Schultz was helpless: "I didn't hear you mention it later?"

Faltings said: "How could I have thought that he really solved the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture?"

Schultz heard it, there is a story?

Faltings said slowly: "That night, he came in with a bunch of theories and asked me if I could give him some suggestions to solve the twin prime conjecture."

"How can I give him this? Otherwise, I would have solved the twin prime conjecture a long time ago."

"And compared to the twin prime conjecture, I would rather study the Riemann conjecture or the Hodge conjecture. The twin prime conjecture is beyond my field."

"Besides, at that time, I thought that the twin prime conjecture was not suitable for him, and he didn't need to waste his time on it."

"So I I asked some questions based on what he had come up with, hoping to stump him, but he actually answered them all. "

"But the good thing is that I can roughly see that his ideas may be helpful in studying the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture, so I suggested that he study this first."

"Anyway, compared to the twin prime conjecture, the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture is relatively simpler."

"Then... you know what happened."

"He really got it done."

Faltings spread his hands and said innocently.

Schultz pulled the corner of his mouth.

So you are such an [academic senior].

You actually used such words to coax a young man.

If Xiao Yi knew that the fact was like this, I wonder what he would think.

Schultz shook his head helplessly.

Then he asked: "So what now? Do you think Xiao Yi can prove the twin prime conjecture?"

Faltings fell silent, thought for a long time, and finally looked out the window of the lounge.

The statue of Beethoven on the Münster Square looks golden under the sunlight.

He said: "Although it still feels a little incredible, I always feel that the young man can create miracles again."

Schulz smiled and looked out the window: "I think so too."


Time passed by in a flash and came to the last day of November.

HKUST, Room 313, Dormitory Building No. 3.

"So, in the end we can be sure that there are infinite pairs of prime numbers with a difference of 2."


On the draft paper, this last equation was written.

Xiao Yi's floating heart finally calmed down at this moment.

All the sounds in his ears disappeared, leaving only the sound of truth.

It seemed that the universe was rewarding him.

With logical positivism, he finally used flawless mathematical language to clarify that among the infinite prime numbers, there are also infinite pairs of twin prime numbers.

This is a wonderful feeling. Perhaps every mathematician who has solved a heavyweight mathematical problem has experienced such a moment when he completed the proof.

A moment later, the campus voice coming from the window once again poured into his ears.


Xiao Yi murmured as he picked up the draft paper in his hand.

Even though his proof has not been recognized by the mathematical community, he has that feeling in his heart, and he is right.

Of course, the next moment, the power from the dark also confirmed his feeling in his heart.

A long-lost voice sounded in his mind: "【Ruthless Lianxue】 has been effective for more than 100 days, and a medium-value academic paper has been completed, and the level has been raised to lv4. "

"The skill effect changes as follows: For every hour of learning, the learning efficiency will increase by 1.7 times, and the maximum can be increased by 17 times; at the same time, within 24 hours, if the utilization rate of Ruthless Lianxue is less than 50%, the BUFF will disappear."

After speaking, the voice disappeared again.

Undoubtedly, this mysterious voice has told Xiao Yi that his proof is correct.

[Twin Prime Conjecture] has been promoted to [Twin Prime Theorem]!

Three chapters totaling 10,000 words, please vote for me in the new month!

Chapter 99 "Parity Check Sorting Sieve and Twin Prime Conjecture"

Hearing the voice in his mind, Xiao Yi felt a little pleasant for a while.

"It's upgraded!"

The joy of proving the twin prime conjecture just now, and the joy brought by the upgrade of the Wuqing Lianxue buff, made him feel comfortable.

Moreover, as the buff was upgraded, the bonus increased from 14 times to 17 times, and he immediately felt that he had made another step forward in understanding all the knowledge he had learned in the past.

Even for the proof of the twin prime conjecture that he had just completed, he felt that he could make more streamlined optimizations for some of the steps.

"However, the proof of the twin prime conjecture can only be regarded as medium value?"

Recalling the mysterious voice just now and the evaluation of the twin prime conjecture, Xiao Yi had the expression of an old man on the subway looking at his phone.

After proving the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture, he thought he would be able to upgrade again, but unexpectedly, the voice did not sound.

As a result, now...

The worst situation has happened.

No, buddy, if the twin prime conjecture can only be regarded as medium value, then what is the problem of high value?

Riemann conjecture?

Hodge conjecture?

Or... the proof of the P=NP problem?

At least according to Xiao Yi's cognition, these problems are indeed much higher in value than the twin prime conjecture.

He sighed helplessly.

In this case, God knows how long it will take to upgrade the buff to the next level.

The only hope is that there will be other optional upgrade conditions.

"Forget it, don't think about it, at least there is another good news after this upgrade."

[Within 24 hours, if the utilization rate of Wuqing Lianxue is less than 50%, the BUFF will disappear. 】

Xiao Yi noticed that after the buff of Wuqing Lianxue was upgraded to lv4, the daily utilization rate requirement became lower.

It was reduced from 60% to 50%, which means that he had to keep studying for 14.4 hours a day before, but now he only needs to keep studying for 12 hours.

Well, to some extent, it also means that he has more time to relax every day.

At least...

He can play a few games with his friends?

"Then... let's relax a little today!"

As for the thesis, I'll sort it out tomorrow!

After studying the problem for so long, can't I enjoy it?

He stood up from his seat and stretched hard.

In the meantime, although he spent all his time on studying every day and had almost no time for exercise, he found that his body was still quite good. As long as he got a good sleep, he never had any symptoms of discomfort.

Maybe it has something to do with the buff that Wuqing Lian learned?

At this time, the dormitory door was opened, and Ye Cheng and the other two walked in, talking and laughing.

Probably they had just finished the class.

However, after entering, they saw Xiao Yi in the dormitory and were immediately stunned.

"Oh my god, Brother Xiao, you didn't go to the library today?"

For the past two months, Xiao Yi has been going to the dormitory, library and cafeteria every day, and there has been no change. They almost never see him during the day.

So they never expected to see Xiao Yi during the day.

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Yes, I solved the math problem I have been studying for some time today, so I didn't go."


The three people were shocked and surrounded him, saying excitedly: "Twin prime conjecture...Have you proved it?"


Xiao Yi nodded, but he suddenly reacted the next moment.

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