Chapter 515 Evolution and Change!

The chip of death in Fuwa Jian's head had already been transferred out by No. 2.

But removing the data of death does not mean that No. 2 did not do some tricks to Fuwa Jian's body.

For example, No. 2 implanted a backup program in Fuwa Jian's head.

This program will only be activated when No. 2 is completely defeated.

At that time, the backup program will not only obtain all of No. 2's memories, but also receive Fuwa Jian's body.

However, controlling Fuwa Jian's body is only temporary. No. 2 will eventually input his own data in Fuwa Jian's brain into his original defeated body.

After all, this body is an ultimate mechanical life form that combines many characteristics of mechanical mutants + Shumagia + Jiachen robots.

And because of the backup program, part of the computing power was taken away.

Therefore, No. 2 was unable to exert his full strength in the state of transformation god Yibiao and the state of infinite players, and was unilaterally crushed by Kamen Rider 02 and Kamen Rider 03 transformed by Hiden Oren.

And the real purpose of No. 2 is to survive in the face of death!

Forced Hiden Orto to create the 03 form, putting himself in an unavoidable death situation.

Then... reach his own technical starting point and his own super evolution ability as a mechanical mutant.

And these were finally achieved under the energy slash of 03's good, evil and malice intertwined! ! !

And it was also at that moment that No. 2 activated the means he left behind in the satellites Zea and Yak, and copied the technical singularity data of Kamen Rider 03 transformed by Hiden Orto.

『Go to the next Singularity! /Go to the next technical singularity! 』

The support of 03's technical singularity data, plus No. 2's own technical singularity data, only gave No. 2 one ability.

The ultimate data calculation ability.

At this moment, No. 2's calculation ability reached the limit!

At this moment, No. 2 felt that he could analyze everything, predict the future, and create everything!

"Through the ultimate calculation, can you reach the realm of gods?" No. 2 ignored the people below who were so shocked that they couldn't speak, and began to enjoy his second power: the super evolution power of the mechanical mutant.

In addition to being able to absorb human emotions and evolve from a base body to an evolved body, the mechanical mutant can also evolve into a super evolved body by absorbing stronger emotions.

The characteristic of a super evolved body is that the body will turn golden, and it will strengthen its strength and ability geometrically.

And the evolutionary path taken by No. 2 is the same as Heart.

Evolving purely by relying on one's own emotions without relying on humans.

This was extremely difficult, but when he finally endured 03's fatal blow, No. 2's desire for evolution and unwillingness to die, two strong emotions finally satisfied the strong emotions of evolutionary needs.

Compared with the simple technological singularity evolution, evolving into a super evolved body brings No. 2 3 special abilities.

"Get the physique: Paradoxical Mechanical Mutant."

"Paradoxical Mechanical Mutant: You have absorbed part of the power of time and space, and you have awakened the Paradoxical Mechanical Mutant after being resurrected from the dead. While gaining abilities that surpass other super-evolved mechanical mutants, you can also decompose, absorb, copy, and use all technological weapons."

"Get the ability: Global Freeze."

"Global Freeze: As a special mechanical mutant, you are the number of promises!

You can cooperate with the prop Sigma Sphere to launch a heavy acceleration that covers the entire earth! And then control the entire world."

"Get the ability: Infinite Evolution!"

"Infinite Evolution: The desire for evolution has awakened the ability of infinite evolution, and the super-evolved body is no longer your end point!"

Very good, the ability is very fancy.

The Paradoxical Mechanical Mutant is a mechanical mutant that traveled from the future to the present.

But because the timeline of the main world has been fixed, the operation of traveling through time and space can only be completed by Minato Miharu with the help of Swaruz.

Even Gao Siwu, the daughter of origin, couldn't handle it. It was impossible for a mechanical mutant to play time travel on the timeline of the main world that was fixed by Takeshi Higashino.

But when No. 2 super-evolved, he accidentally absorbed the chaotic space-time power in his body, giving himself a paradoxical mechanical mutant physique.

The value bonus brought by this physique is basically negligible for No. 2 now.

The real focus is its special ability, the ability to decompose, learn, copy, and use all technological weapons.

This means that as long as it is a technological knight, facing No. 2 is a state of disarmament.

The two abilities of global freezing and infinite evolution are somewhat uninteresting to No. 2 now.

The global freezing, a heavy acceleration field covering the whole world, looks good, but No. 2, who likes vitality, has no need to use it at all.

And the ability of infinite evolution perfectly coincides with the power of infinite soul.

However, No. 2 did not have the slightest desire to appreciate his current golden super-evolution, paradox, mechanical mutation, and Humagia body, and he changed back to human form with a wave of his hand.

Then, the condescending No. 2 looked at the bewildered Hiden Oren on the ground, the extremely angry Fuwa Jian because of being manipulated, and... all the creatures in the 01 world and said: "Let me introduce myself again, my name is No. 2!"

Instantly, everyone knew what No. 2 was going to do.

It was going to recreate the live broadcast that declared war on Hiden Intelligence.

However, compared with the previous live broadcast, this live broadcast is far superior in terms of coverage and importance.

"Of course, after today, you may also give me titles such as the Mechanical Great Sage and the Ohm Messiah."

"But that doesn't matter, because I am who I am, the real god of this world."

"The kind that knows everything."

Looking at the angry people under his eyes, and the confusion and anger expressed by many people in the live broadcast.

No. 2 explained with a smile.

"Many people may be full of doubts, or even anger. Doubts and anger that I was a terrorist at the beginning, but now I have become a god."

"Although there are many reasons, there is no need to elaborate. But all of this is to create a world where humans and Xumagia, and even all creations, can coexist peacefully."

"This is not for the coexistence of humans and Xumagia at all!" Feidian Orto said angrily. "It's just that you want to rule the world."

"There is nothing wrong with your explanation from this perspective." No. 2 said lightly, "After all, I am the world!"

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