Chapter 0218 – Whitebeard’s Powerful!!!

That’s right.

Whitebeard has a big grin and rewarded Blackbeard at the beginning.

If Blackbeard just wants to go out alone, Whitebeard doesn’t have any special emotions.

After all, he also understood.

When children are older, they always have to leave their parents.


He couldn’t stand Blackbeard killing his companions.

If the first is the growth of the child, then the second is the betrayal of the family.

This is something that Whitebeard absolutely cannot tolerate!


Whitebeard looked at Blackbeard, and a cold voice came out of his mouth.


Swear? That would be cool.

However, it will also make it impossible for your brain to stay calm.

Eventually, you will lose your advantage in battle and will be easily disturbed.

“Do you know what you’ve done?”

“Of course I know.”

Blackbeard spoke very crisply.

“However, I want the Dark Fruit, and this fruit is the fruit that I have always dreamed of and has always wanted to think about.”

“If that’s the case, why don’t you talk to Saatchi?”

Whitebeard took a deep breath.

“If you say it directly to Saatchi, he will definitely give it to you.”

“Of course I know that.”

Blackbeard nodded.

“Captain Saatchi has always been very good, as long as I open my mouth, he will give it directly to me 99 percent.”

Speaking of which.

Blackbeard’s face turned.

“But there’s still a one percent chance he won’t give it to me.”

“Don’t say it’s one percent, even if it’s 0.001 percent, I will never allow it to happen.”


“Even if I give up killing Saatchi, I will still fight against you, Daddy.”

“Why don’t I kill Captain Saatchi ahead of time and leave myself with one less powerful opponent?”

“So that’s the case, if you say so, you haven’t done anything wrong.”

After listening to Blackbeard’s words, Whitebeard nodded.

From Blackbeard’s standpoint.

Blackbeard really didn’t do anything wrong.

Listening to Whitebeard’s words, Blackbeard spread his hands, and the whole person showed a crazy expression: “Look, I’ll just say that daddy will understand me.” ”


Next second.

He was hit in the face with a fist.

A sound like glass shattering sounded.


Blackbeard’s body was directly ejected! Suffering.


His face was covered in blood.

Blackbeard barely got up from the ground. Look at Whitebeard with an incredulous expression.

It should be said, worthy of you, daddy.

Blackbeard’s eyes showed adoration.

He never denied his ambitions, nor did he hide his respect for Whitebeard.

That’s why he has some fans in Jaime.

He is a villain, and an upright villain.

This description is contradictory and may make people feel confused.

However, anyone who has watched “One Piece” can understand this description.

“However, even so, I…”

Blackbeard’s words were not finished.

Whitebeard stepped forward again.

The huge fist plunged directly into Blackbeard’s body.

A mouthful of blood spurted directly out of Blackbeard’s mouth.

Protruding pupils.

The whole face was written with pain.


Unable to resist.

This is Whitebeard.

This is the first strong man at sea.


Blackbeard’s body flew out again.

Directly hit the iron wall behind him before stopping.

Even the thick iron plate specially prepared for the Whitebeard Pirate Group is still a little cracked at this time.

“It really hurts.”

Blackbeard stood up trembling again.

Looking in the direction of Whitebeard showed fear.

“Just now, if it weren’t for me having the dark fruit, I’m afraid I would have to go straight through the stomach.”

The dark fruit of the black household shrouded the body of the black beard.

Even if he possesses the Dark Fruit, his body will not really be injured.

Blackbeard still felt threatened with death.

The side effect of the Dark Fruit that can make people unharmed is that it abandons elementalization and adds ten times more pain.

Elementalization doesn’t matter.

Ten times more painful.

At this time, it seems that some people are indeed deadly.

As long as Whitebeard’s strength just now continues to hit down, Blackbeard is afraid that he will die painfully!

“It should be said, it is worthy of a white beard.”

Sengoku looked in the direction of Blackbeard and Whitebeard and sighed.

In order to lead the Whitebeard Pirates to the island of Marin Fandor, Whitebeard hardly cares about the physical exertion.

Nowadays, it is not bad to have half of the physical strength in the body.


Even so. He still ravages Blackbeard like a child.

Such is the case.

Even if you let the old opponent of the Warring States do it, I am afraid that it will not be able to do it.

Looking at the current appearance of the Warring States, a smile appeared on Lu Shen’s face: “It seems that you have a lot of respect for Whitebeard.” ”

“Of course.”

Sengoku did not deny it either.

This is his old rival.

If even the opponent denies it, then what is he? What has been the fight for decades in the open and dark?

“If even the opponent is disrespectful.”

“So what is you?”


Lu Shen nodded.

I agree with this statement for the Warring States.

Recognizing the opponent and facing the opponent squarely is the direction of the previous talk.

Between words.

Lu Shen’s eyes flashed red.

The illusion that comes with the Blood Chakra Eye is directly opened to the maximum degree of hallucinogenicity.


A sound like a stone entering water sounded.

Lu Shen could clearly feel that his pupil power dissipated before reaching the Sengoku body.

“Great Buddha fruit?”

Silently chanted.


Self-cultivation and emptiness, universal to the world.

Although the Buddha of the Devil Fruit has a question mark.

However, there must still be the ability to have.

Being able to dissolve his illusion is not something incomprehensible.

“Is this your ability to manipulate others?”

Lu Shen made a move, and the Warring States naturally noticed it.

The information of Lu Shen was recalled in his mind, and he quickly determined which aspect of the ability Lu Shen had just used.

“Did it come from the eyes?”

Damn it.

The trick was useless, but it made the Warring States see through the pupil technique.

Lu Shen smiled.

But in my heart, I was scolding my mother.

Although he has never been hidden, he has not been studied.

People who can be manipulated by him have been erased by him, and naturally they can’t remember how they were manipulated.

As for the people who were pulled down by Lu Shen to practice in the illusion realm, they were afraid that their attention was on their fingers, and it was impossible to think that it was actually the cultivation dojo that their eyes brought them into.

No matter how strong the trick is, there are flaws, and I am afraid of the study of the strong.

“Who knows?”

Lu Shen shook his head and killed it seemingly innocently.

“If you say so, it must be true.”


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