Li Luo is holding Elvis, who has fallen into a coma, and rushing for a few kilometers in the opposite direction of the magic flame silver wolf. Stopped, during which he felt his shoulders were always moistened by warm liquids - the blood that overflowed from the mouth of Elvis.

Li Luo was in a hurry along the way, but when he was afraid to stop to check Elvis's situation, the magic flame silver wolf would wake up and catch up with them.

After feeling that it was safe, Li Luo stopped. He quickly looked around and found Elvis walking past the grass in front of him. Putting Elvis on the grass, Li Luo found that Elvis's entire face is now bloodless, pale like a blank sheet of paper. Elvis's chest clothes were all wet with blood. His white robes were also stained with large blood stains of Elvis. It looked very shocking.

Li Luo looked at the blood and saw Elvis still still unconsciously coughing up blood. He only felt that there was some blank in his mind. He didn't know why these obvious things were not happening in the book. However, when he thought that the last world had many things out of the story, Li Luo quickly calmed down. Now the most important thing is how to make Elvis fast and turn around. Li Luo thinks that Xiaoqi said that he can scan the human body and immediately summoned Xiaoqi. When he waited for Xiaoqi to speak, he said hurriedly: [Small seven, you can help me see the situation of Elvis. ]

[Okay, please wait a moment. Xiaoqi also saw Elvis's appearance through Li Luo's eyes, and immediately stopped talking about it. He quickly scanned and checked Elvis's physical condition.

After a while, Xiaoqi told Li Luo: [The host is big, and now the situation of the male owner is very bad. His ribs were broken, and one of them had been inserted into the lungs. The oxygen content in his blood was gradually decreasing, and the heart rate was gradually slowing down from the rush. If you don't get treatment as soon as possible, after a few hours, the man will lose signs of life. ]

When Li Luoton felt that his head was screaming, would he want Elvis to withdraw from the final exam? But after this failure, Elvis will be expelled from the black thorns. He has just started to look at the second floor of the college library a few days ago. If he is expelled from the black thorns, it means he can no longer enter the second. Level, unless you continue to work hard in the final semester semester assessment. For Elvis, this is actually wasting his time, and the plot has such a big flaw, who knows what will happen in the future. Li Luo settled his mind and asked Xiaoqi again: [Aside from withdrawing from the exam, is there any other way? ]

Xiaoqi: [Wait, let me see. ]

Li Luo: [Well. ]

After a short while, Xiaoqi came out of the head: [The host is big, there is a cliff about four kilometers away from here, and there is a newly ripe holy fruit on the cliff wall. As long as the male owner eats this, the male owner will soon be able to do it. ]

Li Luo suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. He turned his head and glanced at Elvis lying on the grass. He leaned over and set him up, and quickly walked toward the place where Xiaoqi was guiding.

On the way, he was careful not to let Elvis suffer a bump. It took more than ten minutes to get to the edge of the cliff that Xiaoqi said, and placed Elvis carefully on the ground to pose the most comfortable position.

Because the animal type is more flexible, Li Luo has changed back to the animal type. He ran to the edge of the cliff. Four small claws protruded from the tip of the claw, inserted into the hard rock, climbed down the top of the cliff, and moved to the place where the Holy Spirit was located. A little moved over.

The wind between the cliffs is very large. On the steep cliffs, a small white snowball is slowly moving. Several small bodies were blown up by the wind, but he was holding the rock and continued to shake and crawl in one direction.

After finally seeing the soft white light, the entire plant is like a jade carving of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, Li Luoton was relieved.

At the top of the emerald green plant, there are two jade-white fruits that are the size of a real-world apple. Even if it is more than a dozen meters away, Liluo can smell a very wonderful fragrance.

Li Luo turned to the rounded cat face and confirmed that there was no danger, and suddenly jumped over the plant of the Holy Spirit. Climbing along the branches to the top, Li Luo used two front paws to gather the two holy spirits and asked: [Xiaoqi, can you put this in your system space? ]

[No problem, yes. Xiaoqi replied.

Li Luobi stroked a bit, then stretched out a paw, and the claw tip suddenly began to linger in the fine wind. Then he waved his claws, and a holy spirit fruit fell with the leaves. Li Luo saw the timing and opened his mouth to bite under the Holy Spirit. The branches and leaves, then let Xiaoqi income in its storage space, and the other one also draws the gourd. When Li Luo catches the one, he almost fell, but he quickly responded with four claws. The branches underneath have not fallen.

