He had checked the information of the School of Mathematics of USTC before. Wasn't there only Academician Hu's name in the column of academicians?

Moreover, why did they need academicians to set questions for this kind of exam?

Liu Bin said helplessly: "The situation of the exam has changed this time. All colleges and universities that have set mathematics classes in the country will take the exam together."

Thinking of this matter, he didn't know where to spit.

Everything started from the day when Academician Hu said he would set questions himself and wanted to stump Xiao Yi.

After this matter was spread, it naturally caused an uproar in their college. Their dean and several leaders came to persuade him that even if Academician Hu insisted on setting questions, he should not make them too difficult.

Academician Hu was unhappy, but he couldn't stand so many people persuading him, so he could only agree to make the questions in line with the difficulty of previous years.

But when he turned around, he told the academicians of other brother colleges about this matter, and complained about the rigid management of their college leaders. However, who would have thought that his idea attracted the attention of academicians of other colleges and universities that also opened mathematics classes.

For example, Shangjing University and Qinghua University have mathematics talent classes. When the college entrance examination results came out, they were still thinking about snatching Xiao Yi away from the University of Science and Technology.

After the academicians of the two schools saw Academician Hu's complaints, they immediately said that they also planned to set questions for the mathematics class of their school this year. As a result, after learning about this, mathematics academicians of various other colleges and universities across the country, or scholars who are very capable in mathematics, responded one after another.

Although there are few schools with junior classes, there are many schools that have opened mathematics classes.

So, with the response of fifteen universities, this year's mathematics class, academicians set questions, and these fifteen universities will conduct written tests at the same time.

Even after the Ministry of Education learned about this news, it also expressed support, and it seems that as long as it is done well this year, it will continue next year.

After all, mathematics is really an important science. China lacks talents in basic sciences such as mathematics, so the Ministry of Education is willing to support any method that can help select and cultivate mathematical talents.

After listening to Liu Bin's explanation, Xiao Yi was stunned.

Good guy, he is just a good guy.

So such a big thing was actually caused by Academician Hu's desire to personally set questions to stump him?

What virtue and ability does he have...

It's really a sin.

"In short, you should prepare well. The syllabus has been released. The questions are a little different from the competition questions. Um... They have already set up a QQ group. I will send you the group number. The syllabus is in the group file."

"Okay! I know."

Xiao Yi responded, but he probably didn't realize that there was a little excitement in his tone.

If it was just a normal test, he would not underestimate this test, but he would not take it too seriously. After all, the difficulty of this kind of questions is just like that. Maybe it's not as good as the competition questions Liu Bin gave him.

But now, it was the domestic academicians of mathematics who were setting the questions, and Professor Liu Bin also said that the questions would be a little unusual.

Unusual is good!

Unusual means difficult!

He immediately became curious and wanted to know what the questions would be like.

Soon, Liu Bin sent the group number to Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi directly entered the group.

At this time, there were about 300 people in the group, but they were still adding people, basically covering all the students who had applied for the mathematics class. It was estimated that there would be 600 or 700 people in the end. In addition to the students, there were also the contact persons or persons in charge of the major universities responsible for this exam.

The group was discussing the joint exam enthusiastically at this time.

Xiao Yi took a look at the news.

Beijing University-Chen Muhua: [Oh my God, let the academicians set questions for us, aren’t they really making things difficult for us? The question types mentioned in the exam outline are too abstract! ]

Qinghua-Jiang Long: [I cried too, this is too scary, right? Are students like us really allowed to do this kind of questions? ]

Jinghang-Chen Lue: [Brothers, don't think we don't know you! Your names are on the national team this year, right? If you are all scared, we will all be in trouble! ]

Danfu-Xu Kangcheng: [That's right, it's really a sin. I don't know why they suddenly said they would hold this kind of joint exam. Oh my god, what if I don't pass the exam? ]


Looking at these unanimous complaints, Xiao Yi started to knock on the wooden fish in his heart.

Sin, sin!

He really didn't expect this to happen.

It really wasn't his intention, and it had nothing to do with him.

