Schultz said with a smile.

Undoubtedly, this is a very advanced mistake, but before, because the theoretical derivation process in Shinichi Mochizuki's paper was too brief, this mistake seemed to be infinitely reduced.

But as time passed, details gradually emerged, and today, the problem finally revealed its true face.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, maybe it was true, he was often able to show extraordinary sensitivity to these details.

Schultz said nothing more, turned his head and looked at Shinichi Mochizuki on the other side.

Xiao Yi also looked over.

After admitting that IUTT was a mistake, Shinichi Mochizuki lowered his head slightly at this moment, looking a little depressed - of course, it is normal for anyone to be depressed at this time.

He left the range of the blackboard and returned to his seat.

There was endless applause in his ears.

However, the applause was supposed to be for him, but at this moment, the applause was not for him.

Although no one knows how he feels, it can be roughly guessed.

Sitting next to him are three Japanese mathematicians who support him. Of course, they have a good relationship in private.

Seeing the expression on Mochizuki Shinichi's face, the Japanese mathematicians comforted him.

"Mochizuki, cheer up. Now that the mistake is clear, maybe you can complete the proof next time?"

"You shouldn't come this time, Mochizuki."

"Qikexiu, Mochizuki, it's all because of that Chinese kid. If it weren't for him..."

"Enough." Mochizuki Shinichi stopped them from continuing, "I planned to come this time. That Chinese kid is very good, maybe smarter than me... At least he can find my problem from far Abelian geometry before me."

"I'm not depressed because of my failure, it's just..."

Mochizuki Shinichi closed his eyes and let out a long breath.

In fact, he was originally a very homely mathematician who spent all his time on things that interested him.

In 2012, after completing the IUTT paper, he only posted it on his personal website and the preprint server of their school, and did not publicize it. It was only after his colleagues found out that they spread the news.

However, for so many years, because of the attention paid by the mathematics community to this matter, he, who originally only liked to immerse himself in his own world, felt bored. Then Xiao Yi's paper inspired him again some time ago, which gave him the confidence to deal with all the problems. So this time, he wanted to end this matter completely and let people stop bothering him.

But I didn't expect...

"So, what I said to you at the beginning came true, right?"

Chapter 68 Asking Faltings

"So, what I said to you at the beginning came true, right?"

A familiar voice entered his ears, he was stunned, looked over, it was Faltings.


Mochizuki Shinichi quickly stood up and bowed to the old man.

In any case, he maintained respect for Faltings.

Whether it was the quality of respecting teachers or the help Faltings provided when he was a student.

His most important achievement, [Mochizuki Theorem], was also achieved by applying the p-adic Hodge theory developed by Faltings.

"Let's go over there and talk."

Faltings pointed to the corner next to him.

"Yes!" Mochizuki Shinichi nodded.


What Faltings talked about with Mochizuki Shinichi, probably no one knows.

However, after Mochizuki Shinichi returned to the public, his state became lively again, as if he was still the boy before, without any change, and had enough confidence in his mathematics.

Walking to the front of the stage, he bowed solemnly at 90 degrees.

"Red Bean Mud Smith Marseille."

"I have brought too much trouble to the mathematics community in the past eight years. Although it is my personality, I apologize to all my friends now."

"Next, I will seriously reflect on it and do my best to bring more useful theories and knowledge to our mathematics in the second half of my life."

"My teacher, Professor Faltings, will supervise me."

Faltings beside him nodded with satisfaction.

The applause that had stopped in the conference hall rang again.

This time, the applause was finally for the former master of far Abelian geometry.

At the main table, Bart Bruhn, a mathematician from Belgium, stepped forward and said to Shinichi Mochizuki: "I forgive your attitude towards me, but I also hope that you can follow what you said. Maybe you don't care too much about "don't let the mathematics community down", but what I want to say is, don't let Faltings down again."

Bruhn once wanted to ask Shinichi Mochizuki about his thoughts on his paper, but he was met with a cold attitude from Shinichi Mochizuki, which made him annoyed for a while and thought that this was Shinichi Mochizuki's contempt for the mathematics community.

But now, he also accepted the apology.

Later, more mathematicians in the mathematics community came up and expressed their goodwill to Shinichi Mochizuki again.

Shinichi Mochizuki's past achievements still deserve people to treat him like this.

"It seems that he has come out of this incident. I hope he can produce more meaningful things in the future."

Schultz did not surround him. Although Mochizuki Shinichi apologized, it did not mean that Schultz would immediately recognize him unless Mochizuki Shinichi really got back on track.

Beside him, Xiao Yi did not say anything.

For such a great mathematician who is still considered a senior, he, an underage "child", should not make any comments.

At this time, Faltings also left the crowd and came to their side.

"Thank you, kid."

He reached out and patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder.

"Ah?" Xiao Yi was puzzled. Thank you for what?

Of course, Faltings gave an explanation: "You found his mistake, so you let him come out of the mistake. As his teacher, I want to thank you."

"So, if you have any needs, you can also ask me now, and I will try my best to agree to you."

Schultz next to him heard what Faltings said and quickly winked at Xiao Yi.

What Faltings meant was that he was willing to accept students!

This retired mathematics master is now willing to make an exception for Xiao Yi and accept him as his student.

However, Xiao Yi did not understand Schultz's hint - in fact, he did not even see Schultz's eyes.

But after hearing Faltings' words, he suddenly thought of something that this big guy might help him with.

Recently, after thinking about far Abelian geometry, although this mathematical theory belongs to the field of algebraic geometry, it can be applied to the mathematical theory of number theory, so it has produced some gratifying results in the study of another problem.

Twin prime conjecture.

This thing he has studied for a long time before, although he has some unified ideas in his mind, these unified ideas still lack a "leader".

Unified "ideas" without leaders cannot become a weapon to finally overcome the problem.

But now, he probably found the "leader" needed for these ideas.

It's just a little bit away.

However, the mathematical master Faltings, as an expert in the field of arithmetic geometry who successfully combined algebraic geometry and number theory methods to overcome the Mordel conjecture, obviously has a high probability of providing him with some constructive suggestions.

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up and he immediately said, "Since Professor Faltings said so, then I will say it."

Faltings smiled and said, "Just say it directly."

Well... Although he has retired, if he can receive such a talented student, he certainly doesn't want to refuse.

Even... a little happy.

Schultz almost nodded and smiled. If Xiao Yi became Faltings' student, wouldn't he be able to communicate with this genius boy in the future?

He never looked down on people younger than himself. After all, he was a genius who made amazing achievements when he was young.

Then, they heard Xiao Yi say: "I have encountered a problem in academics recently, and I hope to get some ideas from you. I just don't know if it's convenient for you?"

Faltings' smile froze, and Schultz's expression was immediately stunned.

No, what kind of request is this?

For this kind of academic discussion, even if you send an email to Faltings, as long as he thinks the question is valuable, he is probably willing to reply directly to an email to answer it.

This is not a request at all!

Although so, Faltings looked at Xiao Yi with more and more satisfaction.

At this time, he was still able to keep thinking about academic issues. He really began to think that this young man had the potential to become a new generation of mathematics master.

He smiled and said: "Of course there is no problem. This meeting should be used for academic exchanges for two days. You can come to my office at any time during these few days to discuss your problems."

"In addition, this is not your request. After all, I also welcome you to have academic discussions with me, so you can make other requests, um... For example, let me accept you as a student or something."

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