Then he concentrated again and thought about this problem.

"Well, according to the classification sieve, for the prime factor decomposition of all large numbers, we will be able to separate the number of prime factors and solve it..."

Suddenly, Xiao Yi's brows suddenly moved.

He remembered the crucial step in his proof of the twin prime conjecture.

"By the way, I mentioned in the paper that we can extract the basic group information using the method of etale algebraic variety automorphic theory!"

"And based on these basic group information... we can encrypt from these basic group information!"

"Oh! And the L-function! Don't forget this."

"Use the complex polynomial derived from the analytical continuation of the L-function, and then use..."

He wrote a line of formula on the scratch paper.


After thinking for a while, he started writing again.

[Definition (n)=ΣΣ(r^2+s^2=n)(s/r)...]

But this time, his pen didn't stop.

In this way, he wrote more and more things on the draft paper, and finally a unified thought began to form in his mind.

That thought broke through the previous fog.

It also broke through the obstacles in his mind.

One piece of scratch paper was quickly finished, and he immediately put it aside and began to deduce quickly on the second piece of scratch paper.

While writing the previous step, I already thought about how to write the next few steps in my mind.

The 10th level of [Ruthless Linkage], with 17 times the efficiency, is fully utilized at this time.

Time passed between bursts of knowledge.

The sun outside the window finally sets at the end of the west coast.

When the last ray of afterglow happened to shine on the table under the window sill, it reflected the surface of the draft paper crimson.

Xiao Yi stopped the pen in his hand.

Finally...he found it!

He figured out how to deal with his "baby"!


But all in all, when the original mathematical information is transformed, he is convinced that he has found a way to eliminate the risks brought by the classification screen to cross-chain transactions.

And it doesn’t stop there!

He suddenly laughed.

"That's it! It turns out that the hidden information between mathematics can be used in this way!"

"I see!"

Picked up the scratch paper in his hand.

The red sunlight shining down from the window left the paper and made the writing on it clear.

What appeared in front of him were lines of formulas that might be criticized as weird in the mathematical world, without the beauty of mathematics.

However, in fact, in some attempts, he extracted the information of etale's basic group into the complex domain without loss!

As for what is the use of this method?

"If this method is used to solve the Siegel-zero point conjecture..."

Xiao Yi thought that he already had the possibility of solving this conjecture.

The Siegel-Zero Point Conjecture involves analysis in the field of complex numbers.

And now he has found the key to analysis.


It's quite embarrassing to say it.

After all, he was now in Tao Zhexuan's research group, but he found the solution to Zhang Yitang's zero-point conjecture first.

Of course, this is also thanks to Zhang Yitang who shared his results on the Siegel-zero conjecture with him before, so he immediately thought of the idea of ​​using the L-function to study this problem. When the time comes, he will see After Zhang Yitang, you must share this matter with him!

Of course, he is not completely sorry for Terence Tao and Maynard.

after all……

This is related to the result of a huge prize of 10 million US dollars, and they are already ahead!

"Hopefully, they won't be too surprised when they see it tomorrow."

Xiao Yi smiled slightly.

Putting down the draft paper in his hand, he looked at the afterglow outside the window.

"Well~ It's such an enjoyable problem-solving process!"

"...When we analytically extend the L function, we get a brand new complex domain polynomial, and hidden in it is the private key information that can match the RSA public key."

"At this time, we only need to perform a simple Fourier transform on it..."

"Okay! All the original information has disappeared! But the form of the public key and private key has not been changed."

"Still only the private key can achieve decryption!"

The next morning.

When the early morning sunlight shone into the office of the UCLA Mathematics Department, the two mathematicians stared dumbly at what the teenager in front of the blackboard had written.

There was an old professor from computer science standing next to him, who looked confused because what was written on the blackboard was a bit of a mystery to him.

He now wants to know what Xiao Yi wrote.

As Xiao Yi finished writing, Maynard hurriedly asked: "How to prove it? How to prove that the loss of information after Fourier transform will not invalidate the private key?"

Kleinrock: "No, what are you talking about?"

"Huh?" Xiao Yi took another look at the process he wrote on the blackboard, and then thought about what he just said.

Is what he said clear enough?

Of course, Tao did understand.

He nodded slightly and said to Maynard: "Pay attention to the form of this polynomial. After the Fourier transform, although some information is lost, it does not affect the decryption of the private key."

Maynard was startled and looked at the polynomial written on the blackboard again.

Finally, he suddenly realized: "So that's it! This polynomial... My God, I have never seen such a polynomial expansion before. Is this a new research of yours?"

Kleinrock: "So that's what? Explain it to me, please!"

"Well... roughly." Xiao Yi thought about it, then nodded, "It combines some of the content of Fourier expansion, but this new expansion has a greater effect in the field of complex numbers."

"It seems that in the field of complex analysis, there will be a method called Xiao's expansion in the future." Tao exclaimed.

"This new development can reveal the information of the complex domain in a more detailed way, and many new things can be extracted from it, which may be helpful for studying the Riemann hypothesis!"

"It's really unbelievable!"

Maynard also said: "Amazing!"

Recalling that when they just came to the office this morning, Xiao Yi directly said that he had found a way to deal with the classification sieve problem.

Then, he showed them such a wonderful derivation.

This new complex domain polynomial...

What a wonderful polynomial it is?

At first glance, although they felt that there was no mathematical beauty, when they understood this polynomial, it was full of beauty!

But at this time.

"Oh! Jesus! Professor Kleinrock! What are you doing! Don't jump!"



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Chapter 114 Genius Cross-chain Transaction Protocol Design

If it weren't for Tao Zhexuan suddenly realizing that there was a lack of voice in their discussion, and then turned his head to look, they might have had casualties today.

I saw Professor Kleinlock standing on the table at some point, waving his hands and about to jump down.

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