He immediately downloaded the attachment and started reading it.

In the attachment, Maynard mainly talked to him about the Kuznetsov trace formula, which was the main method he used in the three papers in June.

Then he talked about the connection between this trace formula and p-adic Hodge theory, which basically involved the forefront of mathematics.

Similarly, it also brought Xiao Yi a lot of inspiration.

This made Xiao Yi feel a little emotional. Although he had read many books and many papers, such a simple exchange could bring him a lot of new things.

It seems that the knowledge he has mastered is still a little less.

Make a plan and read more books later.

Soon, Xiao Yi read the last page of this attachment with a total of more than 10 pages, and at the end, Maynard finally introduced the mysterious functor mentioned in the email to Xiao Yi in full.

"Frobenius homomorphism and Hodge filtering, K tensor, the role of Galois group with K is equivalent to Barsotti-Tate group related to X?"

"For all clusters with good reduction on p-adic domain, there should be a way to directly go from p-adicétale cohomology to crystal cohomology?"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi's eyes lit up.

"Yes... that's it! From p-adicétale cohomology to crystal cohomology, as long as this can be achieved, I can connect Frobenius homomorphism to far Abelian geometry!"

What a coincidence!

Xiao Yi's understanding of Frobenius homomorphism comes from Shinichi Mochizuki's IUTT theory. The Hodge cinema proposed in this theory involves something called "Frobenius-like object".

Suddenly, many inspirations came to his mind.

Then, he immediately took out the draft paper and began to carry out a long deduction along this line of thought.

Perhaps, this derivation will be the key to ending all these problems!

Time passed quietly.

The news that Xiao Yi will hold a report on September 26th soon spread. At least, the mathematics circle in Beijing basically knew about it.

This kind of report on returning home is a relatively normal thing.

People who went abroad to attend important academic conferences will report what they saw and heard after returning and relay it to their domestic colleagues. After all, knowledge needs to be shared.

However, since the person who made the report this time is quite special, he is not only the "abc dispute terminator" who pointed out the most critical error of Shinichi Mochizuki at the Max Planck Institute, but also a Chinese genius boy who is only 17 years old and has been praised by a group of bigwigs of the Fields Award. Therefore, this report has become popular before it has even started.

In the 2020 College Mathematics Class Joint Examination Group.

Qinghua-Jiang Long: [Screenshot]

Qinghua-Jiang Long: [Wo Ri, guess what I saw? ! ]

The people in the group quickly looked at the screenshot sent by Jiang Long.

This picture is a poster, and it is easy to tell that it is a promotional picture for an academic report.

And on it is a photo of the speaker.

It is Xiao Yi!

Suddenly, this picture is like a bomb, blowing out all the lurkers in the group.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University-Luo Xiao: [Oh my god! This person looks like Xiao Shen! ]

[Shanghai Jiao Tong University-Luo Xiao was banned by the administrator for 10 minutes]

Danfu University-Xu Kangcheng: [Ah? Xiao Shen is going to give a report? Xiao Shen is back? ]

Peking University-Chen Muhua: [Fuck? Is this true? Xiao Shen went abroad and can give an academic report when he comes back? Oh my god! Our military training is not over yet! ]

USTC-Ye Cheng: [ @USTC-Xiao Yi, Brother Xiao, you said you would come back to participate in the last few days of military training with us, why are you staying out for another ten days! 】

There was a heated discussion in the group, but Xiao Yi, the main character, did not appear in the group despite being tagged almost a hundred times.

People in the group guessed that Xiao Yi was actually preparing the manuscript of the report, so he had no time to read it.

Unfortunately, they only guessed half of it, and did not know that what Xiao Yi was doing was something that could be considered a big deal for the mathematics community.

Not long after the heated discussion in the group, Chen Muhua suddenly appeared in the group again.

Beijing University-Chen Muhua: [Oh my God, brothers! I just received a notice that on the day when Xiao Shen gave a report, students in our class can sign up to watch it! ]

This news once again blew up other people.

Other students from Beijing University came out to confirm the news.

At this time, students from Qinghua and Jinghang also stood up to say that they had also received the news.

Suddenly, students from other schools were envious and jealous.

[Why! We want to go too! 】

Jingda-Chen Muhua: [Maybe it's because Xiao Shen's report is located in the same street as the Institute of Mathematics of Huazhong University of Science and Technology? Qinghua and Jinghang are also very close. 】

[Damn it! 】

Chapter 79 I plan to talk about something new

Xiao Yi's report attracted the attention of a large number of mathematics students from universities in Beijing.

