Other academicians in the group have been tagging Liao Huan, asking him to tell about the grading and whether he has found Xiao Yi's paper.

As a result, the old man has been playing dead and has not responded. Finally, someone finally revealed the news in the group. In fact, Xiao Yi's paper had been found a long time ago, and the grading team of Beijing University was shocked. Even Academician Wang Jianxin called him a genius.

So Liao Huan couldn't pretend anymore and had to stand up and admit it.

Then more details were revealed. For example, when Liao Huan watched the second clip, he said that he didn't understand it, and then asked Wang Jianxin to watch it. After watching it, Wang Jianxin praised Xiao Yi's answer and claimed that it was a real genius. "Xiao Yi is not analyzing Zhang Yitang's method, but improving it" and other words were also known by a group of academicians in the group.

And after that, after reading Xiao Yi's answer, some other academicians and professors also said that Wang Jianxin's evaluation was completely correct and there was no exaggeration at all.

So, the other academicians congratulated Hu Guangde. They were all very envious of being able to discover such a genius.

Naturally, Hu Guangde was very happy. Of course, the happiest thing was that the old man Liao Hua had no choice but to say "Your student is awesome".

Well, for young boys, "You are awesome" is the top honor, and for the old academicians, "Your student is awesome" also inherited such an honor.

After all, for them, the academicians have made outstanding achievements in their respective fields, and it is hard to tell who is better, so it is more reasonable to compare whose students are better.

"Wait for me to tell you slowly." Hu Guangde said with a smile, "This time, the old man Liao Huan admitted defeat."

Arriving in the living room, sitting on the sofa, his wife brought foot washing water and towels for her husband, ready to listen to stories.

However, at this time, Hu Guangde looked at his phone and saw the message Liu Bin sent him: [Academician Hu, Xiao Yi's paper was accepted by IHES! (Picture)].

His eyes widened, and he immediately clicked on the message, took a look at the picture, and then he slapped his thigh and jumped up from the sofa.



The next day.

August 30, 8:30 am.

"Thank you so much, Xiao Yi, on behalf of all the teachers and students of our University of Science and Technology Affiliated High School, I would like to express my gratitude to you."

In the living room of Xiao Yi's house, the principal of the affiliated high school, Liu Songlin, had a smile on his face and shook Xiao Yi's right hand with both hands.

Seeing Principal Liu like this, Xiao Yi touched his head in embarrassment, "Not that bad, Principal Liu, you don't have to be like this, it's just the unit of a paper, and the affiliated middle school is not an independent unit, there is also the University of Science and Technology."

Principal Liu laughed and waved his hand and said: "As for it, it's too much, it's a first-tier paper! It's a mathematics paper, and it's even a top first-tier paper like IHES. Any principal of a middle school in the world would be so bad!"

Even though the academic requirements for a middle school are not high, it's a good thing just from the perspective of publicity. For him, as a principal, this is simply a free achievement.

He hasn't reached retirement age yet, and he can continue to move up.

Other school leaders came over, and a vice principal said with a smile: "Yes, Xiao, you have made such a great achievement at this age. It is also a very good encouragement for your classmates in the affiliated middle school and your younger brothers and sisters. Your freshmen who just entered the first year of high school this year will be proud of your deeds."

"That's right..."

Other school leaders also said.

Seeing these leaders say so, Xiao Yi had to nod shyly: "Thank you, Principal Liu, and all the teachers."

"Haha, look at what you said, it should be us who thank you!"

Liu Songlin patted Xiao Yi's shoulder with a smile: "The money has been transferred to you, it's the bank card number you used before, check it."

Xiao Yi nodded, took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and sure enough, he received a message from the bank.

[Your bank card number with the last digit 9900 transferred an amount of 100,000.00 yuan, and the current balance is 132,994.26 yuan. (ICBC)]

He was stunned, eh?

Why is it 100,000 yuan? !

He immediately looked up at Liu Songlin and asked, "President Liu, is this amount too much?"

The IHES publication fee is 3,390 US dollars. Calculated at the exchange rate in 2020, it is as high as more than 22,000 yuan, which can be said to be very expensive.

Of course, for SCI, it is very normal to have expensive publication fees. The 3,390 US dollars of IHES is not the most expensive. The more expensive ones can even be 5,000 US dollars.

After seeing the expensive publication fee last night, Xiao Yi almost blacked out and fainted.

Luckily, President Liu had promised to give him the publication fee before, so he contacted President Liu directly this morning. As a result, when President Liu heard that he published IHES, a top mathematics journal, he immediately brought people to his door.

