Chapter 78 Endless Life! The Nine Tails descend, the natural disaster of walking!!


It was like a sharp knife piercing a cloth.

The purple skin of the giant snake, which is as tough as a rock formation, does not play the slightest protective role.

The antlers of Jerlingas were like long knives pointing high to the sky, piercing the defenses of the giant serpent.

And its four hooves jerked out and pulled outward.


The wound continued to tear and elongate, and a huge opening opened in the belly of the snake. Gurgling blood flowed down.


A violent hiss sounded.

The giant snake flew back into its body like a person who stepped on a mouse trap.

At the wound, there is a divine power that prevents healing. With this blow alone, the giant snake has already suffered heavy damage.


The Great Earthquake trembled.

Jerlingas did not stop moving.

It seemed to have determined that the giant snake in front of it was the object that needed to be destroyed. The serpent’s mind is full of killing and destruction, and there are no other feelings. Such a killing machine also violates the philosophy of Jerlingas.

The golden light was extremely dazzling, and endless earth power surged in its body.

Strength, speed have all been raised to an incredible level! The divine aura spread.

It is as if the majestic vitality of all things rejuvenating irrigates the earth.

For a while, a spectacle was even born in the arena.

One by one, flowers and trees broke through the ground, ushered in a new life, and stretched their bodies in the air.

Even everyone in the audience was affected at this time.

“Hmm~” Nami breathed in a big breath full of enjoyment, and a look of surprise appeared in her eyes: “I feel as if I have become younger!” ”

Solon touched the knife marks on his chest with a solemn expression: “My injury. In healing? ”

Qioba also puffed out his little arms and shouted in disbelief: “I feel that my strength has increased!” ”

Sanji, Usopp, and Wei Wei breathed hard, as if there was some nice aroma in the air.

Everyone had similar feelings.

This is the purest life, like nature’s gift, but also a miracle! It’s like……… A baby who is still in the womb of the mother.

Peaceful, natural, comfortable, as if you can forget all your troubles.


Suddenly, Lu Shen sighed helplessly and reminded in a loud voice: “You all wake up, here I am building an illusion, and your feelings are actually fake.” ”


For a while, everyone opened their eyes one after another, their faces full of embarrassment.

“Hey! Why remind me! ”

Nami puffed out her cheeks in dissatisfaction: “Such a good atmosphere has been destroyed by you!” ”

“Yes! That’s right! ”

Usopp echoed.

He even made an aftertaste expression: “I just now, it seems that I was soaking in an alpine hot spring, which is very comfortable~”

Lu Shen glanced at him: “Have you forgotten what I built the illusion realm for.” ”

At this time, everyone reacted and suddenly looked at the arena.

They came in to watch the battle of these powerhouses of the other world! Inside the venue.

Jerlingas’s figure had disappeared from view.

To be precise, its speed has become so fast that it is difficult to catch with the naked eye.

Only the sound of breaking through the air could be heard. Suddenly.

A golden light lit up above the head of the giant serpent. The deer’s hooves appeared and slammed down.


The sound of morning bells and drums echoed in the air.


A sound of bone cracking continued.

Everyone could clearly see the cracks that spread from the top of the giant snake’s head to its body.

The huge body of the giant snake froze in place, motionless.


Pieces of shattered bodies fell to the ground.

This step directly shattered this giant snake and destroyed its vitality.

Djer Lingyas landed on the ground and stood in front of the giant serpent, quietly gazing at the demise of the giant beast.

It hangs its head slightly, as if mourning the loss of life.

Although this life may be a forgery full of killing and destructive desires.


With snapping fingers, the picture in the arena froze.

Lu Shen turned his head to look at Qiao Ba: “How do you feel?” This one, but I specially selected it. ”

It’s really because of the ability and appearance of Zhellingas, which fit too well with Choba.

The same deer.

He even has the ability to share life force, which is very attractive to Joba’s doctorhood.

“It seems to be a good fit.”

Usopp wiped his long nose.

Nami also smiled and said, “If you choose this, maybe we can all stay young in the future, right?” ”

It is an immortal elf with eternal life! You can even share your life with others!

Solon held the long knife and said calmly: “Don’t care about anything, just follow your heart.” ”


Qioba hesitantly looked at the proudly standing deer in the field, his face full of entanglement.

Of course, it also knows that this person fits well with itself.

But sometimes, people often don’t want the one that suits them best.

