taken by all the middle schools in Fei City. After the results were announced, Xiao Yi still took the absolute first place with a score that no one else could match. Moreover, English was Xiao Yi's weak point before, and he could only score around 130 or 140. In the last test, he directly got 148, and all the points lost were on the composition.

It was just a different test for each one. One couldn't help wondering how this guy could study math papers while mastering all the high school subjects so thoroughly.

"Okay, okay, calm down, don't disturb the class next door, and continue to study."

As Luo Penghua's words fell, the classroom became quiet, and all the students continued their studies.

Luo Penghua nodded with relief.

He found that since the students in the class learned that Xiao Yi was selected for the junior class, most of them have become more hardworking than before.

The results of the recent exams have also begun to improve.

This is probably the influence that Xiao Yi left on their class before he left.

Looking at Xiao Yi again.

As a teacher, he sent his blessings in his heart.

[I wish you a bright future and live up to your youth. ]


June 7, 2020.

The annual college entrance examination drama is here again, and all kinds of news about the college entrance examination have once again filled various media software.

Facing the most important moment in the lives of more than 10 million young people, the whole society has given them the green light.

Outside the No. 4 examination room, Xiao Yi stood here, waiting for the exam to begin.

During the college entrance examination, each exam was held in a different examination room.

I didn't expect that my first exam would be back in this familiar fourth examination room.

He has taken the exam in this examination room too many times.

Let's use this examination room as the first countdown before leaving high school.

Chapter 31 Qinghua Jingda Admissions Teacher Visits

The four exciting exams, with the ringing of the last bell representing the end of the English exam, also mean that this year's college entrance examination is basically over.

The results will be released in about 20 days. During these 20 days, all the students who have finished the college entrance examination began to enjoy this relaxing time. After all, whether they can relax after the results come out is another matter. Maybe they have to go back to school to repeat the year?

Of course, this kind of problem does not exist at all for Xiao Yi.

After the exam, Xiao Yi had nothing else to do. He couldn't go back to the science class 3 of the second year of high school to attend classes, so he left school and returned home.

As for going out to play, it didn't exist for him. After all, his friends were still in school and had entered the hard stage of the third year of high school. It was obviously impossible for them to go out to play with him.

If he went to ask them if they wanted to go out to play, wouldn't it be like eating watermelon in front of the military training people?

What's more, he didn't have the time to go out to play.

Regarding the paper, he was studying to expand his knowledge while writing, and this paper finally made him feel difficult.

All aspects made him feel a sense of blockage.

However, this sense of blockage did not make him give up, but instead stimulated his greater desire for knowledge. As a result, those problems that made him feel blocked were gradually overcome by him.

The derivation direction of the whole paper was gradually understood by him.

In short, Xiao Yi has been getting better and better in this paper.

In this way, the time came to June 24th.


[If Ki is an open subgroup of Δi, then let V~(Ki)(E(Ki)) be the set of vertex decomposition groups of GYi in K(p′)i, where Yi→Xi is a finite étale cover...]

Xiao Yi is writing a paper on a Warwick notebook. This notebook was given to him by Principal Liu. It is worth 9999 and is a high-end thin and light notebook. After using it for so long, it feels quite comfortable.

While typing, he was thinking about the next steps.

There were many draft papers stacked next to him, with steps written on them, as well as various math books, including algebraic geometry and other

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