Chen Muhua said dullly to Lu Ping next to him.

Lu Ping looked confused: "I don't know."

The scholars sitting in front were a little better. After all, they had experienced a lot of reports that they couldn't understand. But at this time, facing the speed of Xiao Yi's writing on the blackboard, they just wanted to say: "What do you call this?" A little faster?"

Only a few mathematicians frowned at what Xiao Yi had written, and gradually realized one thing. This young man was going to do something incredible again...

In this way, such a huge blackboard was finally completely filled by Xiao Yi.

"In the end, we only need to use the Kuznetsov trace formula to perform an easy-to-understand transformation."

"In this way, we can easily find that the information of an etale fundamental group can be easily reproduced equivalently in the trace formula. That is to say, the far Abelian geometry will be perfectly compatible with the automorphic form. Connect it.”

"We have found a bridge connecting distant Abelian geometry and number theory!"

Putting down the pen in his hand, Xiao Yi turned to face the mathematicians present and gave his final summary.

The entire lecture hall was silent until finally, an academician sitting in the first row stood up: "Can you show us what the effect of connecting the two is?"

Very good compliment.

Xiao Yi glanced at the old man, who had a nameplate on his seat.

Academician Ma Zhiyuan.

"Thank you, Academician Ma, for your question. I will just give you a simple example."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, then turned around and wrote a simple three-line formula in a small blank space at the end of the blackboard.

Academician Ma Zhiyuan's eyes suddenly widened: "Is this... Elliott-Halberstam conjecture?"

"You directly increased the theta value to 0.75?!"


After hearing this news, other mathematicians who were still a little confused suddenly couldn't sit still.

They still don't understand Xiao Yi's derivation, but Elliott-Halberstam guesses that they know it!

Xiao Yi actually used his achievement to increase the θ value to 0.75 in one go? ?

However, at this time Xiao Yi smiled and said: "Actually, not only that, I am now convinced that there is a wonderful way to directly prove the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture."

"But unfortunately, the space here is too small for me to write."

Everyone: "???"

Chapter 85 Maynard: Fermat ruined the atmosphere in mathematics!


As soon as Xiao Yi said these words, the people who were watching the report almost burst into tears.

The blank space is too small to write here.

Do you think you are Fermat? !

This sentence said by Xiao Yi is very famous in the mathematics community. It comes from Fermat, the Fermat who was responsible for Fermat's Last Theorem.

Fermat's last theorem is also called Fermat's last conjecture. As its proposer, after proposing this conjecture, Fermat added a sentence in the book: "I am convinced that I have discovered a wonderful proof. It's a pity that the blank space here is too small to write."

No one knows whether Fermat really discovered that wonderful proof, but this sentence has become a popular saying in the mathematics world, and many mathematicians have quoted it more or less. "saying".

However, for the audience of this report meeting, they never expected that Xiao Yi would say such a sentence at the end.

Okay, the program is quite effective.

After everyone was caught off guard, there were bursts of laughter.

Xiao Yi shrugged and said he was innocent: "It's almost half past five, and this report meeting has been going on for three hours. I believe many viewers can't wait."

"So it's not just that there's too little white space here, it's also that there's too little time."

At this time, he saw Academician Ma Zhiyuan stand up again and asked: "Okay, then our Mr. Xiao Feima, how long will it take for us to see that wonderful proof you mentioned?"

Xiao Feima?

Or a tipper horse?

Xiao Yi showed helplessness on his face, and then replied: "In about two days, I will put the contents of this report and the proof paper on the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture on the arxiv preprint website. Everyone is welcome to review."

"That's good!" Ma Zhiyuan laughed, and then he took the lead in applauding.

As this old mathematician with a high reputation in the domestic mathematics community applauded, other academicians around him also applauded.

Soon, applause spread throughout the entire lecture hall. Listening to the applause in his ears, Xiao Yi bowed slightly and paid his final tribute to the audience of this report.

