Lillow sits on the carpeted floor, with his head lowered and his tongue licking a small bowl of milk in front of him - body For a newborn baby, he can only drink milk.

Fortunately, the milk here is very good, the milk is very rich, it tastes like the milk sold in the real world supermarket, almost no milk sweet.

Elvis was sitting on the sofa beside Li Luo, holding a book in his hand, and the book unfolded. It seemed to be reading seriously. In fact, the light of his eyes was from time to time looking down on the well-behaved head. Small lilo of milk. Seeing that he was drinking almost, Elvis leaned down and easily picked up his small body with one hand, put him on his lap, and gave him a hand on his back. Soft fluff, and finally a long finger sticking out to Li Luo's chin.

"Small things, can I give you a name?"

Li Luo could not resist the nature of the feline, and Elvis's stroking and scratching his chin, his eyes screamed with joy. After hearing Elvis's words, he lifted his rounded head and tied Elvis's finger to his chin with a front paw, and opened his mouth softly.

Whatever the name, there is no suspense for him. As the author of this book, and the general direction of the world in his mind, Li Luo, who is very familiar with important people, has turned his head and licked his own claws. The fleshy cat face does not matter. The expression is simply not calmer.

Elvis looked at the little things on his legs, couldn't help but hook the lips, pulled out the fingers hooked by Li Luo's claws, and continued to scratch the small chin, which was very good. Said: "You are so cute, it is better to call you cute?"

Li Luo: "..." Meng Meng your sister Meng Meng! Bear child, you are called Meng Meng, your whole family is called Meng Meng.

Li Luo twitched his mouth and turned to Elvis to show that he hadn’t had a long sharp claw. The whole body’s hair was blown up. In order to show his dissatisfaction, he also fiercely turned to Elvis. "喵呜喵呜" called several times.

Elvis looked at the small figure of his own hair on the lap, and he couldn’t help but hold his fist and put it on his lips, covering his mouth and hiding his smile. . At this time, his brain suddenly flashed a flash of light, a name appeared in his mind, he said involuntarily: "Ludwig, you are called Ludwig." Not a question, but an affirmative sentence. On the road where Elvis lives, the name Ludwig represents the meaning of light.

The arrival of this little thing in his arms made him realize the happy emotions that he had never experienced since he turned into waste. It was like a light that emerged from the dark clouds, and he immediately illuminated his original. The heart of death, the bottom of his heart, once again showed a vitality. And I don't know why, for this little thing, he always wants to be better with it, I hope it can stay with him forever, never leave him.

After Elvis’s voice fell, Li Luo felt that there seemed to be something in his body, like a hidden instinct that prompted him to stand up and use his claws to hold Elvis’s fingers. Open your mouth and bite his finger. The sharp teeth instantly pierced Elvis's fingers, and then Lero instinctively swallowed a few drops of Elvis's blood.

After the blood was swallowed by Li Luo, both of them felt the resonance in the depths of the body. It is like a strange rhythm that comes from the ancient times. There is an inextricable connection between the two people. This connection exists in the soul and cannot be erased.

Elvis groaned, this feeling should be only a contract with the contract beast to form a soul contract, but why Ludwig can also conclude a contract with him?

Elvis looked incredulously at the small ball like the snowball on his leg. Is this little thing not an ordinary animal, but a Warcraft?

However, he does not have the ability to contract a Warcraft at all. The little thing chooses him. He can only live in the same place as an ordinary person. He can't take the little guy to see the wider world. Elvis had no concern about the rank and potential of Li Luo, but he had a very uncomfortable feeling. If he did not sign a contract with him, his Ludwig would definitely find a better master.

Elvis took Li Luo's two front paws, so that his amber cat can look at himself. "Ludwig, I may not be able to change like the owner of other contract beasts." More powerful, even then, don't you regret having concluded a contract with me?"

After Elvis's voice fell, a small paw was shot on his face, and then his nose tip was smashed, as if he was comforting him and not letting him give up.

Elvis’s mood immediately became better again. He took Li Luo into his arms and kept his hands on his white hair. His face showed an uncontrollable smile.


Every year, Elvis’s family of Roths tests the magical power of the body for the people in their family for free.

This year is no exception. The square of the test magic power is still not bright. There are many young girls in their teens who are nervous and waited there. Everyone is full of expectation, and they are afraid to look at the high platform in front. Sometimes there are several good relationships that are whispering together, but the sounds are very low, and they are not very close.

As the sun rises, the number of people on the square becomes more and more, and the people who are discussing have become more numerous, but the sound is still low, so it is still not noisy.

Elvis was holding Li Luo into the square when he was about to end the collection. After entering the square, he silently walked to the end of the team without making a sound.

However, many people have noticed him. Most people have seen him ridiculed and despised. Of course, the eyes are more gloating.

Before Elvis had not lost the magical power, every time their mom and dad talked about them, they would definitely take Elvis as an example and let them hate Elvis.

Now Elvis has fallen from the altar and turned into a waste. The happiest thing is them.

Soon after Elvis came, a man with two white robes and black robes walked up the high platform in front of a group of young boys and girls standing in the square. The brown eyes faintly glanced at the bottom and whispered. The sound suddenly disappeared, and the quietness of the square was almost audible.

The man took back his gaze and turned to look at the one-and-a-half-high object with a black curtain hanging behind him. He reached out and pulled the black curtain on it, revealing the crystal clear crystal spar below. Come.

The man's hand under the black robes stretched out, revealing the five stars embroidered in the cuffs, and his hand was holding a sapphire-studded staff. I saw nothing in his mouth, and the sapphire on the staff suddenly gave off a dazzling light, and a beam of light immediately shot at the huge spar.

In the original crystal clear spar, suddenly there was a group of white light clusters that seemed to be shining, just like a mist of mist floating slowly inside the spar.

"Get started, let the first child come up."

The man took back his staff and looked at Talth, who was standing at the front of the team. His serious face showed a slight smile.

Tars was like a peacock that was noticed by the public. His face was full of restraint, but he couldn’t hide his smug smile. He lifted his foot and walked up the top of the platform.

When he put his hand on the spar and began to input magical power into the spar, most of the people in the audience held their breath and stared at the change of the spar. I saw that the color of the spar, which had no color, gradually turned into a dazzling red light. The young girls below couldn’t help but sigh a sigh of relief. They didn’t think that Talth had already had the level of trainee magician! And looking at this, it has been very well consolidated.

The man standing next to Talth nodded with satisfaction and said, "You are good, next."

Tars's eyebrows showed a sense of pride. He turned his head and looked at Elvis, who stood at the end of the team without a trace. The smugness in his eyes became more and more obvious. Now he is the focus of attention, and the piece of the previous pressure on his head can not surpass the stumbling block, has turned himself into dust - it is no better.

The young girl standing in front of her is gradually decreasing, but Elvis is like nothing, just lowering her head, caressing her own feelings in her arms, and squinting her eyes. The back of Li Luo.

Until the last teenager in front of him went to the high platform and tested, the man looked at him without any affection. Elvis raised his head and took Li Luo directly to go up. Then he put him aside and put himself. The hand was placed on the spar.

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