"Green once linked the parity problem to the difference between the first and second types of information in the sieve, and it turned out that his idea was successful."

"It's just that..."

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"They haven't reached the extreme yet."

The idea of ​​classification research has a long history in mathematics.

For example, the p-adic Hodge theory he had studied before was also aimed at classifying and studying a certain p-adic Gavarro representation.

And now, Xiao Yi has found the possibility of classifying the twin prime conjecture.

"The sieve method can be even more extreme and perfect!"

Write the last line of Legendre's equation on the blackboard, and then put a period at the end.

Xiao Yi's questions were finally answered at this moment, and a sense of unimpeded pleasure arose in his mind.

This is the pleasure of mathematics!

Before, I thought that the final difference of "4" from the twin prime conjecture had become an insurmountable gap.

But now, he has found the theoretical material to build this bridge to truth!

A bright smile appeared on his face.

The students in the classroom suddenly showed more and more confused expressions.

What happened to their Xiao God?

After writing a lot of incomprehensible mathematical formulas, he suddenly laughed, and laughed so happily?

But Liu Bin probably understood the meaning of Xiao Yi's smile, and walked up to ask: "Xiao Yi, do you have any new ideas?"

Xiao Yi nodded, and suddenly noticed from the corner of his eye that he had not finished the last step of the third solution to this problem, so he quickly added the last key step below.

Putting down the pen, he said to Liu Bin: "Yes, professor, sieve method, I think I can do it to a more extreme degree."

He said a little embarrassedly: "Well... I may have to find a place to write down these ideas for the time being."

Liu Bin shook his head helplessly.

Didn't he just quibble that 'I'm in class now', but now, the class hasn't finished yet, and he plans to slip away.

But what else can he say?

"Go, go and complete more important things."

"Thank you, professor!"

Xiao Yi's face lit up, and he quickly returned to his seat, picked up his books and schoolbag, and left the classroom in full view of everyone.

In the eyes of his classmates, Xiao Yi was like someone who handed in his paper early in the exam, and he left the class earlier than them.

Only Liu Bin knew.

This math genius is going to fight for a greater cause in mathematics again!

Chapter 95 Remarks on the Shelf

It should be officially on the shelves tomorrow.

Let's talk about the update arrangement after the shelf.

Since it is a burst update, tomorrow is the first day of the shelf, and I will first update 10,000 words, and then I will try my best to ensure that 10,000 words are updated every day.

Of course, sometimes there are too many materials to check for academic masters, so it may take too much time to check the materials, and my typing speed is at the level of hand-clumsy, so it may not be guaranteed that 10,000 words can be updated every day.

But there will be a minimum of 8k, so please rest assured.

As for how long the burst update can last, I will try my best to ensure more than two weeks.

Of course, the most important thing is how energetic I am. To be honest, my sleep quality is a bit problematic. Sometimes it is very good, sometimes it is very bad. If I am energetic enough, I can code for a whole day without any problem, so I can only pray that I can get enough sleep in the next period of time.

Then talk about my thoughts on this book.

What I want to write is a story about a genius who constantly solves various academic and technological problems, and then becomes famous internationally and contributes to the strength of the motherland.

From theory to practice, from paper to realization.

I believe that everyone is here for this.

However, academic writing cannot be separated from the academic circle, and the things in the academic circle in reality, reflected in online writing, are a group of villains who are degraded, disregard the overall situation, and deliberately mess with the protagonist, showing a big poison point, and dissuading countless readers.

As a reader, I have also been disgusted by such plots.

So in this book, I will try my best to downplay these things. Although it is contrary to reality, it is an online novel after all, and it is enough to make me feel comfortable.

As mentioned above, this book tells the story of a genius who constantly solves problems, so it will only tell such stories.

This is my current idea, and I hope it will be recognized by all readers.

Finally, I beg you to read it and pre-order it.

The final fate of this book is ultimately related to the results, and it still needs the support of all readers.

When it is put on the shelves today, I am moved to tears and don’t know what to say.

Chapter 96 Inspiration [Please pre-order]

I thought I could teach the first class after entering college well, but who would have thought that I had to leave early in the middle of the class?

Xiao Yi returned to the dormitory and felt a little helpless.

Maybe this is the price of having too good a talent for mathematics?

You always have to lose something, such as a complete college life.


This kind of words can’t be said, otherwise you will be punished.

“Okay, it’s time to get down to business.”

Sitting in his seat, Xiao Yi turned on his computer and took out paper and pen.

A few decades ago, before personal computers appeared, paper and pen were the most important tools for mathematicians. Today, decades later, personal computers that can easily browse almost all the knowledge in the world have obviously become another most important tool for mathematicians.

Of course, paper and pen are still the most important.

"What is the parity check problem of the sieve method?"

Xiao Yi began to face this most critical problem in his mind.

[If A is a set whose elements are all products of odd prime numbers, or all products of even prime numbers, then without introducing other conditions, the sieve theory cannot provide a non-trivial lower limit on the size of A. In addition, any upper limit will deviate from the true value by 2 times or more. 】

"To put it more simply, it is extremely difficult for sieve theory to distinguish between numbers with odd prime factors and numbers with even prime factors."

"This also stems from the nature of the sieve method, which itself is through continuous multiplication, under the estimation of large breadth, so the problem arises."

"But...if we can classify it again on this basis, find out the characteristics of those numbers with exactly two prime factors..."

"We will get a greater victory in the fight against the parity check problem!"

"However, it is impossible to achieve this from the perspective of the sieve method alone."

"So, something new must be introduced."

"And the new thing is..."

Xiao Yi thanked Faltings for his advice in his heart.

If Faltings hadn't suggested that he study the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture first, he probably wouldn't have been able to come up with the current Etale algebraic cluster self-defense theory.

Naturally, he couldn't use this theory to complete his further progress at this time.

Inspiration came to him like a tide, and the pen finally touched the paper.

The limits of the sieve method began to be broken, and the limits of the twin prime conjecture also began to be conquered.

In the next few days, the students of the 2020 Hua Luogeng class found that Xiao Yi did not attend classes with them.

According to Ye Cheng and others, Xiao Yi left the dormitory at 7 o'clock in the morning these days, and returned to the dormitory at around 11 o'clock in the evening.

It seems that he is doing some research again.

Anyway, what they can know is that there are a lot of sticky notes and other things on Xiao Yi's desk and walls. As for what is written on them...

They can't understand it at all.

For a while, although the classmates in their class felt a little sorry that they could not attend classes with Xiao Yi, they still had a little secret joy in their hearts.

At least...

They don't have to suffer a dimensionality reduction attack.

Time passed quietly, and recently, a video suddenly became popular on Station B.

The title is: [Three solutions for Xiao Yi to solve this problem, can you think of it? ]

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