At first, Xiao Yi was not used to such a work and rest schedule. After all, in the past, he was relatively a student who believed in combining work and rest. For example, when he could leave school for a short time on weekends, he would often go to school with his classmates. Go online or something like that outside.

But after enjoying the joy of learning after stacking ten layers, he couldn't go back.

The main reason why people don't like studying is because they read the book for a long time but learned nothing and received no positive feedback.

But now Xiao Yi, after reading a book for a long time, is not only able to learn all the knowledge, he is also able to integrate it and solve various problems easily. Who thinks he is happy?

Therefore, the 14.4 hours of study time every day is completely easy for him!

After finishing the remaining rice on the plate in a few seconds, Xiao Yi asked: "Are you going to play ball for a while before studying in the evening?"

"Yes." Chen Wei nodded: "Are you not planning to go again?"

"I'm not going, I'm going back to the classroom to study." Xiao Yi waved his hand, then stood up: "I'll leave first."

"Gouzi, you have really changed!"

Several roommates raised their middle fingers to Xiao Yi.

After placing the plate in the recycling area, Xiao Yi left the canteen and returned to the teaching building.

Returning from the cafeteria to the second-year high school department, you need to pass through the third-year high school department. Just walking like this, you come to a corridor in the third grade.

Suddenly, he glanced at it and said, "Oh? Is there an extra small blackboard here?"

His eyes looked at the corner of a corridor, where three small blackboards were neatly placed, with a math problem written on them.

The only difference is that the answers to the math problems on the first two small blackboards have already been written out.

There is no answer on the third small blackboard.

As for the reason, Xiao Yi knows it very well, because——

The questions on the two small blackboards in front were written by him!

Chapter 4 The dull Liu Bin

As a Liver Emperor-level student who has to study for 14.4 hours every day, Xiao Yi has developed the habit of thinking about problems in his mind even when eating or walking.

Of course, for him, this way of learning in his mind is just a way to continue BUFF, and it is not as profitable as directly reading a book or solving practical problems.

After all, the purpose of his study is to gain more knowledge for himself. As for renewing the buff, it is purely a matter of convenience.

Therefore, when he was halfway there, he suddenly saw a mathematical problem written on a small blackboard, which was of course very attractive to him.

It's like meeting a wild experience bag on the way. If there is a bag, why don't you pick it up?


This wild experience pack is quite high quality.

"Well...the difficulty of the questions in the first two days was pretty good. They were the most difficult questions I have ever encountered after studying for so long."

While walking towards the small blackboard, Xiao Yi was also thinking in his heart.

Before, he had always done questions from papers or exercise books issued by teachers, as well as from information books such as Wu San that he bought. However, none of those questions could stump him, and they even made him feel very bored. .

As a result, after lunch the day before yesterday, when he passed by, he took a look and saw a math problem here. Then he was pleasantly surprised to find that the problem above was the kind he had never done before, and it was quite difficult!

It took him three minutes to come up with a solution!

This made him excited. It was obviously much more interesting than those questions in the exercise book that could be completed in less than half a minute at most.

"Especially yesterday's question, it was a little more difficult than the day before yesterday. It took me almost 5 minutes to solve it. I don't know if today's question will be more difficult."

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi began to feel impatient in his heart.

He quickened his pace and quickly walked to the small blackboard and looked at the questions on it.

[Find all positive integers n such that there exists P(x)∈Z[x], which satisfies that for any positive integer m, p^(m)(1), p^(m)(2),…, p^( m)(n) divided by n has exactly n/2m different remainders, where p^(m) represents m iterations of p. 】

Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows when he saw this question.

"Hey...this question seems..."

very interesting?

First of all, in terms of difficulty, Xiao Yi can be sure that it is many levels more difficult than the questions in the previous two days.

In terms of question type, this question was completely different, and it was also a question he had never done before.

Including the information given in the question stems, it is also quite niche in mathematics books, basically the kind that rarely appears.

For example, the symbol "x" for rounding up, and the term iteration.

At a sophomore in high school, he had never learned these things in class.

Thinking that this was the senior year department, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "It turns out that the seniors in the senior year of high school have to face questions of this level."

He is truly worthy of being a strong man in the third year of high school!

We are about to face the college entrance examination, and the questions we have to answer are so challenging.

For a moment, he couldn't help but look forward to his senior year in high school. How happy it would be to be able to solve such questions every day!

Xiao Yi: (▽).

After being happy for a moment, he quickly stopped thinking about it and looked at the question carefully.

Although he had never learned this knowledge in class, he had seen all of it in the dozen math books he had read.

So he could fully understand the meaning of this question.

Then, he began to think seriously about how to solve this question.

A brainstorming session quietly unfolded in his mind, and the effect from the tenth level of [Ruthless Lianxue] began to take effect at this moment.

However, these "storms" were naturally invisible to others.

At the same time, on the other side of the corridor.

"Is it this student?"

Liu Bin squinted his eyes and stared at the student who appeared in front of the small blackboard through the reflective lenses.

Next to him, Chen Liang also looked at this student, and at the same time recalled in his mind whether there was any student with particularly good math grades in their entire senior year who could match this student.

But unfortunately, he didn't remember it.

"I don't know, let's see first, it looks like a sophomore student."

But Liu Bin walked over directly at this time, "Let's go and take a look."

Chen Liang held Liu Bin, "Let's take a look first, if it's not this student, the real student might not come over when he sees us there."

Liu Bin thought about it, and then nodded: "That's true."

Returning to his original position, he held his arms with one hand and pinched his chin with the other hand, saying: "If it's really this student, I'm curious how long it will take him to solve this problem."

Chen Liang said: "I remember you said that this problem is more difficult than the problems of the previous two days combined, maybe this student is stumped?"

Liu Bin smiled: "That's possible."

"This is a difficult problem that I carefully selected. You should know, the IMO pre-selected question, right?"

Chen Liang nodded and said "Yes," said Liu Bin, "I know. Every year, the question-setting groups of the Mathematical Olympiad competitions of various countries will send some questions to the International Mathematical Olympiad Organizing Committee, and then the organizing committee will select some questions from these questions as preliminary questions, which will be used as training questions for the participating students of various countries next year."

"Yes." Liu Bin nodded, "and this question is the most difficult one among the preliminary questions of IMO this year. It can even be ranked in the top in the history of IMO, and it is much more difficult than those selected as the official questions of IMO."

"To put it simply, this question was not selected as the official question because it was too difficult."

Chen Liang's eyes widened immediately: "Is it so outrageous?"

"It is so outrageous." Liu Bin nodded, then raised his eyebrows: "So, this student may not be able to do it. Even if he can do it, I estimate that it will take at least half an hour... an hour is not impossible."

Chen Liang nodded.

However, at this moment, something even more outrageous happened. They saw the student standing in front of the small blackboard, picked up the chalk next to it, and started writing on it.

The word "solution" at the beginning immediately made them recognize that this student must be the mysterious student from the previous two days!

Liu Bin no longer hesitated and walked over directly, and Chen Liang quickly followed.

And behind them, there were other senior high school teachers who followed.

After all, who is not curious about this mysterious student?

In this way, they walked over in a mighty manner.

However, since the place where they stood was still a distance from the small blackboard, almost a whole corridor, it would take some time to walk over.

They walked over like this, watching the student write out the steps of solving the problem line by line smoothly.

There was not even any pause in the middle of the process.

Finally, they walked to the blackboard.

And at this time, the student had already finished writing the solution process and wrote a period to represent the end.

Liu Bin looked at the solution process, his eyes stagnated.

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