Chapter 74 Lu Shen Qing Pheasant Battle, Blackbeard Lying Gun!!

“Admiral, pheasant…”

When the name was uttered by Solon, silence fell across the deck.


All pirates know what kind of existence it is. For the Navy, the big will be their strength.

But for pirates, the existence of a general is a talisman! As long as it happens, it basically means – death.

Yamaji took a deep breath: “No matter what, our task now is to save Nami first. ”

Solon turned his head to look at the island and nodded, “That’s right, I’ll find a way to help Nami find a doctor.” ”

Although he also knew that he might not be able to help much.

The frozen country that encompassed the entire sea area had already fully displayed the strength of that general.

A terrifying force like a natural disaster! On the sea.


A piece of solid ice suddenly exploded, and the body of the green pheasant was already covered with frost, and the whole person’s body exuded endless cold air.

The attack was maintained with high intensity, but it was ineffective. Even he felt a headache at this time.

Lu Shen on the opposite side was also very similar to his feelings.

Facing a top natural ability, he is not yet armed, and it is basically unlikely to cause any substantial damage………

Just as the two sides are deadlocked.


The sound of violent water came and the two turned their heads together. It was an ice that had been broken by the battle.

In the sea water below, a huge shadow gradually rises, and finally breaks through the sea water and floats above the ice.

This is a large diving sailboat, made of steel throughout. There is also a pirate flag on it.


A loud laugh came from the sailboat.

A man with a fat body like a ball, a strangely large mouth, and a cylindrical tin plate at his chin.

“Little ones, we’re back in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom!”

On the sailing ship, at least hundreds of soldiers were standing, apparently all of them his subordinates.


The big-mouthed man glanced at the surrounding ice and the two figures standing on the ice: “Hey, who are you two?” ”

The green pheasant was expressionless, holding his hands in front of his chest: “Is it another pirate…!” ”

Lu Shen touched his chin, but he had some impressions of this person. The main thing is that this person’s fruit ability is very interesting.

If memory serves, it should be the former king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, the one who has the ability to devour fruits.

“Hey! Didn’t you hear my question? ”

The big-mouthed man raised his eyebrows: “I am the king of Valpo of the magnetic drum kingdom, do you want to disobey me?” ”

Seeing that the two still did not reply, he directly turned to his subordinates and said: “Add a law to me, and anyone who dares to ignore the king will be sentenced to death!” ”

The subordinates on the side hurriedly took out their pen records.

This absurd and cruel king no longer knows how many vexatious laws have been set.

The surrounding soldiers had already seen it strangely.


Valpo snorted coldly and shouted again: “You two, if you don’t answer my questions, I will sentence you to death!” ”

“Poof-” Lu Shen couldn’t hold back, but still laughed.

A former king of a country allied to a world government is to sentence a senior admiral to death.

This scene is simply nonsensical.

The green pheasant stood in place, with a strange expression, he was not angry, on the contrary, he even wanted to laugh.

It’s like humans aren’t angered by the threat of an ant. When the gap between the two sides is so large that it reaches a certain point.

Your anger in the eyes of the other person will only be cute and funny.

“Damn it!”

Valpo was furious: “Dare to ignore me!” All of you, give me all and capture those two!” ”


One by one, the soldiers responded to the call, ready to rush off the sailboat.

“Attack on the Admiral…”

The green pheasant’s voice was lazy: “I have the right to kill you on the spot.” ”

He looked at the large sailing ship, took a deep breath, and then let out a sharp breath of cold.

“Frozen Hour!”

The cold suddenly turned into a cold wind, blowing towards the large sailing ship. In just a few breaths, the entire large ship, along with the hundreds of people on board, was all sealed in frost.

There was not even a chance to escape. This is the general!

Don’t look at him and Lu Shen stalemate for a long time, no one can help anyone.

But in the face of these minions, a casual blow is heaven-destroying.

“That’s right, pheasant.”

Lu Shen suddenly spoke up: “I have a message that can tell you for free, you should be interested.” ”


The green pheasant turned his head, he was already planning to finish work and go back to the headquarters. There is no point in spending time here and Lu Shen.

There is no one between the two, it is purely a waste of time, it is better to go back to sleep.

“That Valpo you just sealed is the previous king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom!”

The green pheasant pouted: “If it’s just this news, I don’t think I’m interested.” ”

Lu Shen smiled slightly: “Do you know why he was the last one?” Because the kingdom of magnetic drums was destroyed, the person who destroyed it was called Marshall M. D: Tichy, nicknamed Blackbeard. ”


The green pheasant’s pupils shrank slightly: “Blackbeard………”

For other pirates, he may have little interest in remembering. But the Four Emperors’ are different.