Finally, there was no danger to bring the two holy spirits into the storage space of Xiaoqi. Li Luo finally let go of his heart and turned and began to return.

The process of returning is much easier and faster than when it comes down. When I came down, because the wind between the cliffs was blown from the bottom up, Li Luo climbed up the wind, and the speed was slowed down by half. When I climbed up, there was a wind, and the speed was fast. a lot of. Lero jumped lightly on a prominent rock block and continued to climb upwards. It took less than half of the time to reach the cliff.

Elvis was still lying there, but his face was paler and his breathing was much weaker than before. Li Luo quickly became a human figure, took out a holy fruit from the space of Xiaoqi, and took a small piece with his fingertips and stuffed it into Elvis's mouth.

The entrance to the Holy Spirit was instant, but Elvis had no ambition now, and turned into a liquid Holy Spirit for a moment and then flowed out of Elvis's lips.

Li Luo tried several times and couldn't do it. Seeing Elvis's breathing weaker, Li Luo couldn't take care of the other. He took a bite from the Holy Spirit and then leaned down and kissed Elvis pale. Lips. He opened his lips with his tongue and sent the fruit of the Holy Spirit into the mouth of Elvis.

After feeding this a few times, Elvis's face was finally much better. Li Luo’s heart suddenly fell a bit, once again biting a big mouth and leaning over Elvis’s lips. The Holy Spirit in his hands was already half lost, and the other half was mostly in the belly of Elvis, and a small part was swallowed by him because of the occasional swallowing of Lilo.

Li Luo plunged his tongue into Elvis's lips and felt that the temperature in his mouth had become hotter from just a little cold. Li Luo once again fed a sacred fruit, just wanted to quit his tongue, but was held down by one hand with the back of his head. The tip of the tongue that had not been withdrawn was also kissed, and the burning scent filled his entire mouth.

Li Luo's eyes widened and he wanted to break Elvis, but he was afraid of hurting him. He could only endure not pushing Elvis. He wants to go too far to avoid Elvis's kiss, but he is pressed tighter by the hand on his head, and his lips and tongues are more overbearing. He seems to want to swallow him. Eat into the abdomen.

Gradually, Li Luo noticed a sense of familiarity from this hot kiss. In memory, when the person kissed him, it was so blazing and overbearing. It seems that he is the world of that person.

Li Luo's white cheeks were dyed with a thin layer of red on his cheeks. He looked up at Elvis and found Elvis still closed his eyes, as if his movements were only his subconscious reflexive movements.

Then Lero felt that Elvis had stretched out his hand on his naked back and pressed him directly into his arms. Before he became an adult because he was in a hurry, he even used the clothes without wearing them. The Holy Spirit has healed Elvis.

Li Luo was too weak to kiss, and he couldn't bear it. He turned into a beast and fell from Elvis's arms. Then, after putting on the clothes, pick up the half of the Holy Spirit that rolled to the side and wipe it, no longer feed Elvis with his mouth, or feed Elvis according to the original method.

After feeding a whole holy fruit, the whole face of Lero's fever was restored to normal. He sat aside and watched Elvis already have a **** side face, and could not help but be a little ecstasy.

When he was just kissed by Elvis, he did not know why he felt exactly the same as the kiss of Qin Hao in the last world. But the only difference is that his heart seems to be more chaotic than the previous world.

Just Elvis kissed him. When he noticed the kiss before Qin Qin kissed him, he felt that his breathing was in a disorder, and his heartbeat could not be suppressed. He felt that he never felt it. But it is not annoying.

Li Luo touched the lips that had been reddened by her pro, and thought of the scene just now, and felt a little restless. However, Elvis and Qin Xiao are clearly two different people. Why does he think that kiss is so familiar?

Lero sat next to Elvis and reached Elvis's face and looked at it for a long time, but still did not find a place similar to Elvis and Qin.

Li Luo studied for a long time and finally gave up the relationship between Elvis and Qin.

Elvis is a Westerner, and the five senses obviously look a lot of three-dimensional, but they are also comparable to the Qin dynasty. In addition, there is no similar point - there is no comparable.

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