"Ahem, how can I not be envious!" Liu Bin came back to his senses and said, "Don't you want to know who wrote this paper?"

"Yes." Hu Guangde recalled and asked, "So who is the author of this paper?"

"At first I thought it was written by your doctoral student, but now it doesn't seem to be the case. Chen Qiang, that guy, is not at this level."

Academician Hu, who originally thought he had guessed it, was a little unsure at this time. Can a doctoral student in their school write such a thing?

Let alone doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows can't do it, and those professors may not be able to do it.

Just say the details and rigor of the theoretical derivation of this paper, and even some "showmanship" in it, he has basically never seen it in their college.

Liu Bin let out a long breath and said, "This paper was written by Xiao Yi."

Hu Guangde: "What???"

Please collect and recommend it! ! !

Please read it again! !

Thank you all for your support!

Chapter 40 Checking for plagiarism

"Xiao Yi? How is it possible!?"

Academician Hu's face was full of disbelief.

How can a high school student write such a paper?

You have been learning mathematics since you were in your mother's womb, right?

He believes that he has seen all kinds of geniuses, and when he visited abroad, he often heard of all kinds of mathematical geniuses.

The most famous one among them is Terence Tao. This genius, known as the "Mozart of Mathematics", won the gold medal of the IMO International Mathematical Olympiad at the age of 13, completed his undergraduate degree at the age of 16, and completed his master's thesis at the age of 17 and obtained a master's degree.

It seems that Terence Tao is more powerful than Xiao Yi.

However, the paper written by Xiao Yi now could not be written by Terence Tao back then.

For example, professors in their college are already very good if they can produce a paper in the second zone, and even better if they can produce a paper in the first zone. If they just walk around the school in a semester, they will probably receive all kinds of respectful greetings. If they change to a top journal, they will be even more extraordinary and directly become the school's big shot. If professors from all over the school encounter mathematical problems in their projects, they may come to them for help. The school will probably have to praise them in a meeting. After all, such a paper plays an important role in improving the school ranking.

And now, such a paper actually appeared in a high school student - well, it can't be simply called a high school student, after all, he will enter the university and become an undergraduate in less than a month.

Thinking of this, Hu Guangde suddenly felt that their school was simply stepping on a huge dog shit luck.

This year must be the birth year of their college.

Such a genius actually came to their school under various coincidences.

It gives people a sense of unreality.

Hu Guangde confirmed with Liu Bin again: "Are you sure you are not kidding? Did Xiao Yi really write it?"

"Of course it is true." Liu Bin said helplessly: "I would not lie to anyone but you. Today is not April Fool's Day, and there is nothing to lie about this matter."

"That's why he didn't write in English, and the abstract and format also look unskilled. After all, he really wrote a paper for the first time."

Hu Guangde fell silent.

Everything is right.

So...he ruled out the correct answer from the beginning?

After thinking for a long time, he suddenly asked: "By the way, have you checked this paper for plagiarism?"

Liu Bin was stunned, then shook his head and said: "That's not the case, but...this paper should be completed by Xiao Yi, it can't be plagiarized, right?"

Upholding the trust in Xiao Yi, coupled with the feelings brought by so many exchanges, from an emotional point of view, he has never considered this issue.

However, Hu Guangde only met Xiao Yi once through a mobile phone video, and he didn't have a deep relationship with him, so he remained rational at this time.

Of course, it doesn't mean that he doubts that this paper is academically fraudulent, but he wants to make the final confirmation in this way.

"Let's check it first, which will also provide a guarantee for this paper."

Hu Guangde said: "When you are sure to publish it, submit it directly to IHES. When I went to France as a visiting scholar, I met Editor-in-Chief Bo Jielun of IHES. I will ask Editor-in-Chief Bo Jielun for help and cut in line."

Liu Bin nodded and said no more.

Then it was time to check for plagiarism.

Liu Bin sent the electronic version of Xiao Yi's paper to Hu Guangde's computer, and then entered the plagiarism check website to start checking for plagiarism.

