Chapter 84 The True Purpose, Robin, Hades! Golden Apple, Restaurant Youth!!

“Mold, imitate the fruit? What is that ability? ”

Qioba in the back asked curiously.

Lu Shen casually explained, “A Devil Fruit ability that can transform into other people’s forms. ”

“Oh, no wonder this man is a dry duck.”

Usopp nodded abruptly.

Lu Shen’s gaze had returned to the man in the pink tutu in front of him.

“How about you show your abilities?”

Under the gaze of this pair of eternal kaleidoscopic chakra eyes, few people can refuse his request.

Von Kray was horrified by these scarlet eyes, and smiled reluctantly: “Good, okay.” ”

In the next second, his face had changed into Luffy’s: “That’s it”

Even the voice and body shape are unusually similar! Before Luffy and the others were shocked.

His appearance changed again, Solon, Yamaji, Usopp. Even Nami changed directly!

And together, Nami’s figure is also a perfect replica!


Nami’s fist had already hammered directly on his head: “Disgusting! Hurry up and change me back! ”

“Yes, yes, yes.”

Von Kray tearfully changed back to his original appearance.


Weiwei suddenly thought of something: “You said that he is the Mr.2 of the Baroque Work Society?” ”

“That’s right.”

Lu Shen nodded calmly.

The slight look suddenly became solemn: “Isn’t this ability very dangerous…”

“He can disguise himself as anyone, including my father, Nafirutali Kobra!”

“Once he gives a wrong order, it will cause an irreparable disaster!”

Everyone around also frowned a little.

Wouldn’t it be troublesome if this person disguised himself as any of them and misled the others?

After all, they all trust their partners unconditionally.

“This is not going to happen.”

Lu Shen waved his hand without care.

In his pupils, the enchanting blood-colored pattern rotated slightly.

The eyes of von Kray on the opposite side also appeared bloody, and the whole person sat in place dumbfounded, as if he had lost his soul.

At the same time, a pupil force had poured into von Kray’s eyes. Subsequently, he returned to normal.

“I… What’s wrong with me? ”

Von Kray touched his face, his eyes full of confusion.

“It’s okay, you just fell asleep all of a sudden.”

Lu Shen patted him on the shoulder and got up, “By the way, your ship seems to have come to pick you up.” ”


Von Kray turned his head to see that on the sea, his Swan was heading this way: “It’s really oh.” ”

“Then, goodbye, friends who saved my life, your friendship I will never forget!”

Von Kray waved his hand happily, stepped on the fence and jumped slightly, returned to his boat, and quickly left.


Lu Shen clapped his hands and said that it had been resolved.

“Huh? This……… Is that the end of it? ”

Looking at this scene with a slight confusion.

“That’s right.”

Lu Shen smiled and said, “From today onwards, von Kray will secretly help us and send my ‘gift’ to Klockdal.” ”

The so-called gift’ was actually the pupil power that Lu Shen had just poured into von Kray’s eyes.

When von Kray finds a chance to meet Klockdar, this pupil power will be activated.

Of course, this pupil power cannot solve the ‘sand crocodile’.

After all, that guy is also one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, and no matter how weak he is, he is a veritable sea thief.

But Lu Shen’s real goal was not Klockdar. His purpose is Robin!

To be precise, it is the historical text stone tablet information that Robin knows.

That is related to the whereabouts of one of the three great weapons of ancient times, Hades.

This thing, like a mushroom bomb in a past life, I can do without, but I can’t do without.

Even if you get it and throw it into a different space, it is better than letting Alabastan eat ashes.

Otherwise, in the future, if it is obtained by some enemy, it will be a big loss.

“That is, Mr. 2 has been… Brainwashed? ”

“I hesitated slightly for a long time before I held out such a sentence.”

It was really Lu Shen’s ability that was too weird for her to understand at all.

“Hmm……… It can also be understood as such. ”

Lu Shen spread his hands and said, “But the effect will be stronger.” ”

“I see.”

Slightly relieved.

It was really von Kray’s ability that was too deadly for their Jade Clan in Alabastan.

“Hey, we’re almost there.”

Nami stood on the edge of the deck and said, “In the sea here, the current has stabilized. ”

The currents of the Great Route, the Devil’s Sea, are extremely chaotic. But in the vicinity of the islands, the currents are stable.

This characteristic can also be used to determine whether there are islands in the nearby sea. Soon, an incomparably huge island came into view. Kingdom of Alabastan, arrived!