However, the messages sent by these students also aroused his curiosity. How difficult were the questions to make these big guys who even entered the national team of the mathematics competition complain?

He immediately opened the group file and found the syllabus for this exam.

He opened it and took a look.

He didn't feel anything at the beginning. It seemed quite normal. There were only three questions to answer, and the exam scope was also the normal exam scope.

But when he looked down, he was stunned.

How can there be such a question? !

Please collect, recommend, vote, monthly ticket, and read! !

Chapter 47 Xiao Shen

Xiao Yi finally understood why other candidates in the group said that this exam was too abstract.

Because, after finishing the three street answer questions in the morning, there will be another test in the afternoon, and this one is to extract some fragments from famous mathematics papers, and then let them analyze the mathematical methods used in this fragment. The academicians will also give a question based on this, and let them use the analyzed mathematical methods to solve it.

A total of two fragments are taken, and the test lasts for three hours.

Xiao Yi finally understood how difficult this exam was.

This afternoon exam is completely testing their mathematical abstract ability, to see if they can extract and abstract the mathematical essential methods used from specific mathematical cases.

This is an important ability that a mathematical scholar should have!

This is also the purpose of the academicians' questions this time!

From so many mathematical geniuses, select students with this important ability!

For a moment, Xiao Yi seemed to feel his blood boiling.


Very good! Very difficult!

He likes such challenging questions, in a limited time, to discover the essence from a bunch of mathematics that may have never been touched.

He couldn't help but start to look forward to it.

After closing the exam syllabus and returning to the chat group interface, he suddenly realized that someone had tagged him.

He flipped through it and found that it was the student named Chen Muhua from Beijing University who had tagged him. Looking at the previous chat records, it seemed that this guy had entered the national training team for this year's mathematics competition.

Being able to enter the national training team means that he not only won the gold medal in the CMO exam, but also ranked relatively high.

However, he didn't know this guy, so why did he tag him?

He took a look at the message.

Beijing University-Chen Muhua: [ @University of Science and Technology-Xiao Yi, you are the famous Xiao Yi, right? The top scholar in Anhui Province? ]

Okay, it seems that this guy knows him.

And under this message, other people also became lively when they saw Chen Muhua's words.

[Oh my god, it's the top scholar in the second year of high school, right? Wow, there are so many big guys here? ]

[This is not a big guy, this is a giant! 】

Looking at these messages, Xiao Yi shook his head with a smile and then replied: [ @Jingda-Chen Muhua, hello, it's me. ]

Jingda-Chen Muhua: [I didn't expect to meet Xiao Shen himself. I'm also from Anhui Province. Although I got a place in Jingda through a mathematics competition, I also took the college entrance examination this year. Xiao Shen was able to get 741 points in that difficult exam. It's really amazing! ]

[It's a pity that I thought I could be classmates with Xiao Shen in Jingda, but I didn't expect you to go to USTC. ]

USTC-Xiao Yi: [Haha, we both study mathematics, maybe we will have a chance to meet in the future. ]

Jingda-Chen Muhua: [That's right, I'm looking forward to that day, and I wish Xiao Shen good luck in this exam. ]

USTC-Xiao Yi: [I wish you good luck in your exam too. ]

Watching the two of them chatting, other students also talked about this year's college entrance examination, and for a while, more people were amazed by Xiao Yi's 741 points.

Xiao Yi put down his phone. He thought he was going to meet the legendary "classic villain" who wanted to compete with him in the exam, but in fact he just wanted to get to know him.

He took a look and found that Chen Muhua had sent him a friend request.

He gladly accepted the friend request and simply chatted with others in the group.

Although he had to study hard every day, he would not refuse such necessary social interaction.

When the attention of the group shifted away from him, he put down his phone, lowered his head, and continued to read the paper, which was still Zhang Yitang's paper on the twin prime conjecture.

He had been reading it for many days, even longer than the time he spent reading the paper on Fermat's Last Theorem.

As he read more and more, some new ideas gradually lingered in his mind.

Maybe one day, these ideas of his will be completely unified.

Forming a "spear of conjecture"!

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