The colorful hair danced in midair, like a poisonous snake with its own vitality.

In the next second, the long hair in the sky flicked violently, directly throwing the huge elephant foot aside.


The elephant’s feet fell to the ground, and the earth collapsed.

The terrifying weight reflects the horror of these hairs.


The elephant’s groan was full of anger, and the huge mammoth threw out its trunk without hesitation.

“What a headache little fellow,” Sani rubbed his forehead, and the long hair behind him jerked up, stabbing at the giant beast from all directions.


These hairs seem to extend indefinitely, and each one becomes a tiny chain that is difficult to see with the naked eye.

In just a split second, the entire area was sealed by these hundreds of thousands of hairs!

Its sense of déjà vu is a bit similar to the spider silk all over the pansilk hole.

The entire space is completely locked.

Including this huge mammoth behemoth!

The heavenly elephant’s trunk was stagnant in midair, and its majestic body was motionless like a mountain.

However, the giant elephant’s movements stopped, but Sani did not stop.

The long hair in the sky danced again, and finally, a hideous monster was formed in the air!

A monster made up of colorful hair!


A furious roar emanated from the monster.

An inexplicable terrifying momentum spread out, and a circle of qi waves, rolling up the dust on the surrounding ground.

Sani looked at the giant elephant with an indifferent expression: “Fist!” ”

Sa ——

The sound of breaking through the air resounded.

The monster punched out, and the terrifying fist composed of thousands of hairs swung straight towards the giant elephant.

The air is stirred in an instant.


Everyone only felt as if they heard a heavy drumbeat, and even their hearts skipped a beat.

A fist consisting of hundreds of thousands of hairs with five hundred pounds of tremendous strength….

Without looking, they all seem to be able to imagine the fate of the giant elephant.

“Boom!” “Boom!”

The hammer fell with a fist, as if the drummer was holding a heavy hammer, beating a cowhide drum.


The sound of bone cracking is endless.

There are no obvious wounds on the body of the giant elephant, but what these fists destroy is its inside!


The elephant groan no longer contains anger, but makes people hear a cry of sorrow.

Push the gold mountain and pour the jade pillar!

This behemoth finally fell to the ground.

It’s like a mountain!

“Well, almost,” Sani said with a satisfied expression on his face.

The next moment, he grinned.

The monster composed of hair in mid-air suddenly scattered, turning into long colorful hair in the sky again.

But unlike before.

At this time, the long hair, every strand is restless, ready to move.

It’s like a gluttony who faces food and moves his fingers.

I can’t wait to eat.

“Go ahead,” Sani waved his hand gently.

For a while, all the hairs rioted!

As if they were extremely hungry, they swept towards the giant mammoth on the opposite side.

Soon, the whole huge elephant like a small mountain was covered with colored hair.

This scene is chilling to watch.

It’s like a giant whale in the sea with countless barnacles living on it.

These hairs are like blood-sucking leeches, thirsting for the blood and flesh of giant elephants!

Moreover, the speed of eating is extremely fast!

In just a few moments, the white bones of the giant elephant were already exposed!


The mournful groan is sad, but unfortunately, it has no strength to resist.

On these long hair, there are gourmet demons boarding.

It has been reduced to the devil’s meal!

“The hair of the Demon King,” Lu Shen said lightly in the audience, “Long hair with ‘appetite’, each of which can eat countless living beings. ”

“It’s terrible…” Nami looked at the scene blankly.

If the previous Ayu just made people think that he was very strong.

Then this Sani in front of him feels creepy!

This scene in the arena, just watching it has made people subconsciously slow down their breathing, for fear of alarming those terrible hairs.

“Gollum—” Usopp subconsciously swallowed his spit, feeling his mouth dry.

Yamaji on the side also became solemn: “Stop, this battle is over.” ”

Although the mammoth is still conscious, this scene is no longer a battle.

It’s about killing, or rather, eating!

These long hairs are biting off the flesh and blood from the living prey!

“That’s right,” Luffy echoed, “Even if you want to eat it, you should bake it before eating!” ”

At least in his opinion, eating meat raw is a very wasteful behavior.

Or, in his conception, meat should be made into roast meat….


With snapping fingers, the picture inside the arena froze.

“So, how does it feel?” Lu Shen looked at Sanji with a calm expression.

This is undoubtedly a crushing battle.

Even from beginning to end, Sani stood where he stood without moving a step!

The suppressive power it displayed was even more terrifying than that of Ayu before.

“Whew-” Sanji let out a long breath of smoke, and then slowly shook his head: “Although he is very strong, this guy is not suitable for me.” ”

Compared to this man named Sani.

He would rather choose the previous Ayu.

Both are strong.

But there is no doubt that Ah Yu’s character and beliefs are more in line with his heart.

“I think so too,” Luffy on the side scratched his nose, “If I had to pick one on my ship, I would prefer the one from before.” ”

Lu Shen smiled lightly: “If you say so, it’s no problem, after all, when Yamaji learns their abilities, they can also be counted as coming to your ship.” ”

“In that case, let’s be next.”


Snap your fingers.

The chaotic scene in the arena was once again erased, and time seemed to be reset.

At the same time, a new figure also appeared in the field.

Short dark red hair, stubborn muscles, and a fierce face.

There is a long crack from the left side of the mouth to the cheek, which makes him look even more abhorrent.

With a shirtless upper body, you can see one after another hideous scars.


PS: The new book sets sail, ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly passes, and tips!

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