As for replying to messages one by one, it is definitely impossible.

Then he entered the space and started compiling messages.

[I am in Germany and have just finished an academic conference at the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics]

After thinking about it for a while, he continued to write: [If you are not locked up in a small dark room, don’t listen to some slanderous rumors, don’t spread rumors if you don’t believe them, and create a better society]

There seems to be something missing.

[In addition, there may be big news in the next two days. Please do not make serial calls to me after seeing it. International roaming is very expensive. Thank you for your cooperation. 】

After editing, I took a photo of the tiramisu in my hand and clicked send.


Continue to take a delicious bite of tiramisu.

But at this moment, several people walked towards him.

The leader is a female dragoon - derived from Engels's evaluation of German women, strong and beautiful.

Of course, regardless of whether the German woman is strong or not, considering Xiao Yi's height of 1.78cm, the woman in front of him is still half a head taller than him.

"Little brother, you are the genius boy who convinced Mochizuki Shinichi at the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics today, Xiao Yi, right?"

The woman lowered her head with a smile and asked Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi nodded doubtfully: "It's me, who are you?"

"Oh! I finally meet your genius. I am a reporter from Euronews. You can call me Sophia."

"Of course, since I am a reporter, I think you should also know the purpose of my coming to you, so can you spare some time and accept an interview with me?"

Xiao Yi was stunned.

Euronews is the largest news media in Europe. Its news business covers various industries, including scientific fields such as mathematics.

Xiao Yi couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this kind of big media is really well-informed about the news. The seminar had just ended less than 10 minutes ago, and he had just come over there, so this reporter got the news.

However, this is not a coincidence. He just sent a message in the space saying that there will be big news. Now, the news company is here.

At this time, Hu Guangde also came over with a plate. Seeing Xiao Yi surrounded, his eyes immediately became wary: "Xiao Yi, who are these?"

Don't you want to snatch Xiao Yi away?

However, Sophia quickly explained it to Hu Guangde.

Hu Guangde suddenly realized it and was surprised in his heart.

It's actually Euronews. Xiao Yi is going to be famous again.

So he said to Xiao Yi: "Then go, you boy, you will be famous in the entire mathematics community now."

In fact, even if Xiao Yi does not accept this interview, he is already famous in the mathematics community.

When the discussion was not over yet, but the results had come out, the news had already begun to spread in the mathematics community.

After all, the hundreds of spectators at the scene were not sitting there for nothing.

They are the best disseminators of this news.

First of all, the entire German mathematics community knows it. Although, the most powerful mathematicians in Germany are basically at the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics, but there are still many well-known mathematicians scattered in various universities or research institutions in Germany. of.

Then the news quickly spread to France next door.

As a powerful country in mathematics, the French mathematics community is naturally well-informed.

In the editorial office of the French Institute of Advanced Sciences, IHES.

The door of the editor-in-chief's office was pushed open with a bang. Bergeron waved his hands exaggeratedly and exclaimed: "Do you know? In the just-concluded Max Planck Institute of Mathematics seminar, Mochizuki Shinichi's The IUTT theory is proven wrong!”

"I really didn't expect it! And Mochizuki Shinichi himself admitted it himself at the seminar."

"I really didn't expect that he would actually admit it to himself. It's really unbelievable! How did Schulz convince him?!"

However, as soon as he came out, he saw that none of his editors paid any attention to him, but gathered around Evans' computer and looked at something.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you all doing? Are you ignoring me?"

He frowned and then walked up.

Finally, an editor noticed their editor-in-chief coming over and replied: "It's the video of the discussion. Evans' friend was at the scene and sent it to him."

"How come you can actually see the video?"

Bergeron was surprised for a moment, and immediately pushed forward and started to take a look.

At this time, what happened to be playing in the video was Xiao Yi standing in front of the blackboard and writing down the final results.

