After taking one look at this person, Hu Guangde smiled and greeted him.

"Academician Hu." Dean Chen responded. After coming to Hu Guangde, he handed an A4 paper in his hand to him: "The list of people who have signed up for our Hua Luogeng mathematics class this year has come out. You Take a look."

"A total of 130 students have signed up. Based on their college entrance examination scores or independent enrollment scores, we have selected a total of 45 students for the re-examination. Among them, there are 23 freshmen from the junior class and the junior entrepreneurship class, and 23 students from the School of Mathematics. There were 22 freshmen, and 30 students were finally selected, with a ratio of 3:2.”

Hu Guangde nodded, glanced at the list, and soon saw Xiao Yi's name in it, and then asked: "Is this exam a must?"

Dean Chen said: "Yes, they are all registered with the Ministry of Education. After admission, the test results also need to be announced, a necessary process."

Hu Guangde nodded. He also thought that this kind of exam was a waste of time for Xiao Yi, and he planned to let Xiao Yi save time on this exam.

There is really nothing we can do now. Even if there is a carrot pit position where only one person is recruited for tens of thousands of people, open recruitment to the public is required, which is a necessary process.


Hu Guangde suddenly said: "In this way, I will come up with the questions for their re-examination written examination."

Dean Chen was stunned for a moment.


Academician Hu actually wants to write the question himself?

What a joke!

They are just a group of 18-year-old kids, maybe not even 18 years old yet!

Are you actually going to do something so cruel?

Dean Chen asked cautiously: "This, you... won't make it too difficult, right?"

"Hmm... it might be a little difficult." Hu Guangde laughed and said, "Don't worry about these details. After all, this is also a written test for the math class. It's reasonable to take it a little harder. Anyway, in the end, it will be judged based on the performance ranking. , not to mention the interview session.”

Dean Chen was silent. Is it really "slightly" difficult?

Of course, students who dare to apply for Hua Luogeng's mathematics class must have sufficient talent in mathematics, and there are many students who have won prizes in mathematics competitions.

However, an academician gave a question to such a group of fledgling students...

Dean Chen didn't dare to think about it anymore and could only feel sympathy for these freshmen this year.

"Don't look like that. It's okay." Hu Guangde waved his hand and said, "That's it. I'll give you the questions after a while."

"It just so happens that I haven't given any questions to these young guys for a long time. Let's give it a try this time."

Dean Chen sighed, knowing that he could not stop Hu Guangde. Who asked them to have this one academician in the academy?

It probably won't work if the principal comes.

So he said: "Okay, I understand, Academician Hu, I will go and report to Dean Zhao now."

Dean Zhao is their chief dean, so of course you have to talk to the chief dean about changing the question maker for the written exam in the math class.

"Go." Hu Guangde waved his hand, indicating that he could leave.

Before Dean Chen left, he couldn't help but say to Hu Guangde: "You must not get into too much trouble."

Then he left.

"This Dean Chen!" Hu Guangde laughed and scolded: "I'm not a devil."

Then he turned to Liu Bin and said: "Please help me find out what kind of questions can stump Xiao Yi. I remember that you are the teacher of the question group for our domestic mathematics competition."

Liu Bin: "..."

The starting point was to stump Xiao Yi. You still said that you are not a devil? !


Time passed quickly, a few days later.

Editorial Office of the journal "Publications Mathematiques de l IHES", Institut Supérieure d'Etudes Scientifiques, Paris, France.

"Ah~~it's time to start work again."

Editor Evans let out a long yawn, came to his seat with a cup of coffee, exchanged a few words with the colleagues next to him, and turned on the computer at his desk.

"Okay, let's start today's review again. I hope there will be a few good articles. Even if there is one that can be passed, it will not be considered a waste of time."

Finally stretching, he opened the submission management software, took a look at how many papers he had to read, and then he took a breath of air.

"Damn it, I still have more than 50 submissions that I haven't read yet!"