It can be said that if the difficulty of training is consistent, then Choiba will be more inclined to choose the previous Limuru.

That’s a super-spec powerful enough to ignore the so-called fit. People tend to strive for ‘perfection’ rather than ‘fit’. Put in the pirate world, that is the pursuit of strength’.

“Well, let’s look at the next one.”

Lu Shen nodded and snapped his fingers.


With snapping fingers, the scene in the arena suddenly resets. A new huge figure descended into the field out of thin air. A fiery red light illuminates the vast arena.

Nine huge tails were across the air, like the tentacles of a demon god. This is a demon fox.

Nine-tailed demon fox!

On its crimson-orange fur, flame-like energy overflowed. It’s like a fierce monster that descended with hell karmic fire!

Just as soon as he appeared, a terrifying and violent aura spread out, filling the entire arena almost instantly.


It seems that the appearance of this demon fox will bring disaster! Although it is in a motionless state of rest.

The crowd felt as if they would be attacked the next moment.

“Gollum—” Usopp couldn’t help but swallow his spit, “This……… What kind of monster is this………”

Oppressive force!

Just looking at it with your eyes, people can’t help but feel a terrible oppressive force!

In terms of strength, perhaps the previous Limuru is stronger.

But the image of Limuru on the outside gives the impression that humans and animals are harmless, and even cute.

The demon fox in front of him showed his fierceness to the fullest as soon as he appeared!

Solon’s eyes were heavy, and there seemed to be battle intent burning in his pupils: “What a strong breath.” ”

His hand was already unconsciously on the hilt.

Qioba looked at the demon fox in the arena blankly: “Good, so strong…”

These beings seen here.

Each one is beyond what it previously knew.

After staying on Magnetic Drum Island for so many years, it discovered for the first time that such a powerful existence could be in the world.

“Nine Lamas.”

Lu Shen opened his mouth and introduced: “One of the nine-headed tailed beasts of the Hokage World, and the strongest of them, the ‘Nine Tails’. ”

“With infinite Chakra, he is a fierce guy with a temperament, known as the ‘walking natural disaster’.”

On the side, Usopp nodded in agreement: “I feel this.” ”

Even from far away, he could feel the violent aura that rushed to his face.

“So, let’s get started.”

Lu Shen smiled and snapped his fingers.


The picture in the arena suddenly changes from dead silence to activity. The huge purple giant snake descended into the field out of thin air.

A gloomy and cruel aura rose. However, it didn’t wait for its breath to dissipate.


In the eyes of the nine tails, a red color like flames burned. The roar of terror seemed to be the death knell that declared death.

So large that it seems to be endless, the red chakra does not want the spill of money. Sparks were rendered in the air.


It was as if some kind of mortal threat was felt.

The giant snake pushed away at an extremely fast speed, and its body circled together.

A pair of gloomy vertical pupils stared at the demon fox on the opposite side, and the snake couldn’t help but spit out in the air, as if collecting information from the other party.

Its gloomy and cold aura was all suppressed by the violent fiery aura of the nine tails, shrinking into a ball, and could not advance an inch.

This picture is like a block of ice surrounded by a huge sea of fire. It is difficult to escape the fate of being melted by the flames.

The Nine Tails glanced at it, squatted in place without care, and said in a deep voice: “From your body, I only feel bottomless malice. ”

In its gaze, there seemed to be a flash of memory: “It is purer than the malice of those guys.” ”

“That is…”

The eyes of the Nine Tails suddenly froze: “You, not a normal creature. ”

The giant snake on the opposite side did not respond in the slightest.

As if in its mind, the word ‘communication’ does not exist.

In the audience, Lu Shen explained softly: “The Nine Lamas have the ability to perceive maliciously. ”

“It has suffered from thousands of years of war, hatred, betrayal, and hatred.”

“Because I am very emotional, the pain and hatred I can feel are more and more intense, and I have a keen perception of malice.”

The eyes of the people around them widened. This demon fox, heavy feelings?!

Or even because he was betrayed, he developed the ability to perceive malice? This contrast is probably too big.

After all, the image it shows is the appearance of the villain who destroys the world, “Shhh! ”

In the arena, suddenly there was the neighing of giant snakes.

Even the violent and terrifying aura of the Nine Tails could not suppress its killing and destructive nature!


The long tail flicked, cut through the layers of qi waves, and smashed down in the direction of the nine tails.

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