For those mathematicians who have almost understood Xiao Yi’s report, their applause is sincere. For those scholars who have not understood, although they are a little confused, the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture mentioned by Xiao Yi at the end, they But I understand. Um

How could this young genius solve a very important mathematical conjecture at such an age?

Even if they couldn't understand it, they were already looking forward to Xiao Yi's paper two days later.

As for the students sitting in the back...

"Brother Lu, what did Xiao Shen say last? What Elliott... Habstam guessed, it was this thing? Did he prove it?"

Chen Muhua looked confused and asked Lu Ping next to him.

However, Lu Ping was not much better than him: "I know it. Although I have almost finished reading undergraduate mathematics, to be honest, undergraduate mathematics is basically stuff from hundreds of years ago. What Xiao Shen did is probably something that really belongs to the last few decades.”

Chen Muhua: "So, Xiao Shen has proved a world problem?"

Lu Ping was silent for a moment, and then said: "Although I can't say that yet, after all, it still needs to be verified by the academic community, but it seems to have become a fact."

These mathematical geniuses in the eyes of others have probably suffered all the blows they received in their previous lives.

As Lu Ping said, undergraduate mathematics basically studies things from hundreds of years ago. Although some of them are from a hundred years ago, no matter what, they are "learning" things created by others.

Even if you have a Ph.D. in mathematics, you may have studied content from the 20th century.

So there is a joke that studying biology is the most cost-effective, because you can learn things that were just published on SCN last week. If you study mathematics, you will never avoid things from thousands of years ago.

However, Xiao Yi is now studying something at the forefront of mathematics.

They felt a huge gap.

"Liao, did you see that? This is what we, the undergraduates of the University of Science and Technology, created. What do you say?"

On the other side, Hu Guangde laughed loudly, patted Liao Huan next to him, and started to smile.

Liao Huan had a dark look on his face, and finally said: "That's Xiao Yiniu, too. What does it have to do with you?"

"Hey, just admit Xiao Yiniu. Who told him to be from our school?" Hu Guangde said cheerfully.

Liao Huan stood up with a snap and faced Hu Guangde.

Hu Guangde raised his eyebrows: "What do you want? Fight?"

"Get out of the way, I have to go to the bathroom!"

"Are we going together?" Hu Guangde asked with a raised brow.

The corners of Liao Huan's eyes twitched, until after a moment, he finally broke out in silence: "You are awesome, okay?"

"Hey, I told you earlier!" Hu Guangde looked comfortable, and then made room for Liao Huan.


In his office at Oxford University, Professor Maynard let out a wail.

"Why did he stop here!"

"The next step is to prove the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture! Why does he want to learn horse racing!!"

Maynard was filled with resentment.

Elliott-Halberstam conjecture!

This is a question that he has been looking forward to for many years, and of course it is also a question that all analytic number theorists have been looking forward to for many years.

Now that the answer is right in front of us, we now have to wait two more days! !

"It's all Fermat's fault! He left a bad atmosphere in our mathematical community!"

At this moment, the door of the office was opened, and his students walked in one by one, including Lichtman, who came to see his mentor to sign the final signature today.

However, what they never expected was that as soon as they entered the door, they would see their tutor criticizing the atmosphere of the mathematics community. Even the target of the criticism was...



Why is the atmosphere in the mathematics world related to Fermat, a man from hundreds of years ago?

"Professor, what are you talking about? Fermat...what's wrong?" As a newly graduated "elder brother", Lichtman took on the responsibility of asking.

Maynard glanced at them, and then called his students in front of him and began to educate them: "I remind you, whatever results you achieve in the future, don't imitate Fermat's words. The margin is too small to write, otherwise If so, when you graduate and come to me to sign, I can only say that the space for signature is too small and I can’t write it.”

Li Qiman was suddenly sweating profusely, "Um, Professor... I'm here to sign with you today..."

"Oh, Lichtman, you are very lucky." Maynard glanced at Lichtman and said.

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