He sat at the main table, and he was indeed very young, and he looked out of place with the other mathematicians who were already famous in the mathematics community.

His face was a little nervous, just like his voice.

But the paradox was that although he was nervous, his eyes were very confident.

People realized his identity.

Schulz personally invited the participant, the author of the paper "Non-singularity Analysis and Absolute Far Abelian Conjecture" recently published online by IHES, the genius mathematical boy praised in the news, Xiao Yi.

Although surprised, people began to think about what he said.

In short, it is equivalent to following the explanations just now by Shinichi Mochizuki, but in the end, there will be a problem in far Abelian geometry that violates the entire system.

Even, it directly contradicts the [Mochizuki Theorem] that Shinichi Mochizuki once proved?

Isn't this equivalent to using one's spear to attack another's shield?

More than 95% of the audience felt absurd.

To some extent, Shinichi Mochizuki can almost be called the highest achiever in far Abelian geometry.

Since Grothendieck proposed the direction of far Abelian geometry, almost all the heavyweight results that followed were made by Shinichi Mochizuki.

This is why, despite the opposition of almost the entire mathematics community, some people still believe that Shinichi Mochizuki proved the abc conjecture.

Because Shinichi Mochizuki used far Abelian geometry to complete the proof, and no one knows far Abelian geometry better than him.

Therefore, even Schulz basically never thought of finding Shinichi Mochizuki's mistakes through far Abelian geometry, because he himself is far inferior to the latter, the master of far Abelian geometry.

But now, this teenager is trying to point out the contradictions in Shinichi Mochizuki's paper from this aspect?

Is this... possible?

"This young man is interesting."

In the first row of seats in the audience, an old man looked at Xiao Yi, smiled, and commented with another old man next to him.

And anyone who knows the mathematics community well will probably recognize the identities of these two people soon.

Pierre Deligne, and Enrico Bombieri.

Coming from the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, both are world-class mathematicians and Fields Medal winners.

Of course, in addition to the two of them, there are many other people present who have the same idea.

[This young man is very good. ]

At the same time, compared to the onlookers' interest in this young man, Schultz and Shinichi Mochizuki did not care about what such a young man said after hearing Xiao Yi's words, but began to think faster in their minds.

Shinichi Mochizuki, who had been very calm just now, gradually frowned at this time.

Will it conflict with his [Mochizuki Theorem]?

To be honest, just like Schultz never thought of defeating him in far Abelian geometry before, he never thought that he would make mistakes in far Abelian geometry.

However, due to the fierce debate with Schultz before, his mind has been running at high speed, so after hearing this question, he immediately started to think.

Since it involves far Abelian geometry, he is confident that he can complete the explanation of this problem.

However, his originally high-speed thinking got stuck when he finally returned to [Hodge Theater] and his [Mochizuki Theorem].

[Hodge Theater], translated as Hodge Theater, is a tool he designed for his IUTT theory, although its name is a bit strange, or second-year.

Just like the IUTT theory is translated as the inter-universe Teichmuller theory - although this name is mainly derived from Grothendieck's [Grothendick Inter-Universal Theory].

Of course, it is also common for Japanese scholars to be second-year, after all, some people named their algorithms [JOJO, DIO, WORLD].

"No, where is the problem?"

As his thinking got stuck, Shinichi Mochizuki frowned more and more deeply.

He suddenly found with some horror that this question, how could he... not know how to answer it for a while?

Wait, it must be solvable, but he just needs time.

His IUTT theory cannot be wrong, and of course, his [Mochizuki Theorem] cannot be wrong.

At least the latter has been recognized by the entire mathematical community.

He looked up at the questioner.

His eyes fixed, why is it... that child?

However, at this moment, another voice sounded.

"Can you explain it in more detail?"

It was Schultz's voice!

After thinking about it, although he was not as familiar with far Abelian geometry as Mochizuki Shinichi, he could quickly find the existence of the crux.

But he could vaguely feel that the question raised by Xiao Yi might be the key to solving the problem!

He needed Xiao Yi to describe it more carefully.

At this time, Xiao Yi, who had become the focus of the audience, nodded after hearing Schultz's words.


Although he was a little nervous when he spoke in silence just now, at this moment, the nervousness had disappeared.

His love for all mathematical problems also made him unwilling to see the abc conjecture in the mathematical world continue to be a deadlock.

People must pursue the true truth after all.

Xiao Yi took the microphone handed over by Schultz, and at this moment, he became the third person who could hold the microphone in this discussion.

Before speaking, he glanced at Shinichi Mochizuki.

Shinichi Mochizuki was also looking at him at this time.

However, there was no hostility in Shinichi Mochizuki's eyes.

There was only a complicated feeling.

It's like a child who believes in the existence of Ultraman, and when he grows up, he clearly realizes that there is no Ultraman in this world.

Helpless, but relieved.

Xiao Yi retracted his gaze and looked down at the A4 paper in his hand.

"Then, let's start from the beginning."

"That is Professor Mochizuki's [Hodge Cinema] theory."

Chapter 66 You are right

"The objects discussed in Hodge Cinema mainly include two categories."

"'Etale-like objects' and 'Frobenius-like objects'."

"Roughly speaking, the former, which we usually represent as D, is given by the abstract topological group π1(X) and is considered to be an internally self-morphic group. Similarly, as described in the IUTT theory, we can consider the finite etale cover of the abstract Galois category without choosing a base point."


Xiao Yi's narration began.

His tone was slow, but powerful.

He seemed very confident. Even if he slowed down and let so many mathematicians present think carefully about what he said, he was not worried about discovering any mistakes in it.

The people present also followed his slow narration and analyzed it seriously.

Although he didn't really believe that Xiao Yi's idea would be the final conclusion to end the debate, Schultz allowed him to continue anyway, and Shinichi Mochizuki didn't directly point out his mistakes. On the contrary, from his expression, he seemed to be surprisingly stumped.

Coupled with the confidence of this young man when he spoke slowly...

Maybe, a miracle will really happen?

Of course, in their eyes, Xiao Yi spoke slowly because of his confidence, but in fact, it was because this was his first English speech, and it was an English speech in mathematics, so he slowed down to prevent himself from making mistakes.

However, he still had confidence in his idea.

In fact, after listening to Schultz and Shinichi Mochizuki's fifth question, he found something wrong.

Their debate used his ideas in "Non-singularity Analysis and Absolute Distant Abel Conjecture".

So, he not only understood, but also understood how they came to the corresponding conclusions.

Although he was limited by the fact that he did not finish reading Shinichi Mochizuki's IUTT paper, after all, it was more than 600 pages, and there was only less than a month. In addition, the obscurity of the paper made him only finish reading the content related to far Abelian geometry, after all, he was familiar with far Abelian geometry.

As for other contents, he did not understand them so thoroughly.

But after all, even if he did not understand them thoroughly, he became familiar with these theories.

So, when Shinichi Mochizuki pointed out that "Hodge Cinema is abstractly derived from the data of a fixed single-truncated elliptic curve X", he realized the problem.

"Assume that Cp,g is a hyperbolic algebraic curve with genus g on p-adic field K. Then the K-automorphism group of Cp,g is naturally isomorphic to the continuous automorphism group of its geometric etale fundamental group Γ=π1^et,geo(Cp,g)."

"This theorem is an important theorem proved by Professor Mochizuki in far Abelian geometry in 1999."

"Referring to the previous content..."

At this point, Xiao Yi suddenly paused for a moment and asked: "Maybe I can use the blackboard?"


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