Soon the boy came back, and there was a storage bag on his tray. "The item you gave me has been looking for our appraisers. After that, this is the difference you are looking for."

Elvis didn't look at it, but instead took the auction together and took it into his storage bag, then stood up and prepared to leave.

The teenager put his hand on the side of his body, then placed his chest on his left hand and bent down at Elvis. "Welcome to come back next time."

Elvis didn't say anything, just a little bit of a bit, picked up Li Luo and walked out of the box and left the auction house.

At this time, the night has become very rich, and there are not many pedestrians on the road. Only a white glory of the moon hanging high in the sky illuminates the way they go back.

When Elvis returned to the hotel with Lero, the hotel’s door was closed. He still called a clerk at the gatekeeper and confirmed his identity before entering.

When Elvis returned to his room and turned to close the door, Li Luo fell from his shoulder and became a human figure ready to take a shower in the bathroom.

But as he turned around, the flexible waist that he had just put on his belt was firmly locked by the arm that had been stretched back.

"What's wrong?" Li Luo just turned his head and was immediately taken over by Elvis and kissed his lips.

Before he could react, the body was already pressed onto the bed by Elvis, and the belt of the robes on his body was also untied, revealing a white, smooth skin.

Elvis's twilight stroking the smooth skin on Li's chest, the two points of pink that were taken care of have long turned into a blushing color, and the tempting Elvis leaned up and kissed.

Li Luo was also moved by Elvis, and the skin was covered with a thin layer of pink.

His eyes were blurred and looked at Elvis, who was covering himself. He couldn't help but scream when he was entered.

Elvis's action immediately paused, and then he took Li Luo's waist and kissed him deeply.

In order to let Li Luo, who has not been acquitted for a long time, get used to his encroachment, Elvis's movements are still relatively gentle, and then he can't control the beginning and become more aggressive and more and more brave.

It’s like a beast that doesn’t know how to squat, and you have to leave a little bit of prey under your body.

Li Luo was eaten over and over again, and his eyes were red and a big piece, and the scorpions were a little dumb.

After being replaced by a posture, Li Luo finally couldn't stand it, trying to grab the sheets and escape from Elvis's arms, but was hooked back to the waist and pulled back again, and then was heavily encroached again.

"Ah... Elvis, no, I can't stand it..."

"I can't stand it? You are not looking at the female auctioneer below. I am very happy? Well? Why am I doing this to you now, you can't stand it?" Elvis squinted and kissed Li. Luo has long been on the neck side of the hickey, and the voice is hoarse with the usual, but it sounds extraordinarily sexy.

Li Luo’s chaotic brain responded for a long time before he understood it. Elvis is jealous. But he looked at the female auctioneer several times, but that was just a look. He didn't have any idea at all. Is it necessary to be jealous?

"It doesn't matter, you look at her a few times, I will do it several times with you every time."

When Li Luoton felt that he had a painful waist, he was already struggling with Elvis’s original needs. If he had several times each time, he felt that he could not climb down from the bed. .

Elvis has turned into a blue-eyed eye and looked at Lero, who was obviously scared. The lips curled up with a touch of curvature that was hard to be noticed. He narrowed his eyes and put his head in Lilo. The face, lips put in his ear and said: "You can also learn how to please me, make me happy, we will shorten the time limit for punishment?"

"Recour me?" Li Luo's head is still very fascinating, and he did not realize the sinister intentions of Elvis, repeating.

"Yes, please me." Elvis's lips are not deep and the smile is deeper. "For example, you take the initiative."

Lero was unconsciously brought into the pit by Elvis, and then actively asked him to eat several times according to Elvis's request. The last time I turned out the cat and cat tail, Elvis, who was finally unable to endure it, was overwhelmed and ate from the inside out.


The next morning, Li Luo opened his eyes in confusion. The pair of silver-white triangle ears that had not been put up and stood on his head, with his waking up, unconsciously shook several times.

After a few minutes, Li Luo just woke up, and slowly remembered the thoughts of last night, suddenly felt that his whole person would burn. How could he agree to Elvis's request, he was so stupid to sit on him, and let him eat himself, feeling that he was really stupid.

Elvis, who was sleeping with Li Luo, was awake soon after he woke up in Li Luo. He leaned on the neck of Li Luo, and the tall nose was a few times in the neck of Li Luo. ,"Woke up?"

Li Luo was ticklishing his neck, but did not speak.