Not only the students from the class of 2020 in the joint entrance examination group, but also students from other grades have also received the news.

These students had heard Xiao Yi's name before, so they all wanted to see Xiao Yi with their own eyes and know how big the gap was between themselves and this mathematical genius, so they all wanted to sign up.

Faced with such a hot situation, the School of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was somewhat unprepared.

When did a mathematics report attract so many students?

This report is not a meeting, so there are no benefits such as tea breaks for them to eat and drink. In addition, what Xiao Yi is going to talk about will definitely involve far Abelian geometry. People who can understand will only In a small number, dozens of students are considered good, and the remaining seats are reserved for other domestic mathematics scholars. The conference hall can accommodate more than 300 people, which is theoretically just right.

As a result, according to the current situation, this already large conference hall may not be enough.

There is no other way. The School of Mathematics can only move the venue of this report to the largest lecture hall in their school, which can accommodate more than 600 people. At the same time, it will activate the online reservation mode, leaving 300 seats for scholars, and the remaining 300 seats. All the seats are reserved for students from colleges and universities.

Even so, in just one day, all these seats were reserved by students from colleges and universities in Beijing, including undergraduates and graduate students.

Leaders of mathematics schools and mathematics research institutes in major universities can’t help but lament that young people are young people, but they are still too young and have never experienced the pain of not being able to understand lectures at all.

Looking at the proportion of registered students, undergraduates are the largest, graduate students are quite few, and there are still more than 50 master's students. As for doctoral students, there are less than 10. Basically, doctoral students are willing to participate. They are all really researching in this direction, except for a few who really come here to join in the fun.

After all, most graduate students have participated in mathematics seminars.

Of course, these leaders are actually very happy to see so many students participating. They hope that after watching this report, they will regard Xiao Yi as their role model, study mathematics seriously in the future, and contribute to the Chinese nation. Mathematics adds luster.

Just like that, the day came to September 25th.

There is still one day until the official start of the report.

The Star Hotel in front of the Institute of Mathematics, outside room 818.

"He's been locked in his room for nine days?"

Xi Lan, the dean of the Institute of Mathematics, frowned and asked, "Didn't you discover it a few days ago?"

"It's not like he was locked up for 9 days. When I called him to eat a few days ago, he would still come out to eat. But three days ago, he couldn't call him out. When he ate, he always ordered takeout, and then today …I can’t shout at all,” Hu Guangde said.

Today, Xi Lan came here to talk to Xiao Yi about tomorrow's report meeting. Who would have thought that when they came to knock on the door, Xiao Yi did not come out to open the door. He made a call. The call could be answered, but did he? People pick up.

Thinking of this, they all had worried expressions on their faces.

"It's also my problem." Hu Guangde sighed: "I thought he was preparing for the report these days, so I didn't think much about it."

Xi Lan shook her head: "Forget it, let's not scare ourselves. Maybe others just didn't hear."

Hu Guangde nodded, this should be the most likely.

At this time, the hotel attendant also arrived with the spare room card.

As soon as the door opened, the two academicians rushed directly into the room, looking for Xiao Yi.

Soon, they both breathed a sigh of relief, and then started laughing and crying.

I saw Xiao Yi sleeping on the table at this time.

He was sleeping soundly, no wonder they knocked hard on the door just now, but there was no sound.

"This kid...it seems like he worked very hard to prepare this report."

Xi Lan's eyes turned to the desk where Xiao Yi was lying on his stomach.

I saw that the desktop was filled with various scratch papers, and the papers were also filled with mathematical derivation processes.

The laptop in front of me has not been closed, but the screen is black and it has entered a sleep state.

The two academicians seemed to be able to imagine such a scene in their minds: at three or four o'clock in the morning, Xiao Yi was still seriously preparing for the upcoming report meeting, until a certain moment, he couldn't stand it any longer, so he He flopped down on the table and slept until nine o'clock.

This also reminded them of how when they were young, they would sometimes stay up until midnight due to academic research. When they woke up the next day, they found that they had fallen asleep on the table.

For a time, the two old men looked at Xiao Yi and became more and more friendly.

Hu Guangde stepped forward and patted Xiao Yi on the shoulder: "Xiao Yi, wake up. If you want to sleep, go to bed."

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