Xiao Yi's voice came from the computer: "So, Hodge Cinema's inference is not valid, naturally..."

Then Mochizuki Shinichi took over his words: "The IUTT theory is not valid, you are right."

Bergeron's eyes widened immediately: "Wait a minute... is this young man...?"

Evans smiled and replied: "It was the author of the original paper, the underage mathematical genius."

"He was the one who really convinced Mochizuki, not Schultz."

Bergeron: "Walt?!!"

What happened in the IHES editorial office also happened in various mathematics-related institutions.

And as the video of Euronews interviewing Xiao Yi was released in the evening, this major event in the mathematics world finally spread around the world.

Chapter 71 Praise from the big guys

《The end of the ABC conjecture, the talent of a 17-year-old genius boy!》

《17-year-old math boy vs. 51-year-old math master, the boy wins!》

《Another Schultz and Tao in the math world? Watch a 17-year-old boy end the eight-year dispute in the math world!》

《Shock! A 17-year-old boy actually... at an international math conference》


As September 13th gradually approached its final moments, various headlines appeared on the front pages of major media around the world.

The amount of attention continued to rise. After all, people always like to pay attention to geniuses.

In particular, the video of Xiao Yi being interviewed by Euronews TV was posted on YouTube, and the number of views quickly exceeded 100,000.

In the video, Xiao Yi's answers to the reporter's questions also made international netizens sigh.

Reporter: "What do you think about successfully defeating Japanese mathematician Shinichi Mochizuki?"

Xiao Yi: "I did not defeat Professor Shinichi Mochizuki. Professor Mochizuki is a mathematician I admire very much. His work on far Abelian geometry has brought me a lot of inspiration."

"In addition, there is no victory or failure on the road of mathematics. There is only how far we are from the final answer. Today's results only tell us that the distance between each of us and the abc conjecture has not changed, but on this road, as long as one person succeeds, it is the success of the entire mathematics community."

Reporter: "That's very well said. Then I heard you mention far Abelian geometry. As far as I know, far Abelian geometry is a very difficult direction in mathematics. There are also very few people studying it, but you can master such mathematics very deeply. "

"According to the information I know, you seem to have discovered the problem of Professor Mochizuki's theory in the direction of far Abelian geometry from his narration, so you were able to defeat... well, make his theory have irreconcilable contradictions. "

"So how did you learn far Abelian geometry to this extent? "

"Xiao Yi: "Well... For this question, the only explanation I can give is... I have read a lot of books? So when I studied far Abelian geometry, it was like a natural process. "

Reporter: "If you put this out, I'm afraid it will make many people who study mathematics lose sleep. "

"Xiao Yi: "Then you shouldn't release this part, right?"

Reporter laughed: "Of course I will release it, otherwise how can others know the difference between myself and a genius?"

Xiao Yi helpless face.

Then the comments under this video exploded.

Netizens from all over the world were crying, especially those students who were already in mathematics classes.

"Oh my God, far Abelian geometry, I learned it by reading some books? Why can't I do it?! ]

[This reporter is really abominable, why didn't he cut this part? Now I really know the gap between me and the genius!! ]

[Houli Xiete, this Chinese kid's talent is really enviable! ]

[It's understandable that Wangyuejun lost to this guy, because this guy is a mathematical genius that only appears once in a century! ]

The first half of this video is an interview with Xiao Yi, and the second half is an interview with the famous mathematicians who participated in the discussion by Euronews TV, asking them to talk about their evaluation of Xiao Yi.

Faltings was the first one.

Generally speaking, he doesn't like to be interviewed. In his opinion, he doesn't need to talk too much with these guys who don't understand mathematics. If a mathematician once said something outrageous, people who don't understand mathematics are monkeys.

So why should he talk too much with these monkeys.

But after learning that the question the other party wanted to ask was about Xiao Yi, he gladly accepted the interview.

"I once said that Schultz is one of the three best mathematicians I have ever seen in my life."

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