“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

The giant lion beast has completely fallen into a rage and has given up chasing this annoying little ant.

It opted for a direct and indiscriminate attack on the ground.

The huge limbs carried terrifying huge forces, constantly falling to the ground.

For a time, a large area of the ground was smashed, and ravines several meters deep crisscrossed.


The sound of breaking the air sounded, and Wei Gong, dressed in a red and black dress, broke through the smoke and flew back.

The spiral long sword plunged into the ground to unload its force, and retreated directly to the other side of the arena, pulling out a long ravine.

There is no way for him to retreat, the terrain is too affecting movement, and his attack is very limited.

This beast chose the best way to deal with it.


Wei Gong stood up from the ground calmly and gently exhaled a turbid breath.

Then he reached out and took out a black bow directly from the void!

Unlike the previous ones, this bow of his, nameless.

To be precise.

His treasures are all manifested by his ability.

Only this bow, his own.

“Finally got out the bow?”

In the audience, Usopp’s eyes became excited: “It seems that he is really an archer…”

The hand-to-hand combat just now made him tremble.

Sure enough, this long-range combat method is more suitable for him.

But the next moment, Usopp was stunned again.

I saw that Wei Gong directly put the spiral long sword in his hand on the bowstring.


Hook string, pull back!

The entire black bow was directly pulled out of a full moon!

He actually used the spiral long sword in his hand as an arrow!

“This sword is called the pseudo-spiral sword,” Lu Shen said as he held his hands

“The prototype is actually another treasure, the Hauni Sword.”

Saying that, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “Interestingly, the Hauni Sword is included in the treasure house of the king of Gilgamesh. ”

Not only was it included, but it was also used in the previous battle!

Right now.

In the field, Wei Gong seemed to have completed his aiming.

The giant lion monster in the distance also noticed the location of this little ant, dragging its huge body towards him.


The full bowstring was loosened and vibrated in the air, making a chirping sound.

The spiral long sword turned into a blood-colored rainbow, dragging a magnificent track in midair.

Wei Gong’s eyes were calm, and four words slowly spit out from his mouth: “Illusion collapse.” ”


The spiral long sword ran through the body of the giant lion monster without suspense.

And in an instant, by self-detonation, a violent explosion was completed!

The waves of qi spread out in a circle, and the smoke and dust filled again.

The behemoth-like body of the giant lion and monster was blown away!

The power of terror at a glance.

But at the same time, a treasure-level long sword was destroyed just like that.

In other words, this power is exchanged for destroying treasure tools.

“Fantasy Collapse, one of the hole cards of the Wei Palace,” Lu Shen said lightly

“He will fire the treasure as an arrow, then destroy the projected treasure and instantly increase its power by exploding it.”

Simply put, in the hands of the Wei Palace, these treasures have become disposable items!

“This is too extravagant…” Nami’s eyes widened, and she seemed to be a little critical of such behavior.

That’s a treasure!

So mercilessly destroyed?

This is also a failure!

Even if it was the Golden Flash Gilgamesh before, people just threw the treasure out, okay.

Will it still be taken back in the end?

This guy is good, even more exaggerated, and directly uses the treasure as a consumable….

Even Usopp on the side had a complicated face: “Is this the way of fighting again…”

This kind of local tyrant’s way of fighting, he really can’t learn it!

“Don’t get tangled,” Lu Shen waved his hand with a smile: “This guy’s ability can re-project treasures, so he won’t be distressed at all.” ”

“So that’s the case,” Nami seemed relieved, “I thought this guy was such a loser.” ”

Think about it too.

If you really destroy the treasure tools, then no amount of treasure tools will be enough to consume, right?

After experiencing so many battles in a lifetime, even if a battle consumes only one treasure, the accumulated amount must be exaggerated.


Suddenly, a roar of extreme rage came from the smoke.

The terrifying sound wave even swept away the dust.

The huge black shadow stood up again, revealing its powerful vitality to everyone present.

Although it already has many scars on its body.

Even the arrow just now blew a huge opening in its abdomen, and blood continued to drip down.

But that tyrannical and manic aura of Warcraft is still high!

Wei Gong also frowned slightly: “What a twisted life force…”

With that, he stretched out his hand again, and a new weapon appeared in his hand.

This is a blood-colored magic sword.

‘Akahara Hound’.

Sniff out the smell of blood and just swing the magic sword that can inflict the most correct slash on the opponent.

Every time you let the other party eat a blow, the blade will flow into the blood, and it will emit a red glow.

This sword is no weaker than the pseudo-spiral sword just now.

But Wei Gong obviously didn’t want to use it for hand-to-hand combat.


The black bow was drawn again, and the blood-colored longsword was used as an ‘arrow’.


The bowstring rebounded, and a huge force was applied, throwing the blood sword out at a rapid speed!

The blood-colored rainbow cut through the air and once again penetrated the body of the giant lion and beast.


The explosion sounded!

Fantasy Crash!

A powerful treasure was destroyed again.

This time, one of the forelimbs of the Warcraft was blown off alive!

Even if the vitality is as tenacious as it, some can’t stand up.

Standing in place, Wei Gong took a deep breath and slowly exhaled: “Whew-”

The next moment, his eyes condensed slightly, and he whispered a mantra from his mouth:

“I am the bone of the sword I hold, and I am made of the sword.”



PS: The new book sets sail, ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly passes, and tips!

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