But mathematics is different.

The reason for handing in the paper early may be because you can no longer do it, but in their examination room, this possibility is very small, and it is basically a reflection of your strength.

Everyone in the examination room can deeply feel how difficult this math test is. Whether it is choice or fill-in-the-blank, the final question is extremely difficult. I wasted dozens of minutes on these two questions but never solved them. There are so many people there that most of them are still half an hour away from the end of the exam, and may even have just started to answer the questions, or have just finished the first two questions.

There are still dozens of questions that have not been completed yet!

So why on earth can this guy hand in the paper in advance?

Could it be that this guy was very wise not to do those two questions, so he saved a lot of time, and then he only wrote down the answers to the questions he knew, and skipped the ones he didn't know, so he was able to answer half of the questions in advance. Hand in an hour?

But no matter which possibility it is, they have become nervous in their hearts.

Chen Wei, who was in the same examination room, looked at Xiao Yi's back walking out of the examination room, and his eyelids jumped up.

He couldn't help but think of Xiao Yi who said that he was the mysterious sophomore student who solved several math competition problems in the senior high school department.

Could it be that it's really this kid?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

After all, everyone agreed to stay together in the fourth examination room until eternity, Xiao Yi should be able to keep his word...


"Stop looking at others and continue to do your questions. Whatever other people write is theirs, and whatever you write is your own."

When the invigilator saw that other candidates were affected by Xiao Yi's early submission of papers, he reminded him aloud.

Then he picked up Xiao Yi's test paper, looked it up and down, and then his eyes showed wonder.

This student...


You actually finished writing it all in an hour and a half?

And the multiple-choice questions... all are correct, and the fill-in-the-blank questions... the first three are correct, the fourth is correct...

This invigilator is a mathematics teacher. During the exam just now, he also answered the questions on the test paper out of boredom. His other answers were the same as Xiao Yi's, but for the fourth fill-in-the-blank question, they were different. Yes, Xiao Yi's result was one more "0" than him.

He thought about it carefully and immediately realized that he had not considered the situation where the condition was zero when solving the problem.

Therefore Xiao Yi's answer is correct!

Maybe he didn't consider this situation because he was an invigilator rather than a candidate, so he wasn't too careful. But at this moment, in his heart, he had to admire the student named Xiao Yi.


Looking at the class again, it turned out to be Class 3 in Science.

This should be more powerful than the students in Science Class 1, right?

Shaking his head, he then looked to answer the question.

However, at this moment, Xiao Yi's draft paper suddenly caught his attention.

When he picked it up and looked at it, he frowned slightly.


Why is it that all the scratch paper has written on it is the same question?

It seems like the finale question?

He looked at it carefully again. Finally, when he understood what was written on the draft paper, the invigilator——


Monitoring room.

"He... handed in the paper in advance again."

"If we read it correctly, he had actually finished all the questions around the 20th minute."

There was silence.

Otherwise, it cannot be explained that 20 minutes after the exam started, Xiao Yi was in a daze for 30 minutes, and then scribbled on the draft paper for 40 minutes.

"I finished it in 20 minutes. Isn't this a bit... too exaggerated?" Chen Liang couldn't help but say.

Luo Penghua: "Maybe...a little bit?"

Qin Song: "But that's the fact."

There was another moment of silence.

Until the end, Luo Penghua laughed: "At least, for now, this exam is indeed not a big problem for Xiao Yi."

Qin Song nodded: "That's true."

"Okay, today's test is over here. Let's go directly to see their mathematics grading tonight. I hope it can surprise us."

Chen Liang said: "When the results are available, remember to tell me."

"no problem."

The last half hour passed quickly, and as the bell rang, it also meant that today's exams were over.

Students will then have a two-hour break before attending evening study hall after 7 p.m.

Today, the teachers for the two subject exams will begin to mark the test papers, and the results will usually be tallied one day after the exam ends.

As a result, on this night, the Chinese and mathematics teachers were the busiest.

High school mathematics marking scene.

"This test question is indeed a bit difficult. None of the students in the first examination room got a perfect score."

"The highest score is Shen Xing, with a score of 148. The last step is missing in the final question, but this step is indeed a difficult one."

"A score of 148 is fine. It should be the highest in the grade."

The teachers who marked the papers chatted while marking the papers.

Most teachers agreed with the conclusion that "148 is the highest score."

But at this moment, a famous teacher suddenly said: "That's not necessarily true. We will move to the fourth examination room later. A student might scare you."

This teacher was the one who invigilated the mathematics in the fourth examination room!

Chapter 12 The shock of the marking teachers

At the marking site, other teachers heard what this teacher said and suddenly became curious: "Oh? What did Teacher Zhang say? I remember you were invigilating the fourth examination room today, right?"

Teacher Zhang nodded and said, "Yes."

"Could that student still get a full score?" Some teachers laughed and teased.

"It's entirely possible." Teacher Zhang said.

Hearing his answer, the other teachers looked at each other in surprise.

Is it true?

Can you get a full score?

The best student in this year's high school is the one they just mentioned, Shen Xing. He has never fallen out of the top 3 in the grade since the first year of high school. He has been ranked first most of the time. His math has always been the best in the grade. He has almost never been not ranked first. In the past exams, if the papers were not particularly difficult, he could basically get 150 points. When the papers were difficult, like this time, he could also get a high score of 148.

If his comprehensive scores had not been able to secure admission to Tsinghua University and Peking University, the school might have suggested that he try to take the math competition.

As a result, now, a student who can surpass Shen Xing in math scores suddenly appears?

Even a student in the fourth examination room?

Teacher Zhang did not say it clearly, but just said: "Let's mark the papers slowly first. When we change to the fourth examination room, you will know."

Hearing him say this, the other teachers stopped talking nonsense and continued to mark the papers, and their marking speed became faster.

Is there really a student who can get full marks on a paper of this difficulty?

Time passed quickly. They graded the papers in the order of the examination room, so after finishing the first examination room, they started to grade the papers of the second examination room.

According to statistics, the highest math score in the first examination room was indeed Shen Xing's 148 points, the second place was 145 points, and the third place was 141 points. There were only three people who could get more than 140 points in this examination room.

Soon, the grading of the second examination room was also completed, and this time there was no one with more than 140 points.

The same was true for the third examination room.

"Okay, we finally moved to the fourth examination room, Teacher Zhang, we have been looking forward to it for a long time."

The grading teachers said to Teacher Zhang.

Teacher Zhang waved his hand: "Don't worry, this fourth examination room will definitely bring you a surprise later."

At this time, the door of their grading site was suddenly opened, and then the grade director Qin Song walked in.

"Oh? I heard you guys talking about the fourth examination room outside. What surprises can the fourth examination room bring us?"

"Director Qin."

The teachers present greeted Qin Song one after another.

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