At first, he was worried that Principal Liu would be reluctant, after all, it was more than 20,000 yuan, but he didn't expect that he would directly give him 100,000 yuan.

"Not much, not much at all! In fact, it's still quite small."

Liu Songlin shook his head, then stood up and said, "Okay, the purpose of our coming here has been achieved, so we won't bother you any more."

"Student Xiao Yi, I hope you will continue to work hard in the future and become a world-renowned mathematician."

"Let's go."

After that, he took other school leaders out of the house without even listening to any requests to stay.

"Ah, this..."

Xiao Yi was helpless. It seemed that Principal Liu was determined to give him the 100,000 yuan.

It was more than 70,000 yuan more...

"Forget it, don't worry about it, just pay the layout fee first."

Without thinking too much, he returned to his room, entered the link in the email, and after paying the layout fee, the interface jumped, and then signed the copyright transfer agreement.

After completing it, just wait for the reply from the other side.

It is estimated that you will receive the news within today.

However, at this moment, a message suddenly popped up on the phone, which was a message from all the 15 colleges and universities.

[ @All members, the results of the joint examination have been announced. The overall score table and the score table of each school are announced below. Students can check it by themselves. ]

"The results are out?"

Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows, then entered the group and downloaded the excel file below.

Soon, the table opened.

The results of more than 600 candidates appeared.

And at the top position——

Xiao Yi, first round: 60 points, second round: 41 points, total score 101 points, ranked first.

Seeing this result, Xiao Yi was stunned.

Uh, isn't the full score 100 points?

The three questions in the morning test paper are 60 points, and the two questions in the afternoon test paper are 40 points. The afternoon questions did not increase the score because of the difficulty.

But the question is, how did he... 101 points?

Thank you for the 100 starting coins reward from Jiejian Xiudao.

Chapter 55 Don't say it, bastard!

Just when Xiao Yi was puzzled by the score, the group was already exploding with his first-place score.

Qinghua-Jiang Long: [Oh my god! Xiao Shen is really amazing! It’s okay to get full marks in only 20 minutes in the morning, but how can he get such a high score in the afternoon exam? ? ]

Jinghang-Chen Lue: [Oh my god, the second place is Lupin, but Lupin only got 83 points! How did Xiao Shen get full marks? Isn’t this too ridiculous? ? ]

Jingda-Lupin: [People are here, don’t CUE, anyway, after seeing Xiao Shen’s score, I was completely numb and stunned. I admit that I got 18 points on the first question because I had read Mr. Chen Jingrun’s paper before, but the second question was really too difficult to understand. I spent a full two hours on the second question, and finally only got 5 points. I can’t imagine how Xiao Shen got this full score. 】

Lupin is the seventh in the national training team this year, which means he is only one place away from entering the national six-man team. He is definitely one of the top talents in this joint examination.

And he only got 83 points, and the people in the group simply dared not think about it.

Beijing University-Chen Muhua: [Xiao Shen, my superman! ]

Danfu-Xu Kangcheng: [If Lupin was able to get so many points on the first question because he had read Chen Jingrun's paper before, doesn't it mean that Xiao Shen had read both papers before? ]

Jiang University-Xu Ning: [I feel it is very likely, otherwise, this can't be explained at all! ]

USTC-Ye Cheng: [Xiao Shen is awesome! ]

[Xiao Shen is awesome! ]*n.

Although they all guessed that Xiao Yi had actually read these two papers before, so he was able to get full marks, but they did not think that it was purely Xiao Yi's good luck or something.


Even if you have read these two papers in advance, you must be able to understand them.

If it were them, even if they had read these two papers in advance, would they be able to understand them?

I am afraid that whether they can read them is a question.

Such questions are completely the kind of questions that "I can't do it even if you kill me".

Shanghai Jiaotong University-Luo Xiao: [No, are these things you said the key points? Isn't the key question, why did Xiao Shen get 41 points? Isn't the full score 40 points? How did he get 41 points? Is it a system problem? ]

And at this time, someone finally raised this key question.

Then, the group fell into silence.

Finally, someone replied.

Beijing University-Chen Muhua: [It's really rude to ask this question. Can you really not guess the reason? ]

Shanghai Jiaotong University-Luo Xiao: [Is it because Xiao Shen answered so well that he was given an extra point? ]

Beijing University-Chen Muhua: [!!! Don't say it, bastard! You know it clearly in your heart. If you say this, you will hit more than 600 people in our group, you bastard! 】

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