Please collect it, recommend it, vote for it, and read it! !

Chapter 43 IHES Editorial Department

IHES mathematics journals are very famous in the mathematics community, with an impact factor of more than 6 points, which is almost the highest among all mathematics journals.

Even the impact factors of the four top journals are not as high as theirs.

For example, the lowest impact factor among the four top journals, "Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society", has an impact factor of less than 3, while the highest "Annals of Mathematics" does not exceed 5.

So this also makes the editors of IHES very proud. It shows that the papers they publish here are truly high-quality papers. They even feel that the four top journals can only be called the four because of historical factors. big.

Otherwise, it would be the Big Five.

It is just that they are not one of the Big Four, which makes them seem more "friendly", so they often attract some people who are overconfident to submit their articles to them, hoping that they can get them accepted.

Unfortunately, this is a hardship for these editors, because they need to read each of these submissions and give a reply.

Evans shook his head helplessly, "Get to work!"

Even if you can't finish reading it, it's not a big problem. Overtime is impossible. You will never work overtime in this life. Today's work will be postponed to tomorrow, and tomorrow's work will be postponed to the day after tomorrow. It will be finished one day.

It is impossible to make the French work overtime.

In this way, he started to read the papers.

However, he was a little lucky that it was difficult for him to read any of the previous papers. Either the value of the conclusion did not meet their needs, or the abstract was not even clear.

All of them were directly passed, saving a lot of time.

These editors are also researchers of IHES. Even if they may not be as capable as those big names, they are more than capable of conducting a preliminary review of these submissions.

In this way, Evans saw the fifth submission.


Suddenly, Evans was stunned and noticed that there was an asterisk mark on the title of this submission.

This generally means that this paper has received the attention of their editor-in-chief, Bogeron, and directly joined the queue from the back.

And the papers that can often get this kind of attention are basically some scholars who are relatively famous in the mathematics community.

Why not big names?

Because the editor-in-chief of the papers of big names will generally review them directly, without the need for ordinary editors like them to review, and then the editor-in-chief will decide whether to send them to experts for review or directly accept them.

Of course, in addition to this situation, there is another possibility that it is some papers of people with connections, so they can jump to the front of the queue.

Where there are people, there are relationships, and this is also the case here.

However, due to the strict requirements of IHES for papers, the papers of such people with connections can only jump the queue and enter the review in advance. It is impossible to relax the requirements.

They are not a journal like "Advanced in Mathematics" that can even be called the journal of MIT. As a top-level mathematics journal, it allows almost every mathematics graduate student who graduated from MIT to publish a paper on it.

This is a benefit for MIT mathematics graduate students, allowing them to get a certain employment guarantee after graduation with this top paper.

Although it sounds good, but... As an editor of IHES, Evans looks down on this kind of thing.

"Let's take a look at this paper first."

"Hmm... "Non-singularity analysis and absolute far-Abel conjecture"? "

Seeing this title, his eyebrows raised slightly, it seems a little unusual.

It turned out to be a paper on far-Abel geometry. The author looks a little unusual.

It seems to be a rising star in the mathematics world who has received the attention of their editor-in-chief?

He couldn't help but get curious, so he immediately looked at the information of the contributor.

But then, he was stunned.

"Huh...? A high school student from China?"

Evans felt absurd.

A high school student, dared to submit to their "Publications Mathematiques de l IHES"?

He suspected that he didn't see it clearly, wiped his eyes and took another look, and finally confirmed that he was not wrong.

A high school student, well, to be precise, it should be a high school student who just graduated this year - but whether he graduated or not, or even if he is an undergraduate, this is really too absurd.

"Could it be that Editor-in-Chief Bogeren marked it wrong?"

He thought so in his heart, and in order to verify this, he immediately left his seat and walked to their editor-in-chief's office.

Knock on the door.

"Come in." The voice came from the office.

Evans opened the door and saw Editor-in-Chief Bogeren sitting inside, and then he said his question.

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