All the main members of the ‘Four Emperors’ pirate group, he has an impression. Blackbeard, one of the members of the second team of the ‘Four Emperors’ Whitebeard Pirates. And, no matter how much he doesn’t look at it.

The Magnetic Drum Kingdom is also one of the allies of the World Government. They have a duty to protect.

Now that Blackbeard has destroyed the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, he is undoubtedly hitting the world government in the face.

The green pheasant said in a deep voice: “We have intelligence that this person has defected from the Whitebeard Pirates, and before defecting, he also killed Saatchi, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates. ”

Do not underestimate the intelligence system of the Navy.

Especially when it comes to the Four Emperors, they have countless eyeliners staring.

“Unexpectedly, that guy actually fled to ‘Paradise’.”

The green pheasant frowned slightly.

But if it was just this news, it wouldn’t mean much to him.

At most, after returning to the headquarters, send some navy to surround Blackbeard.

“That’s not the point.”

Lu Shen waved his hand, and the expression on his face became meaningful: “Next, I will tell you a top-secret information about Blackbeard.” ”

“Believe me, this information is currently the only one in the whole world except Blackbeard.”

The green pheasant raised his head abruptly, his eyes narrowed slightly: “Talk about it.” ”

“The reason why Blackbeard defected was that he found a fruit.”

Lu Shen carried his hand behind his back and paced slowly on the ice: “That fruit is called the Natural Dark Fruit.” ”

“For this fruit, Blackbeard has been lurking in the Whitebeard Pirate Group for more than twenty years.”

“Until this fruit appeared, he rioted and killed his captain Saatchi, and directly defected.”

The green pheasant’s brows furrowed deeper and deeper: “Nature Department Dark Fruit…”

He had heard of this fruit and recorded it in the Devil Fruit Guide.

“Even so.”

The green pheasant looked up at the other party: “What can it say?” A very ambitious, forbearant pirate? ”

“Let me remind you a little.”

Lu Shen said calmly: “The scar on the red-haired face of one of the four emperors was left by Blackbeard. ”

“You mean…”

“That’s right, this guy is very good at hiding, until he achieves his goal, he behaves harmless, until he succeeds, he will show his vicious fangs.”

Lu Shen continued: “And such a pirate, now that he has obtained the Dark Fruit, aren’t you curious about what he wants to do next?” ”

A truly vicious one, without a bottom line, and with great strength.

In order to achieve the goal, he did not hesitate to endure for more than 20 years and did not compromise the means. Even now he has obtained the legendary Nature Dark Fruit.

The development after Blackbeard will inevitably shock the eyes of countless people.

If Luffy, who is just starting out and offering a bounty of only 30 million, the Navy will want to strangle the evil.

Then this, for the Navy, I am afraid that it is impossible to get rid of it quickly, and I can’t sleep without killing.

The green pheasant seemed to understand something: “You want our navy to deal with Blackbeard, why, you have a grudge?” ”

“No vendetta.”

Lu Shen said sincerely, “But I hate him.” ”

Or rather, simply innate opposition to positions.

If Luffy is the savior, then Blackbeard Tichy must be the destroyer.

Since he chose to side with Luffy.

Then and Blackbeard is a natural enemy.

The green pheasant stood in place and was silent for a while before saying, “When I go back, I will verify the information you said.” ”

Lu Shen smiled: “Of course, then what if the verification is true?” ”

The green pheasant’s expression remained unchanged: “Even if it’s true, it’s our business.” ”

With that, he turned and walked towards his bike.

During the previous fight, he had been mothballing the bike with his ability, so it was not damaged.

Riding the bicycle, before leaving, the green pheasant looked back at Lu Shen: “Even if what you said is true, it will not change your own threat, I will report it after I go back and increase your bounty.” ”

The implication is also to increase the Navy’s attention to Lu Shen.

Lu Shen waved his hand without care: “As you wish.” ”

After the back of the green pheasant disappeared from sight, Lu Shen turned his head and glanced at the huge sailing ship on the ice not far away.

The next moment, the space wrinkled, and his figure disappeared from the place. Meanwhile.

A desert island in the first half of the Great Voyage.

Five figures were sitting on the ground, around a bonfire with food roasted on it.


Blackbearded Tichy, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly sneezed, feeling a little chill in his back.

He blinked his eyes a little blankly, turned his head and looked around. Lafayette, wearing a top hat on the side, asked, “What’s wrong?” ”

Tichy looked wary: “It’s nothing……… I always felt as if someone was watching me just now. ”

Immediately, he shook his head, stopped thinking about it, and laughed: “Thief hahahaha, continue to drink!” Keep drinking! ”

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