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This not only startled Wilkes, but hurriedly dodged from the door, and looked back, only to see that the two people were fighting for a shrinking potion.

“This is what I formulated, so it should be mine.”

“If I hadn’t provided you with the formula, how could you have successfully formulated this potion, so he is mine, and besides, I am my brother!”

Facing the two people arguing in front of them, Wilkes quietly passed by them, wanting to go down the stairs to the second floor, who knew that as soon as he stepped on the stairs, he heard a creak under his feet, Wilkes couldn’t help but secretly complain about the broken stairs that had fallen into disrepair for a long time, and it would make a noise as soon as he stepped on it, but fortunately, the twins who were arguing over there did not notice the same on this side.

“Leitation Curse!” Wilkes used magic directly to make himself float in the air.

Slowly floating up the stairs, there were three rooms on the second floor, and Wilkes didn’t know how many rooms Weasley lived in, so he had to look over one by one.

In the first room, Ron was holding his mouse spot to talk to him, and even tried to turn the spot into a goblet, but tried several times without success, for Ron’s stupidity, Wilkes really couldn’t see it, when Ron cast a spell, Wilkes also recited the spell on the side, mouse spot, or Peter Pettigrew suddenly turned into a goblet and stood on the table.

Seeing that he had successfully cast the spell, Ron suddenly jumped up from his place with joy, and Wilkes couldn’t help but shake his head and turned away.

As soon as he entered the second room, Wilkes knew that this was already Ginny’s room, the whole room was arranged in a very warm style, the sheets and curtains were tender pink, but Ginny was not in the room, Wilkes just wanted to turn around and leave, but suddenly saw the bathroom door being knocked open, Ginny walked out of it naked, her body was covered with undried water droplets, her long brown hair was draped to her waist, and her face was red and shiny because it had just been steamed by the heat.

Since Wilkes was wearing an invisibility cloak, Ni did not feel Wilkes’ presence at all, and very naturally dried her hair in the room, and then slowly put on the bath.

And Wilkes on the side was stunned in place, until this year wearing a robe, sitting on the dressing table to comb her hair, she has not slowed down, this is still Wilkes saw the girl’s body, but did not expect it to be Ginny, Wilkes’ first reaction in his heart was that he must not let Ginny know this.

Wilkes reddened slightly and gently exited the room, but at the moment he just stepped out of the door, he accidentally touched the doorknob and made a creak, turned back suspiciously, seemed to remember something, gently touched the door, Ginny’s hand was even only a few centimeters away from Wilkes, but fortunately, Ginny didn’t touch anything, she looked suspiciously at the door a few times, and gently locked the door.

Wilkes couldn’t help but take a long breath and walked towards the next room, but he didn’t expect that room was full of clutter, this time Wilkes could be sure that every time he came it must be on the third floor, today was a rest day, he couldn’t go to work, so he must be at home.

Still using the levitation charm, Wilkes gently came to the third floor, sure enough, Weasley was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, while he was turning over, Wilkes quietly plucked a hair from his head, although there were also some hairs scattered on the sheets next to him, but Wilkes always remembered that the last time Hermione took the wrong cat hair, and the result was a transformation potion that could turn people into cats, Wilkes didn’t want to risk it at all.

Weasley, who had been tugged by a hair, just snorted softly, but did not wake up at all, got what he wanted, Wilkes jumped out of the window contentedly, took out a broom and flew into the sky.

But Wilkes’ mind still echoed from time to time the image of walking out of Ginny’s room this year, and Wilkes couldn’t help but shake his head gently and throw the scene out of his mind.

Before going to the phone booth, Wilkes found a remote street corner and threw Weasley’s hair into the transformation potion he had prepared, only to see a black smoke coming out of the potion, and then gradually calmed down.

Looking at the cup of disgusting liquid in front of him, Wilkes frowned, he really didn’t want to drink it, but there was no other way, Wilkes then pinched his nose and poured the liquid down, but as soon as the medicine was in the mouth, people couldn’t help but vomit.

Immediately, Wilkes felt some changes in his body, muscles and blood began to arrange strangely, his body gradually grew taller, the flesh on his cheeks bulged, and his body was blessed.

When all the changes were over, Wilkes looked through the reflection of the nearby pool and realized that he had changed into Weasley, not only that, but even the voice was exactly like him.

Looking at himself, Wilkes knew that the recent potion production had been successful. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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