Elvis picked up his own eyes that had become dark blue, and looked deeply at his own eyes, smiling and looking at himself. Li Luo.

Seeing what I am worried about really appears in front of myself, even if the reason in my heart reminds him that what he sees now is just an illusion of him. Even so, Elvis still couldn't control himself. I felt that I didn't know why I started to feel confused. I felt that my heart still started to hurt like a knife.

This kind of pain is like pulling out his bones one inch and one inch from the body. It is necessary to peel off his blood vessels little by little.

Elvis felt that some of his sights began to blur. What he didn't know was that his blue-eyed eyes didn't know when it had begun to glow in a faint red light, which was very horrible.

As Elvis's contract beast, Li Luo clearly felt the sudden change of Elvis at this moment. He couldn't help but worry about looking at Elvis, who was not far away from his head and couldn't see his face.

This is how the same thing?

Why is Elvis now, although it looks very quiet, but he seems to be surrounded by pain and madness just now, and it seems to make him feel unstoppable.

Lero’s eyes looked at Elvis with a sly look, and the palm of his hand stuck a transparent barrier in front of him, watching Elvis’s trembling figure, his hands couldn’t help but squeeze tight, tight The knuckles begin to whiten.

Elvis, sitting quietly on the ground, somehow suddenly raised his face again, and the strange eyes were clearly reflected in Li Luo’s eyes. "If you really leave me, then This world doesn't make much sense to me. If so, what if it is completely destroyed?"

Hey, wait, wait.

This scene and the script seem a bit different!

Li Luo looked stunned at Elvis's blackening, and did not understand why Elvis suddenly became like this.

But after listening to Elvis's words, Li Luo suddenly stunned.

Is Elvis like this because of himself? But how does Elvis know that he will eventually leave the world?

Li Luo looked at Elvis with a dark red, and in the middle was a dark blue pupil. And his face, which looks very calm, but gives him a very dangerous feeling, can't help but feel that his mouth is a little dry, and I don't know why my heart is a little bit worried.

In the last world, after he left Qin, he was estimated to be like Elvis, which he now sees, and the blacks can’t be saved.

However, he is different now from the previous world.

In the last world, he could not stand the imprisonment of Qin Lan, and he did not realize his feelings. Therefore, he wanted to leave the Qin dynasty who was bound himself.

But in this world, he has different feelings for Elvis, so he will be willing to be with Elvis before, and there is no such thing for Elvis to do to himself. A sense of rejection.

Li Luo does not want to separate from Elvis and leave the world after completing the task. He wants to live with Elvis until Elvis is old.

However, he never knew how to explain his origins with Elvis. He did not expect that Elvis had already realized that he was not right, but he never asked him.

Li Luo looked at Elvis's eyes that were gradually attacked by red, and felt that he was going to become an ant on the hot pot. I can't let Elvis go on like this. If I go on like this, it will be really bad.

Li Luo didn't want Elvis to be really life-threatening. If something really happened, he would definitely feel bad. Now, when I look at Elvis, it is very bad. It is necessary to let Elvis wake up from the illusion.

After Li Luo made up his mind, he immediately put his thoughts in his mind and called the mall's interface as quickly as possible.

Li Luo has now completed 72% of the world's progress, so now he has two opportunities to redeem merchandise.

Because Li Luo had already read all the things in the mall before being redeemed, so this time Li Luo took only a little time to find something he needed now.

Then, Li Luo used the fastest speed to exchange this thing from the mall.

After Li Luo opened his eyes, he had a seemingly quaint dagger in his hand.

The front and back sides of the dagger's grip are inlaid with a red and blue gemstone that looks radiant.

And this dagger, the introduction of the goods in the mall, can break through any magical enchantment, shields and so on in the world.

Li Luo took a deep breath and seized the dagger, stabbing the transparent barrier in front of him.

The dagger stabbed the transparent barrier and immediately made a slight noise. Li Luo stabbed a few times. Then he saw a faint web of cracks in front of him.

Li Luo’s eyes suddenly became brighter, and he used his daggers in his hands to stab his own transparent barrier.

While Lero was still struggling to pierce the transparent barrier, Elvis had slowly stood up, and his body seemed to linger in a faint black mist. But his head was slightly sagged, and the half-length golden hair completely obscured his face, leaving Li Luo unable to see the look on his face.

Elvis raised his hand, and his hand immediately showed the scepter of the singer, and began to sing a curse. The sun and moon stars on the head of the goddess of the goddess also turned with Elvis's beginning, giving off a strong radiance.

At this time, Li Luo finally pierced the transparent barrier that hindered himself.

Li Luo quickly ran to Elvis's side, and did not care about the surroundings of Elvis's body. It seemed that there was a black mist flowing through the current, and he reached out and hugged Elvis's waist.

"Elvis, I am here, I have not left you. You are awake, what you are seeing now is an illusion, not true." Li Luo was haunted by Elvis's black mist. The tiny purple-blue currents were a little numb, but he still didn't loose his hand, but he held Elvis tighter.

Elvis seemed to hear his voice, his movements paused, but the light above the Scorpio Scepter still continues to shine, and it is possible to attack at any time.

"Elvis, all you see now is a fantasy, this is what I am. I... I belong to you, I will not leave you." Li Luo said that the latter part of the sentence, could not help but shame工具' business formation is down

"You calm down disposed. You can ask me anything, I won't hide you, Elvis." Li Luo said as he subconsciously used his head to smash the back of Elvis. It is like when it becomes a beast, as it is when Elvis is spoiled.

Elvis seemed to finally calm down a bit. His hand holding the magic wand slowly let go, and the sun, the moon and the stars at the top of the magic wand slowly stopped turning and changed back to their original appearance.

Li Luo saw the action of Elvis, and he couldn’t help but feel a sigh of relief. As long as you can control Elvis's current move, the following should be much easier.

"Elvis, I didn't mean to slap you something." Li Luo hugged Elvis's waist and said that he couldn't help but pause. He shouldn't say that he is not the world. Man, and Elvis, is he just a character in a book?

"I don't know how to tell you." Li Luo grabbed the folds of Elvis's waist, and he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, only to make up his mind and continue to say. "Actually, I..." But this sentence is stuck here, and I can’t say anything.

Li Luo is like an invisible hand holding his throat. Whenever he wants to follow his own thoughts, he can't make any sound anyway.

Li Luo couldn't help but rushed to the forehead and started to sweat.

Waiting to comfort Elvis, he must then call out the small seven to ask what is going on.

After trying many times, Li Luo couldn’t help but swallow, since he couldn’t say that he was from another world, and that he didn’t even appear in the world where Elvis was, it’s just a book. What should I do now?

Just as Li Luo had a headache, he felt that his body was moving, and Elvis broke away from his shackles and turned his body.

His eyes still maintain the strange look, but the madness in the middle of the scene calms down a lot.

Li Luo looked at Elvis's eyes a little embarrassed, and the eyes were like two deep pools, as if they could inhale the soul.

The mood of Li Luo’s entanglement seems to be clearly seen under Elvis’s vision. Although Elvis looked at him like this, he didn't say anything, but Li Luo was inexplicably aware of this wonderful feeling.

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