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“One more question, how is the Ministry of Magic doing with the martyr’s pension?” Wilkes asked.

John paused, seemingly ashamed.

“Mr. Report, the Ministry of Magic did not say so, no one cares about such a thing.” John said truthfully.

“Next question, how is the security and defense of the Ministry of Magic, I will solve Fudge that night, there is not even a guard in the Ministry of Magic, although it may be partly because you invited him to the banquet, but how is the situation now?”

“This, sir, the Ministry of Magic is the office area, so there are only four Aurors patrolling back and forth, responsible for security. Besides, who would have the audacity to go to the Ministry of Magic to find trouble? John Xun said with some disapproval.

“There are more, Death Eaters, dark wizards, spies of other countries are all possible, and Voldemort will definitely come here to wreak havoc.” Wilkes said with a sigh.

He never expected the situation to be so bad, no wonder the Ministry of Magic failed in the original book.

“John, you remember, although you are now in the position of Minister of Magic, you still have to work hard, don’t give me food, drink and gamble all day, our enemy is not a miscellaneous fish like the Ministry of Magic, but the strongest dark wizard in legend.” You can’t let up. Wilkes said solemnly.

John Xun nodded in shame, recently as a local tycoon sitting as the minister of magic a series of things made him a little inflated, and now listening to Wilkes’ lecture immediately sobered up.

“Let’s meet, gather the important wizards of all departments, we want to reform.” Wilkes looked depressed, he didn’t want his Ministry of Magic to become a bunch of shrimp soldiers and crabs would be vulnerable, what was he plotting for a year of hard work? But John’s behavior Wilkes estimated that he was also loosely managed, and did not know how to manage it. Or deal with it yourself.

“Okay, I’ll go and give orders, sir, please give me an hour, I won’t let you down.” John Xun said sincerely, and was very ashamed to be questioned by Wilkes that he had found that he had not done anything well. I feel sorry for Wilkes’ cultivation.

“Go ahead.” Wilkes waved and began to make a draft, already thinking for a moment about how to convince some older wizards that Voldemort could rule his men with fear, he, after all, killed all the people and no one would work.

An hour later. John Xun walked in punctually through the door.

“Sir, all the important people have already assembled in the auditorium.” John said.

“Let’s go.” Wilkes stood up and followed John out of the Ministry of Magic’s room. Headed to the auditorium.

In the Great Hall of the Ministry of Magic, hundreds of seats were full, and the Ministry of Magic except for the marginal employees, the rest of the wizards came. After all, this is the first meeting of the new minister, and face has to be given.

John Xun and Wilkes walked to the podium in the auditorium, and everyone did not raise any opinions, after all, Wilkes’ position is a special executive officer, which is greater than the power here, and naturally has the right to stand there.

“Recently, I took over the post of Minister of Magic, and in view of the loopholes of the previous Ministry of Magic, the Special Executive Officer of the Ministry of Magic, His Excellency Wilkes, proposed to me the reform, and I thought it was necessary to hold a general meeting to inform you, so I convened you again for the first council of the Ministry of Magic.” John Xun said in an official tone, but he was only a student who had just left school for less than three years, and naturally he was not very skilled. After speaking, he gave up his position and sat aside.

“It’s an honor to meet you, so I’ll get straight to the point. The Ministry of Magic needed reform, and the loose status quo could not cope with Voldemort’s dark forces, and I had fought him, escaped from his hands, and understood his danger. Wilkes said confidently after casting a loud spell on himself.

Hearing Voldemort’s name, whispered words came from the Great Hall. But Wilkes didn’t care.

“First of all, I learned that the current situation is that the general salary of everyone here is less than 100 gold galleons, and many wizards live very poorly, for example, some time ago, Umbridge fired Professor Sybil Trelawney at Hogwarts, and the other party had nowhere to go after losing his job, and there was not even a room, which shows that his financial situation is very tight, of course, as an aside, Professor Trelawney is a very good professor of divination, and Umbridge fired the other party out of selfish desires, I think this is a sign of extreme irresponsibility, and I hope you will take it as a warning. ”

Wilkes spoke.

There was a whispered whisper in the auditorium. A glint of light flashed in Arthur Weasley’s eyes, and he felt that better days were coming.

“Here, I think it is necessary to double your salary. The year-end bonus will also increase accordingly. As soon as Wilkes’ voice fell, the auditorium suddenly boiled, they did not expect that today’s parliament would be such a great thing.

In Wilkes’ view, no one can resist the temptation of money, and the other party rejects you only because you are not paid enough. If double the salary does not work, then it is better to come twice as much, but at present, it seems that the effect has been outstanding. _

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