Chapter 6

When Li Jin entered, Qin Muwen was holding the baby in his arms, his face pale, paler than when he had just given birth.

There is no trace of blood on the lips.

But even so, he still held the baby carefully.

Try to stroke the child's back very gently.

Although Qin Muwen's movements are unfamiliar, he is full of his love for children.

Li Jin smiled and said, "This kid really recognizes his father. When he was hugged by his father, he immediately stopped crying."

When talking, he didn't stop his hand movements, preparing to make the bed.

In this era, the cotton in the quilt is real. Li Jin first cleaned up a mattress and spread it on the empty half of the bed.

He felt that the thickness was just right, and it was neither hard nor soft in sleep.

If the bed is too hard, it will make people uncomfortable.

But if it is too soft, it is not good for the lumbar spine.

Li Jin measured the thickness of the mattress with his hands, feeling that one mattress was enough.

However, the cotton mattress at this time was not as good as the Simmons soft bed in the market. Li Jin borrowed two newly sewn mattresses from Li Daniu's house. Even if they were all laid, they would not be too soft and would not damage the lumbar spine.

Li Jin asked, "Do you like a softer bed or a harder one?"

Qin Muwen stayed for a while, as if he didn't expect Li Jin to be talking to him.

"Me, me?"

The boy's voice was green and thin, and now because he had just given birth, his voice was a little softer.

It's not as tactful and crisp as a woman, but it gives people a sense of long water and quiet years.

In fact, Li Jin didn't laugh often. In his previous life, he was in a big environment like a hospital, and it was common for him to leave and die.

The doctors are indeed very sad to see someone die, but they still have to summarize the cause of death from the various physical data of the operation and the death of the patient, and then accumulate these data into more, and finally promote the progress of the whole medicine.

When the doctors held regular meetings to do statistics, they would certainly not smile, after all, these were all cases of death.

But crying and summing up would be too stupid.

Therefore, everyone has long been practised the skills of being straight-faced and making a serious report.

Coupled with the fact that Li Jin is a doctor in obstetrics, it is even more impossible for him to smile at the parturient.

Therefore, Li Jin can't remember when he last laughed.

But now, seeing the boy awkwardly but gently holding the child, he put on a smile unconsciously.

He smiled and rubbed the boy's head: "Of course, I didn't ask you, should I ask the child?"

The freshly laid cup beside Qin Muwen smelled of the sun, and it was very refreshing.

He obediently said: "This is enough."

Li Jin didn't ask any more, anyway, there is an extra mattress. When the teenager feels uncomfortable, he can add it.

So he spread the clean sheets on, and then slapped the child out of Qin Muwen's arms like pulling a carrot.

The dumbfounded child: "???" What happened?

Well, no matter what happens, just cry.

Qin Muwen was also dumbfounded. His biggest worry now is that he is worried that Li Jin does not like his brother and does not care about his first child.

Looking at Li Jin's attitude now, although he is not very enthusiastic about this child, he is not indifferent.

Li Jin bent down and said, "Don't struggle."

Afterwards, he held the young man's back with one hand and his knees with the other, and hugged him in his arms.

In fact, Li Jin also hugged him like this before the child was born.

Qin Muwen was tortured by the pain in his stomach at that time, and had no time to take this into consideration.

At this moment, he could clearly hear the man's steady heartbeat, and he could smell the water vapor he took after taking a shower.

Qin Muwen just remembered that he hadn't worn pants after giving birth.

The door of the room was kept closed, and there was no wind at all, but this action inevitably brought a little wind, making Qin Muwen a little blush.

Li Jin asked Qin Muwen to hold his neck and wiped his body before putting him on the hospital bed.

There is no hint of teasing or profanity between the actions.

Instead, he looks like a qualified family member who takes care of the patient.

Li Jin quickly made up the other half of the bed, then covered Qin Muwen with a quilt and pressed down the quilt.

At this time, he asked again: "Where are your clothes?"

The boy has only two sets of clothes, one is what he is wearing now, and the other is in the closet by the bed.

After Li Jin found it, he distinguished the pros and cons, and reached under the quilt to dress Qin Muwen carefully.

These trousers have been clearly changed, maybe because the belly was big before, the waistband was changed.

But now at home, it doesn't matter if you don't wear your pants.

After all the teenagers were settled, Li Jincai wrapped the child in a diaper, and then wrapped him tightly with a swaddle.

It's June now, and although the temperature is high, it is better than having a baby in the cold winter.

At that time, Li Jin should consider buying some charcoal fire to burn the earth dragon.

After squeezing both one big and one small into the quilt, Li Jin stopped and folded up the dirty mattress.

This mattress has been used for a long time, the cotton has been pressed tightly, and now it is stained with blood. If you want to take apart and wash, it is a huge workload.

Li Jin planned to take this thing apart and burn it for firewood.