Lu Shen also glanced at this huge island: “It is worthy of being the kingdom of deserts. ”

As far as the eye can see, all that comes into view is endless yellow sand.

Apart from the cactus, there is hardly any greenery in sight. There is quite a sense of desolation.

But in fact, Alabastan is definitely a superpower in the first half of the great voyage.

Albana, its capital, alone had a full 600,000 standing troops stationed there.

This number of troops, compared with the few hundred people in the previous Magnetic Drum Kingdom, is simply one by one.

“Weiwei, before you dock, let’s discuss what to do.”

Lu Shen suddenly said, “We can help you too.” ”

Saving a great kingdom is not so simple.


He was slightly stunned for a moment, and his expression was hesitant: “The agreement between us, it’s just that you send me back safely…”

Before she finished speaking, Nami had already interrupted her directly.

“Really, you’re still saying this.”

Along the way, Weiwei has been regarded as their partner.

“Say it again.”

Nami’s eyes seemed to light up with golden light: “If your country is destroyed, won’t my honorarium be out of play!” ”

There seemed to be a sparkle in his eyes: “Thank you, thank you.” ”

Soon, everyone had already discussed certain steps.

Ships also approached the coast.

“First of all, you can’t act without permission this time!”

Nami said with an unhappy look.

She remembered that when she was in Rogue Town before, these guys were also running around separately.


Solon pointed to the shore: “The person you should remind the most, isn’t that guy…”

I saw Luffy wearing a straw hat and running wildly in the desert, bringing up sand and dust along the way.

The mouth was still whimpering and shouting: “Woooo ”

Meaning, restaurant, I’m coming!

“That guy…..”

Nami has tic-tac-shaped bruises on her forehead.

God knows how unreliable this captain of theirs is!

“Forget it, don’t care about him, let’s go buy supplies first, after all, we have to cross the desert.”

Nami said helplessly.


Usopp suddenly scanned around: “What about Lu Shen? ”

Everyone turned their heads and did not find the familiar figure in black.

“Shhhhh ”

“Leave them alone, let’s act ourselves first!”

Narohara, this is the closest port city to the sea in the Kingdom of Alabastan.

The voices are loud and very prosperous.

“Golden apple, golden apple, golden apple that can live forever if eaten!”

At one stall, the owner was shouting hard.

Suddenly, he saw a black-clad walking by.

“This little brother, very raw, first time to Alabastan?”

The boss held a golden apple in his hand and leaned up with a smile on his face: “How about it, do you want to take a look, this is a golden apple~”

Lu Shen glanced at him and continued walking.

“Wait, wait!”

The boss was anxious: “To tell you a secret, this is a secret treasure I found in an ancient ruin, as long as you eat a bite, you can live for thousands of years of dreamy golden apple!” ”

The corner of Lu Shen’s mouth hooked a smile: “If there really is such an effect, then you should be dead by now.” ”

He glanced at the golden apple in the boss’s hand: “And this apple of yours should be on the desk of the Holy Land Mary Joya, the five old stars, at this time.” ”

After that, Lu Shen ignored him and continued to walk forward.


The boss blinked, his face was dazed: “Ma,……… Mary Joya? ”

Lu Shen looked at the shops on this street as he walked. It can be said that it is very life-like.

A variety of vendors can be seen.

Until he walked outside a restaurant, Lu Shen’s footsteps stopped abruptly: “Oh? ”

A fiery aura broke into his perception.

The next moment, he stepped directly into it.

“Sure enough.”

In the restaurant, a figure is sitting at the front desk, eating happily.

It was a young man with short black hair and some freckles on his cheeks. Orange cowboy hat, shirtless, wearing a red bead chain around his neck.

He wore a dagger pinned to his left waist and black shorts.

Of course, the most conspicuous thing is the purple tattoo on his back!

It was a skull with a clump of white beards that looked like a crescent moon.

One of the ‘Four Emperors’, the symbol of the Whitebeard Pirates!

Suddenly, the fork in the young man’s hand, which was about to be sent into his mouth, stopped in midair. And his whole person seemed to die suddenly, and his head clicked and buried in the dinner plate in front of him.

“This… What’s going on? ”

“What happened to that person?”

“Hard, is it dead?!”

The people around them, including the chef, were all taken aback, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

“Tread, tread—”

Lu Shen walked behind the young man step by step.


As if reflexive, the young man abruptly got up from the dinner plate and looked behind him, his eyes widened.

His heart was beating extremely fast, and a sense of crisis lingered in his heart. It was as if standing behind him was not a human, but a living ancient beast!

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