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“Quiet, stop the spell.” After Dumbledore finished reciting the spell, Cullen opened his eyes.

“??? Where am I? Cullen sat up and looked around in confusion.

“Don’t play the fool, Mr. Cullen, do you still want to play the fool?” Moody asked reproachfully.

“What happened?” Cullen asked blankly.

“Cullen, did you admit to poisoning student Wilkes?” Dumbledore asked seriously.

“Poisoned? What poisons? I don’t know, I haven’t done that kind of thing. Cullen said anxiously.

“Severus, do you have a spitting agent there?” Dumbledore asked, turning his head.

Snape took a small bottle out of his arms.

“You may be able to give a lighter punishment if you admit to everything now.” Dumbledore spoke.

“I drink because I haven’t done it, so it proves my innocence.” Cullen has also heard of the power of the true agent, but he has not done anything wrong, naturally he is not afraid to drink the true agent.

Everyone on the side was a little surprised by Cullen’s attitude, but Cullen took the initiative to drink a little of the truth-spitting agent.

“Did you poison Wilkes?” Dumbledore asked.


“Where are you at lunchtime?”

“I don’t remember, I felt dark in front of me halfway this morning, and I woke up again and came here.” Cullen said.

This suddenly stunned the professors around. Because, the cullen who drank the truth agent cannot be deceived.

“It seems that the castle is no longer safe, the faculty and staff have been attacked, I think the other party should have used a compound decoction to become the appearance of Cullen.” Professor Flitwick said a little nervously.

“Could it be that the Dark Wizard sneaked in? Albus, I think the students should be centrally protected as soon as possible. Professor McGonagall also said.

Dumbledore nodded and asked the professors to inform the students of the houses to come to the lobby for the night.

Wilkes thinks that he has always done things very well, and no one will find that some high-impact things are done by himself. So why would the other party want to poison themselves? Is it just a coincidence that he played himself with a compound decoction, or maybe he was killing people with a knife? Let’s say throw it in Azkaban or something.

Thinking of this, Wilkes couldn’t help but walk in front of Cullen, who was following Dumbledore.

“Do you have enemies? Or have you done something bad lately that makes people want revenge? Wilkes asked.

Cullen thought for a while and replied affirmatively: “No, I’m just cooking in the cafeteria.” I usually have a good relationship with everyone. ”

“What’s wrong, Wilkes, did you find anything?” Dumbledore asked.

“Motive, if the other party is a Death Eater or a dark wizard, there is no need to poison me alone, most of the students in the school can be poisoned to bring panic effects.” Therefore, it can be preliminarily determined that the other party’s target should be me. Or, Cullen’s enemies wanted him to go to Azkaban to be tortured, so he used a compound decoction to become what he was, and then harmed a random student, and if that was the case, then I was the unlucky one. ”

When Dumbledore heard this, he nodded.

“Makes sense, go on, did you find anything else?”

“We have just asked Cullen to verify that he gets along well with his companion, so let’s go and ask his companion if this information is true.”

“Okay, there you go, be careful.” Dumbledore nodded. Wilkes headed to the cafeteria.

Wilkes went to the cafeteria to inquire about Cullen’s relationships, and it did match what Cullen said. All the clues are broken.

When Wilkes returned to the lobby, the other professors also patrolled back, but found no useful information.

After learning of Wilkes’ report, Dumbledore was also a little disappointed. However, Dumbledore still made a quick decision and announced that the students would gather for class and rest these days.

After doing these things, Wilkes asked Thor to be vigilant when he went to sleep at night, and at the same time applied some warning spells around him, and then he went to sleep, since the other party was coming at him, then he naturally had to ensure sufficient physical strength.

The next day. Nothing happened, Wilkes often made a defenseless appearance, creating opportunities for the other party to attack him, but the other party was cunning and did not make a move.

For three consecutive days, it was safe, and Dumbledore had to let the students return to the common room. The number of patrols has been strengthened.

But Wilkes doesn’t plan to let this matter pass, he was almost poisoned, he definitely can’t leave this dangerous factor, so Wilkes has been thinking differently these days.

Until he judged that the reason why the other party did not dare to make a move was because his strength was too weak, so he could only use poisoning to plot against him. In this way, it is not established that the poisoner is invaded from the outside, so what if it is some students? If it is a student, then naturally it will not be found out, because the other party is also among the objects of protection….

As ridiculous as it sounds, and Wilkes doesn’t believe much, after ruling out all sorts of erroneous answers, even the most unlikely answer can only be the truth.

People who have a vendetta against themselves… Not a few, from the Ron family looking at themselves unpleasantly, to Malfoy’s subtle attitude, and Krum, or Cedric, well, he robbed the woman he liked. Wilkes couldn’t help but have a headache. _

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