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“Harry, you didn’t put your name in the Goblet of Fire, did you?” Dumbledore asked anxiously grabbing Harry’s shoulder.

“No, sir.” Harry was frightened by a somewhat anxious Dumbledore.

“Didn’t you ask an older classmate to help you pitch in?”

“Nope.” Harry Potter affirmed.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.” Harry nodded incessantly.

“He must be lying.” Magsim stepped forward and spoke.

Wilkes smiled and spoke.

“Why are we lying? Going to the Triwizard Tournament is very dangerous for us right now, just a rare glory. The stakes are indeed your own life, if you like to participate so much, then you come to participate, I don’t really want to participate. Wilkes retorted unceremoniously.

Magsim was choked, indeed Wilkes and Harry Potter are too young, now to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, it is likely to send death, even if she does not die, it will peel off her skin, she can’t refute Wilkes. I had to shut my mouth.

Dumbledore saw Wilkes’ attitude and knew that he didn’t want to go to the Triwizard Tournament at all.

“I also think that they are not lying, the Goblet of Fire is a very powerful magic weapon, and if you want to blind him, you need a particularly powerful Confusion Charm. Fourth-graders don’t have this ability. Moody said and glanced at Wilkes.

Wilkes did actually use the Obfuscation Charm, but this time he didn’t do it.

“You seem to have used a lot of brains, Mad-Eye.” Igor walked up to Moody’s eyes and looked at him suspiciously.

“My previous job had to be thought of the Dark Wizard’s way, Karkaroff, have you forgotten what I do?” Moody glanced at Igor defiantly. After all, Igor had been a Death Eater.

“Don’t say it’s useless, Alastor.” Dumbledore passed between the two opposing men and walked to Barty’s side.

“You decide, Barty.”

“We must abide by the charter, the choice of the Goblet of Fire is bound by magic, and Mr. Potter and Mr. Wilkes have no choice.” From now on, they are the warriors of the Triumph Cup. After Barty took two steps, he turned sharply to look at the two and said.

Hearing Barty’s words, Snape, Moody, McGonagall and several other professors on the side, as well as the three headmasters, all stared at Harry and Wilkes.

Harry couldn’t say a word nervously. Wilke looked cynical, after all, the soldiers came to block the water to cover the soil, and he had calculated before or a chess move, or let it be. He already has a certain strength to protect himself.

Principal’s Office.

Dumbledore entered the meditation basin again and again, recalling the details of the past few days, hoping to find any loopholes in it.

“It can’t go on like this.” Professor McGonagall said as she watched Dumbledore come out of the meditation basin.

“First the Dark Mark, now here it is.”

“What do you think we should do? Minerva? Dumbledore didn’t look at McGonagall and asked.

“End it. Don’t let Porter and Wilkes compete. They were still a child. Professor McGonagall spoke.

“Potter doesn’t care, Will… Kex, I think… He is fully qualified … Participate in the Triwizard Tournament. Snape, who was standing with his hands tied to the side, said in his characteristic broken sentence.

Professor McGonagall was silent, indeed they had all seen Wilkes’ genius, and even now Wilkes was fully qualified even if he wanted to get a diploma.

“Barty said, the charter must be observed.” Dumbledore was silent for a moment and spoke.

“Let Barty and his charter die, how did you listen to the Ministry of Magic?” McGonagall stepped forward and asked.

“I also agree, it’s all too much… Coincidentally, but, if we… If you want to know the truth, maybe it’s better … Still, wait and see. Snape said calmly.

Originally, it was quite happy to hear that Snape agreed with his Professor McGonagall, but after hearing Snape’s proposal, he immediately turned to look at Snape in disbelief.

“Wait and see? Do not do anything? Use them as bait? They are still children, not a piece of meat! Professor McGonagall protested angrily.

“I agree with Severus’s proposal, Alastor, please watch over Harry.”

“No problem.” Moody took a step forward and said.

“But don’t let him know, Minerva, you go and call Wilkes over.” The three professors left the headmaster’s office, Moody went to Harry, and Professor McGonagall went to Hermione to tell her to inform Wilkes to go to the headmaster’s office.

Wilkes was looking in the library for information about dragon magic when Hermione ran over.

“Wilkes, Professor Dumbledore asked you to meet him in the headmaster’s office.”

Wilkes nodded and headed to the headmaster’s office.

Halfway to the road, Wilkes suddenly remembered Thor’s childish voice in his mind.

“Dad, Moody asked me to go with him, saying that he wanted to talk to me about something, do you want to go?”

“Ignore him, if he stalks him, use magic to scare him away.” Wilkes used his soul to deliver the message to Thor. He could guess that Barty Jr. must have taken a fancy to Thor’s magic and wanted to lure Thor to Voldemort’s camp.

A loud explosion was heard in the distance. Then Thor’s voice reappeared.

“Dad, I chased him away.”

“Well, well done.”

PS: The author originally wanted to reply, who knew that Feilu actually needed VIP to send a book review, wipe. _

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