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Snape also saw Wilkes’ gaze, and after two years of communication, his hostility towards Wilkes decreased a lot, not because he agreed with what Wilkes did, mainly because Snape felt that even if Voldemort was really resurrected, he would inevitably be able to control this child who could easily come up with a large number of ancient potion formulas.

While speaking, Wilkes saw Malfoy provoking Harry Potter, and did not interfere, but just talked to Hermione, who was sitting opposite Harry Potter, and the more consistent the matter was with the original book, then it was undoubtedly the most beneficial thing for him.

So most of the time, even if Malfoy ran to bully Harry Potter, he wouldn’t stop it, but if Malfoy didn’t have the brain to bully Hermione, he would be blamed on himself for making him feel the fear he once had again.

But looking at Malfoy’s adoring gaze, Wilkes estimated that Malfoy would never go to trouble Hermione.

“Next, our professor of the conservation artifact biology class decided to retire, and after communicating with the professors, I am happy to tell you that it is Rubeus who is responsible for taking over? Hagrid. Dumbledore announced with a smile.

Hagrid looked at Dumbledore with a smirk. Knowing that Professor McGonagall bumped him with her arm to remind him to get up and say hello, Hagrid reacted, and the huge body stood up causing the table in front of him to tilt forward a little, and the wine glasses on the table were accidentally shaken. Hagrid greeted the students with a smirk.

“Finally, the bad news is that we at Hogwarts have welcomed a special group of guests, dementors from Amagnetic Kaban, who are here to capture Sirius Black who escaped from Amagnetic Kaban, until, to take Sirius Black.

Dementors keep an eye on every important intersection, although the Ministry of Magic assures that the Dementors will not attack students. But, again, I remind you. ”

“Dementors are the most evil creatures, they have no ability to think, they will not distinguish between those who stand in their way and their real targets, they will not hesitate to attack those who stand in their way and their own targets.

Therefore, I am here to hope that you will not give them the opportunity to approach you. I ask you to keep your distance as much as possible after seeing the Dementors. Dementors don’t have a forgiving mentality, they only bring despair. Dumbledore finished speaking, waved his hand, and the evening feast began.

A rich variety of food appeared on the table. Wilkes, while Luna was holding all kinds of food, suddenly thought about what kind of magic Dumbledore was, after all, he had never seen magic that could conjure up food.

Hermione, who was sitting at the Gryffindor table, looked at Luna enviously, and couldn’t wait to run to the Ravenclaw dining area to enjoy Wilkes’ service.

Ron was unlucky enough to care about Hermione, but looked at Harry Potter with some worry, after all, he was the only one with Lupin in Harry Potter at that time, and Hermione was held in Wilkes’ arms at that time.

The sumptuous evening was soon over. Luna and Wilkes held hands and returned to the Ravenclaw common room, the two of them read a book together for a while, and before going to sleep, Wilkes suddenly gave Luna a gentle kiss on the cheek. Luna immediately ran into the girls’ dormitory with a red face.

And Wilkes smiled evilly and closed the book in his hand. Went back to his bed.

The third-year course was much more complicated than the previous two years, and although Wilkes had been reading all kinds of books for the past two years, he still needed to work some of the theoretical courses for graduate school. For example, Snape’s Potions class.

Wilkes arguably took Snape’s Potions class the most seriously, which made Snape like Wilkes so much that he even added five points to Ravenclaw. If this had been two years ago, Snape himself would not have believed it, God knows what he had been through.

A Potions class ended with many students frowning, and after most of the students left, Wilkes stayed.

“Professor Snape, let’s almost start today’s practice, shall we? I wonder what potions you’re going to teach me to refine today? Wilkes asked with a smile.

“Will… Kes, today, I’m going to… Teach you to prepare the Truth Agent, which is a… Very scary potions, I… Demanding that you cannot… Use on your classmates. Snape’s face darkened, and he spat out a paragraph in his characteristic tone. However, Wilkes knew that this did not mean that Snape was unhappy, in fact, he was quite happy now, after all, he was a genius who could learn to configure the truth agent in the third year.

“Okay, I promise.” Wilkes nodded. There really isn’t a student in this school who deserves to use the truth agent on their own. Probably, besides, I really can’t do it with the Imperius Curse or something. Well, they have killed so many people, and the Imperius Curse is just ordinary magic for Wilkes, and it is usually not used because it is a forbidden spell.

Snape nodded and began to teach the recipe for the True Potion. For the next two hours, Wilkes learned to prepare the Truth Pill in Snape’s small stove. I have to say that Snape, who can be a half-blood prince, knows a lot of shortcuts, otherwise he would not have become a potions master. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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