The so-called plagiarism check is the last step that any paper must go through in the process of completion, so as to determine whether the paper is suspected of plagiarism.

The plagiarism check takes a certain amount of time, and the two began to wait.

At this time, even Liu Bin was very curious about the plagiarism rate of Xiao Yi's paper.

After a period of time, the results came out.

Opening the plagiarism check report, the repetition rate was [3.14%].

Liu Bin let out a long sigh and then smiled.

3.14% duplication rate, absolutely qualified!

It complies with the principle of no doubt.

After all, even the most stringent doctoral dissertation only needs a duplication rate of less than 10%.

And this 3.14% duplication rate can fully prove that Xiao Yi's paper was written independently.

Liu Bin laughed: "I said, Xiao Yi's mind is full of how to solve mathematical problems, it is impossible to do such things."

Hu Guangde also breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, okay, I know."

Look at the time, "It's not early now, you go back and rest early, I will give you a reply after I finish reading this paper."

"Okay, then trouble Academician Hu."

Liu Bin nodded, and then left Hu Guangde's office without staying any longer.

Hu Guangde looked at the duplicate check report displayed on the computer again and smiled slightly.

Perhaps, this student will bring real revitalization to their School of Mathematical Sciences of USTC!


Three days passed quickly.

At noon on the fourth day, Liu Bin was called to the office by Hu Guangde.

Guessing the reason why Academician Hu was looking for him, Liu Bin looked at him expectantly after entering the office and asked, "Academician Hu, have you finished reading Xiao Yi's paper?"

Hu Guangde smiled and nodded: "Yes, I have finished reading it in the past few days."

"What do you mean?"

Hu Guangde thought for a moment, and finally gave his evaluation: "From my point of view, although his paper still shows the immaturity of a beginner in some details, it is a perfect mathematical paper as a whole."

Yes, from a mathematical point of view, this paper is very perfect.

There are no obvious and easy steps to skip directly, and all the required processes are written in full. Perhaps this is because Xiao Yi is writing a paper for the first time, and he also brought the habit of doing high school proof questions into the paper.

It is precisely because of this that all the conclusions derived are rigorous enough, and there are no possible loopholes or defects that can be questioned-at least Hu Guangde did not find any in the past three days.

"If I were an editor or a reviewer, I would be very happy to review such a paper. Moreover, this paper is of great value and can even be called the best paper in the field of far Abelian geometry in recent times."

Liu Bin finally smiled, "Okay! I believe Xiao Yi will be very happy to hear your evaluation."

"I'll notify him now!"

Liu Bin was about to take out his mobile phone.

"Yes." Hu Guangde nodded with a smile, and said, "In addition, remind him to translate this paper into English and prepare to submit it to IHES!"

Please collect it, recommend it, and vote for it!

Chapter 41 Professor's Advice

"What? Academician Hu said that my paper may be the best paper in far Abelian geometry in recent times?"

What else, a perfect mathematical paper?

After receiving a call from Professor Liu Bin, Xiao Yi was shocked after hearing the other party's retelling.

Oh my god, am I a mustard cow?

"Professor Liu, is this true? Did Academician Hu really say that?"

Liu Bin on the other end of the phone laughed and said, "Well, am I lying to you? Of course it's true. Academician Hu is standing next to me now. How about I ask him to tell you again in person?"

Then Academician Hu's voice came over the phone: "Haha, Xiao Yi, you still don't believe what I said?"

"Ah, Academician Hu, you're here too." Xiao Yi was embarrassed.

"Haha, you have to have confidence in yourself and believe in your paper. We also believe in your talent."

Hu Guangde's voice became clearer on the other end of the phone, probably because he took Professor Liu's phone. "When I first read your paper, I believed in its value. Now, after reading it for a few days, I am completely sure that your talent in mathematics may be higher than all of us imagined."

Xiao Yi couldn't help but feel flattered to receive praise from an academician, and said modestly: "It's not that good..."

"Don't belittle yourself." Hu Guangde smiled and said: "I also hope that you can continue to use your talent in the future and don't let your talent go to waste. Maybe you can even become the Gauss of our China."

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