In the misty and dense forest, from time to time, flashes of dazzling light, accompanied by earth-shattering vibrations, and the roar of beasts.

A slender figure loomed in the fog, and there seemed to be a circle of golden light in his body.

As long as the claws of Warcraft against him touch this layer of golden light, they will immediately make a cry, although Warcraft wants to use the claws to shred the humans in front of them, but how can they not go any further. Touched the slender figure.

Beside the slender figure, there is a two-person slap-sized, small ball-sized animal.

It is fast and swaying between that figure and World of Warcraft. The pair of seemingly small claws will always leave a long wound in the body of the Warcraft. The wounds of the time are so deep that you can see the white bones below.

This person also has that small hair group, Elvis and Lilo.

Three months ago, under the guidance of Brian, Elvis succeeded in getting three items, through a strange magical array, synthesizing a handle that seemed to surround the sun and the moon, more than half a person. High magic wand.

And the magic wand that he is holding in his hand, which looks very gorgeous, is the synthetic magic wand.

After more than three hours of fierce battle with that Warcraft, that Warcraft was finally stabbed in the heart by Elvis's blow, and fell to the ground and screamed but could no longer stand. Soon after Warcraft stopped breathing, its huge body slowly turned into a cloud of smoke and quickly dissipated into the air.

Elvis fell to the ground, and the golden light that haunted him was quickly retracted into the magic wand. Seeing that the fierce World of Warcraft finally turned into a vain smog, Elvis had no suspicious expression on his face and eyes. In the past three months, he has seen this situation too many times.

Three months ago, after getting the magic wand of the Holy Sorcerer, the Scorpio Scepter, Elvis took Lelo to the first level.

The test of the first level was relatively simple. Elvis only took three days to master the magic and fighting skills in the provided reel, and the subsequent test passed in one day.

But from the second level, the magic and martial arts skills that need to be mastered are getting harder and harder. Elvis took more than two months to pass the second level. Now that he and Li Luo are breaking, it is the third level.

It took eight days for Elvis and Lero to advance a short distance.

Li Luo fell from the air and turned back to the human form and walked to Elvis's side. He looked at the fog in front, and the mist was white, and he could not see the situation inside.

Behind him and Elvis, the blue sky, the dense woods, the low lush bushes, the emerald green grass, and the various scenes are interesting.

The front and the rear form such two distinct worlds.

Because after just a fierce battle, both of them felt that their physical exertion was too large and they needed to supplement their physical strength.

Elvis caught two rabbits within the range of forest sights, and then went to a small stream to peel off the **** smell and then began to cook. Because often in the World of Warcraft forest training, Elvis has been familiar with the skills of barbecue, not long after, the air has a barbecue-specific aroma.

After roasting the meat, Elvis cut a hind leg and handed it to Li Luo. He cut the other hind leg with a knife and ate it slowly.

Li Luo grabbed the fat rabbit legs, and the whole rabbit's hind legs were very delicious by Elvis. The outer skin was crispy and the meat inside was very tender. When I bite it, I went straight to the outside.

Elvis looked at the amber rhombus cats that Li Luo had eaten. Some of them looked awkward. They couldn’t help but look at the corners of the lips. They couldn’t help but bow their heads and were soaked in the oily water pulled out by the rabbit legs. I kissed the oily lips.

After Lero was kissed by Elvis, the action suddenly paused, and the slap in the face was sitting there, not knowing what to do next. But after Elvis had kissed him, he didn't have any next move. He moved his face and continued to eat his own food.

However, Li Luo was just a little heartbeat by the action of Elvis. He quickly picked up the rabbit legs in his hand and bit a few mouthfuls. But because it was too eager to eat, it was directly caught by a piece of rabbit meat.

When Elvis saw it, he immediately took the water to Li Luo. Li Luo took the water and drank a few big mouths before swallowing the rabbit meat in his throat.

Elvis looked at Li Luo just because of a cough and a layer of blushing cheeks, as well as a thin layer of water on his eyes, his light could not help but darken.

Just that he just kissed Lelo like that, and he was completely unsatisfied. In the past three months, he has only held Lero several times.

His own lover was somewhat ashamed of this kind of thing, not to mention that he is even more open in the wild. Elvis, who has not eaten every time, can only spend all his remaining strength on how to tackle the problem. He only hopes to leave this magical relic and return to the outside world one day earlier.

After eating, Elvis took out the magic scrolls provided by this level from his storage bag and the reel of martial arts skills. He looked down when he lowered his head.

Lelo sat in the short distance of Elvis, slightly closed his eyes, and looked through the plot of this episode in his mind, and then his sight was on a paragraph.

In this level, Elvis will encounter a fatal danger, and finally he will escape the danger.

After this lesson, Elvis faced more attention to the test of each level below, until the last level, he once again encountered the danger of almost letting himself deadly.

Although it is known that Elvis will not have anything in the end, after seeing this, he will encounter dangers that may be fatal, and Lero still involuntarily began to worry about Elvis.

And these are the storylines that he used to write himself. They are all established routes. Now he regrets what is the use here? And an upgraded text, if the protagonists are all singularly triumphant triumphant songs, what dangers are not met, what is the look?

Thinking this way, Li Luo couldn't help but irritate and grabbed his hair. Anyway, if you are really in danger, he must help Elvis.

If Elvis is really as hurt as he said in the text he wrote before, Li Luo now thinks that even if he thinks about it, he feels that he can’t look at Elvis as seriously. s damage.

After making up his mind, Li Luo suddenly felt that his own troubles seemed to disappear all of a sudden.

Elvis’s whole heart was immersed in the scrolls in his hands, so he did not find the changes in the mood of Li Luo.

After carefully watching the scrolls in their hands, Elvis added them to their storage bags.

It was more than two hours before this time, Elvis stood up and turned to look at Li Luo.

Li Luoton understood that Elvis now means continuing to hit the level.

In the past three months, as long as the rest is good, Elvis will continue to impact the level without hesitation. There is no need to take a leisurely idea.

Li Luo also wanted to go out faster, and did not object to Elvis. He quickly followed Elvis and walked with him to the white fog ahead.

Fortunately, his setting for the level of this magical relic was that, as long as Elvis did not take the initiative to enter the fog, the level would not start by himself, so Elvis is now able to choose to rest and study. time.

Of course, if you have already started the customs, then it is impossible to stop because of the idea of ​​the man until the end of this test.

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