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Dumbledore saw that Wilkes was quite satisfied with the reward and left. He also had a trip to Harry Potter.

“Dad, you continue to sleep, I’ll help you watch, I won’t let others disturb you.” After Dumbledore went out, Thor sat down on the bed and patted his leg to signal Wilkes to go up on the pillow.

“Don’t sleep first, let’s move things out first, and it will be quite troublesome for those two people to come later.” Wilkes got up after speaking. Began to pack up my things.

After cleaning up, Wilkes set up his tent on the edge of the Forbidden Forest and put everything in.

In a dark forest. Voldemort was talking to the serpent Nagini, and several Death Eaters wearing skull masks.

“Master, I’m sorry, I escaped from Hogwarts, Wilkes escaped from you, he said the news of your resurrection, there is Dumbledore there, I…” Barty Jr. said guiltily.

“It’s not your fault, I don’t blame you, made contact with Severus?” Voldemort asked with a gloomy face.

“I’m afraid that he really went to Dumbledore, that will delay sending Harry Potter and Wilkes to you, and I haven’t had contact with him, he is still so gloomy and annoying, but Dumbledore seems to trust him.” Barty Jr. replied quickly.

“Go and gather my servants. I’m still a little weak and can’t fight Dumbledore yet. Also, whatever means you use, get Wilkes to join us. Go kill someone close to him and give it to Hogwarts, or the Ministry of Magic. Or use something to lure him into darkness, and whoever can bring him to submit to me is my best servant! Voldemort asked.

Barty Jr. nodded respectfully, and then Voldemort waved his hand. Barty Jr. and the other Death Eaters left.

Voldemort chose a direction and walked into the depths of the forest, where the Dark Elves, Giants, and other dark creatures were meeting together, which he needed after losing the power of hundreds of Death Eaters.

A few days later. After the Triwizard Tournament is the year-end exam at Hogwarts, in view of the fact that Harry Potter, Cedric, and Wilkes are all preparing for the Triwizard Tournament this school year, Dumbledore exempted the three from the exam. There is no sense to everyone.

Wilkes left Hogwarts with Thor after saying goodbye to Luna and the three in advance, and now there was no time to romance and love him, he knew that Voldemort must be hurrying to accumulate strength, and on his side, it was the same.

Wilkes made contact immediately after leaving Hogwarts, and finally the three decided to meet in the rainforest, where few people usually go. Confidentiality is good.

After agreeing on a meeting place, Wilkestol used Phantom Transfiguration.

A gray color appeared in the air, which immediately swallowed the figures of the two.

“Well, Dad, I really still hate this feeling of dizziness! Is it bad for us to fly over? In front of the rainforest, Thor, who emerged from the gray whirlpool, pouted.

“Don’t make trouble, save time.” Wilkes touched Thor’s head, and Thor squinted his eyes and quieted down.

Ten minutes later, a gray vortex appeared not far away, and John Xun fell out of it and sat on the ground.

“Sir, keep you waiting.” If people who knew John Xun saw it, they would be incredulous that John Xun, who was ruthless in front of the Death Eaters, would face someone so respectfully, and they would doubt life.

“It looks like your phantom transfiguration practice is still a little poor.” Wilkes joked.

But John nodded solemnly.

“I’m disappointed sir, but the magic I use on weekdays is basically attack magic and defensive magic, so there is no time to contact the magic of phantom transfiguration.”

“I’m just kidding, you’ve done a good job, I’ll explain your business, how much have you done?” Wilkes asked.

“First of all, I have contacted about a quarter of the important positions in the Ministry of Magic now, and have established good relations with them, and I have also mentioned to them those bright prospects vaguely, and they are also very yearning, these people should be the ones who will fully support me in the future, the total cost of this period of time is 80,000 gold gallons, and the 130,000 bounties of those Death Eaters have not been spent.”

Wilkes also did not lament that money can make ghosts grind, John Xun so easily used money offensive to buy a quarter of the staff of the Ministry of Magic, but this is also the law of this world, there is nothing to care about.

“Keep throwing money at it. The more people who support you, the better, we can’t fail, and if we fail, it’s hard to make a comeback. Wilkes nodded and said.

“Secondly, after hunting the Death Eaters, there are many Aurors who have idolized me, and I have not investigated the number, but there should be a part of the Aurors who will support me unconditionally.” John News continued to report.

“You have time to find a few assistants, people you can trust, to help you count these things. It doesn’t take much cleverness, but it must be faithful to you. Wilkes thought for a moment and replied.

He wanted the exact number, without statistics, the devil knows how many Aurors would be on their side, he didn’t want to go to war with the Ministry of Magic, it was all under his command in the future.

PS: I didn’t pay attention to typing the number of chapters wrong, embarrassing. emmmmmm_

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