"What's wrong?" Elvis lifted up slightly and kissed Lero's cheek gently. The thick golden long eyelashes hang down, but the blue eyes were with a hint of light smile.

Elvis knew that Li Luo was shy last night, but he did not break. After all, such a welfare, he does not want to enjoy it in the future.

Li Luo buried his face in the quilt, and the voice came out from the quilt. "Nothing."

Elvis didn't ask anything anymore, and got out of bed and got dressed. "Wait a minute, I will bring the breakfast to the room. You can lie down and get up again."

The quilt that buried Lero’s head moved, and it was an answer.

Elvis couldn't help but chuckle. After washing, he opened the door and went out.

After hearing the sound of the door closing, Li Luo took his head out of the quilt. He still couldn't help but recall the pictures that were extremely shameful last night, and then he couldn't help but reach out and grab his head. After a few times, the smooth silver hair was messed up.

What makes Lero even more shameful is that he seemed to agree to Elvis last night, and he will please him as he did last night, and let Elvis enjoy himself. How idiotic he is, will he agree to such a request?

It is said that what men say in bed is generally a lie, so what did he said last night, all of them as jokes?

Li Luo rolled a few laps on the bed and wrapped himself into a fat silkworm cocoon.

After immersing himself for a little while, he rolled back in the opposite direction and re-distributed himself to the bed. He felt that after a few downs, his waist had a feeling of sourness, and he immediately I also remembered the guarantee of my own egg pain. Then I couldn't help but roll around and wrap myself in a cocoon.

After repeated several times, Li Luo finally gave up the struggle, put on a comfortable robes of pure cotton texture, and then slowly climbed down from the bed to wash and prepare for breakfast.

After Elvis was washed in Lero, he quickly returned with a tray full of things. He placed things on the table inside the room, and placed two cushions on the chair where Li Luo was going to sit, one sitting and one leaning.

Li Luo saw what Elvis did for himself and said nothing. After all, he really needs something that needs to be softer now. There is no need to say that he doesn't want anything.

After dinner, Elvis packed up everything on the table and asked Li Luo: "Ludwig, the joint competition will begin tomorrow. All students today must go to the venue to draw themselves. The order of tomorrow's game, by the way, look at the game process tomorrow. Do you want to stay here, or go with me?"

Lero almost didn't look up at Elvis when he was eating, and apparently still awkward things last night. Now when I heard Elvis’s question, he hesitated and said, “I will go with you.”

Elvis’s lips were slightly ticked. “Well, wait a moment, I will send the things down first.” After that, he picked up the trays that were all empty, opened the door and went out, this time only used. In a few minutes, Elvis came back upstairs.

Li Luo had already turned into a white hair fluffy hairy troupe, sitting on a soft mat and waiting for Elvis.

Elvis holds Li Luo gently in his arms, while stroking the long back hair of his hair with smooth hair, with one hand, walking down the stairs with his long legs.

More than half of the rooms in this hotel have been booked by the St. Helier Academy of Magic, and today is the day when all the people gather. Although the time is still very early, when I walked the stairs, Li Luo saw many familiar faces. Those who saw Elvis holding Lero, all politely played against Elvis. After a greeting, I crossed Elvis and walked downstairs.

It took twenty or thirty minutes for all the students to gather in front of the hotel. The two instructors then took these students to the venue of the competition, allowing these students to take a look at their venue for tomorrow's competition and familiarize themselves with the route.

This time the game was placed in an arena in Yaletown. As early as a month ago, the leaders of several schools jointly sent letters to the owner of the arena.

It is naturally impossible for the boss who received the letter to reject the requirements of these famous big men among the magicians, and he has no idea of ​​rejection at all. Even now he has to rectify his business for a month, but it is conceivable that after these college leagues, his arena will become very famous. By then, these lost profits will be doubled back in a short time.

This arena is a very famous place in Yale Town and even in several surrounding towns, so his area is also very large. The entire building is in the shape of an inverted umbrella. The entire arena is divided into nine areas. The innermost inner battlefield is the most expensive place in the entire arena, and the eight outer areas are clockwise.

Looking from the outside, the whole building is very grand.

In the arms of Elvis, Elo, when he walked to the front of the arena, saw students from other schools coming from all directions.

Although the students who participated in the competition gathered in front of the arena, the gates of the arena were very spacious and wide enough to accommodate fifteen people.

So it took only ten minutes, and the students gathered outside the arena entered.

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