Although he can cook, tidy up and clean, he is really a layman in needlework. The only person in the family who can take apart and wash the quilt is probably the teenager lying on the bed, but he has just given birth. How can he do it?

Li Jin thought, anyway, it's not very useful, just discard it.

Two brand-new mattresses at home are now enough.

Qin Muwen shrank under the covers, and his whole body was refreshed many times than before.

He thought, he didn't know where he got these things...

Li Jin put away everything she didn't plan to need at home and moved to the kitchen.

He has lived alone for so many years, and his room and desk are clean and tidy.

When everything was cleaned up, Li Jin began to recall the "postpartum precautions" the teacher said when he was still in school.

It seems to say...the mother's emotions must be taken care of.

Postpartum depression is not a joke.

Li Jin returned to the house, and the child fell asleep after crying two times.

The small appearance looks very cute, with a cinnabar mole on the eyebrows, which is very pleasing.

But the young man never fell asleep. When Li Jin entered the door, he blinked at Li Jin, and when Li Jin looked at him, he quickly looked away.

Li Jin sat on the edge of the bed and started a conversation: "Is it cold now?"

The boy looked at Li Jin and shook his head obediently.

Li Jin almost had to support his forehead. This is clearly a child. How did the ancient people get it right?

"Is there anything uncomfortable?"

The boy shook his head, adding one more sentence this time: "No."

"If your stomach hurts, you must tell me. Don't be shy, don't be afraid."

The boy looked at Li Jin with his eyes wide open and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to be called Li Jin, but he did not speak.

At this moment, some pictures flashed in Li Jin's mind.

——"Husband? Ms. Gong? Is this you **** worthy of calling?"

The teenager knelt on the ground, tears falling down: "I was wrong, I was wrong, and I will never dare again."

Then came another round of punches and kicks.

Li Jin thought that he was a bystander that couldn't be **** off, and it was hard to imagine how the teenager persisted all these years.

"My name is Li Jin, Li at dawn, Jin with a bright future.

You can just call me by name, me mate.

up to you. "

Li Jin did not apologize to the young man for his injuries over the past two years, because he knew that after hurting others, the apology was particularly thin.

At this time, language is often the most useless thing.

It is better to use your own practical actions to make up for the hurt in the heart of the teenager.

Just when Li Jin thought he could not hear the young man, a clear address came out of the young man's mouth.

"A Jin."

After the boy finished speaking, he closed his eyes and almost buried his head in the quilt.

He didn't know how Li Jin would react. He didn't dare to call Li Jin "Msang Gong" or "Husband" because the young man's mind was particularly sensitive. He realized that the current Li Jin was completely different from the previous Li Jin.

Qin Muwen wanted to use a new name to start a new life.

He was worried about one of his titles, and then brought out the violent side of Li Jin's heart.

He could continue to bear it, but the child... the child was just born, and still so fragile, he really couldn't stand it.

Li Jin smiled and said, "I like this name very much."

The young man's tense heart finally fell back to the original place. He had just been extremely tense, and now he relaxed, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Li Jin then looked at the house carefully. The bedroom was about a dozen square meters, with a built-up wooden bed leaning against the wall.

There is a low cabinet at the end of the bed, which is well made, and it seems to be the most expensive piece of furniture in this family.

The low cabinet is divided into three levels, and there are some odds and ends.

The soap corner is placed on the inner side of the window sill, which can be used to wash the dirty clothes I changed.

There are no other cabinets in the bedroom, only two bamboo baskets.

One of them is used to install clothes, and the other holds the unfinished front.

Li Jin also found seven or eight copper plates at the bottom of the clothes basket. Thinking about it, the young man probably had nowhere to hide, fearing that the original owner would use all the belongings to buy wine.

Li Jin didn't touch the copper plates. He still doesn't know the purchasing power of this era. After washing the clothes for a while, he can find Li Daniu to play chess and then check his tone.

Furthermore, Li Jin felt that he had just remembered a little bit of the scene of the original owner getting along with the boy.

So... it shouldn't be far before he remembered the name of the boy...

If you want him to ask the name directly in person, doesn't this make it clear that he is not the original owner Li Jin.

Li Jin didn't know at this time, and the original owner never knew the name of the boy.

Never thought of giving the boy a name, as if he was just a dispensable person.

However, things have to come one by one.

Li Jin decided to wash his clothes first. He watched some brothers and daughters-in-law in the village walk away with the washing tub, and then thought of the river he saw when he was pulled back by a bullock cart.

"It is estimated that people in the village are washing clothes in the river."

He packed the saponins, the mallet (used to beat clothes), the tub and the clothes, and set off with the tail of the large army.

The author has something to say:    Thanks for the landmine of the little witch

Thanks for the nutrient solution of Dream Blue Maple

Thank you very much for your support~ The setting of this book is a long-running farming text after marriage, the plot may be a bit slow~ But I am just fine with this 2333, I really like this daily routine.

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