Yun Lie grabbed the four of them, and Xu Ziqing stepped on the back of the puppet black eagle and flew towards the inner door.

Volume 10: The Affair of the Sword

Chapter 128 Si Xingfeng

In the inner sect, there are also many disciples who fly in the air with the spirit bird shòu on weekdays. They naturally recognize such a big black vulture puppet. After seeing it, they all retreat to the sides and let it pass.

Just seeing the people on the black vulture puppet, they were all shocked.

As the core disciple of Longquan Zhongsheng, he was famous in the Nascent Soul period and below. Not only is his arrogant temperament known to everyone, but his cultivation is also very good, and he is a talented person in the mind of the sect master.

But now he was trapped by Heilongling like a dead dog, how could he not be looked at?

But when everyone looked at the black-clothed prisoner who captured him today, they all understood.

It turned out that he bumped into the hands of Slaughter Jian Yunlie, no wonder he was deflated.

The other three were also disciples of Bliss Peak, and some disciples of the foundation-building stage who had been sparred by Li Cai could not help but gloat over misfortune.

If Longquan Zhongsheng is still so arrogant with his own ability, everyone will not be too convinced even if they don't like it. But what ability do you have if you are a drug addict and build a foundation? Isn't it just guarded by an ancestor of Yuan Ying!

This Li Cai has gone too far on weekdays, and in the end, he still makes many ascetic people resentful. Now that he can see him suffer, he is very happy.

"If you walk too much at night, you always have to meet ghosts." Someone sighed, "The people in Bliss Peak are quite cultivated. Bad luck.”

Some people also echoed: "This Slaughter Sword Cloud has been silent for many years, and everyone thought that he would be stuck in the peak of the Yuan Dynasty for hundreds of years, but he broke through in only ten years, and he is soaring! The Sect Master now values ​​this person very much , regard him as a genius with great potential, even if he offends Bliss Peak, the Sect Master will definitely support him."

The man in front also said: "That's right, that's right. The swordsmanship practiced by Lu Jianyunlie doesn't have anything to say about making people face. People, you have to weigh one or two!"

The forces within the sect are intertwined, and I don't know how many big and small. If you probe a little, it is also very deep, and there are whirlpools everywhere.

What's more, when the water is clear, there are no fish. Even if there is a sect's precepts, it is impossible for everything to be so absolute. So as long as it doesn't damage the interests of the sect, and doesn't make too much trouble, that's all.


The black vulture puppet flew all the way, crossed countless peaks, and finally came to the core of the sect.

From a distance, there are five mountain peaks piercing the sky, trampling everything in the world underfoot.

Among the five mountain peaks, the one in the middle is the highest, and the clouds can almost only wrap around under its belly. Looking up, I don't know how tall it is.

As soon as Xu Ziqing saw those peaks, he had a strong sense of shock and crisis.

Although they seem to be nothing special except that they are taller and occupy a wider area, they can make people give birth to strong warning signs from the bottom of their hearts.

He had a hunch that if anyone dared to unleash malice against Wuling Xianmen here, they would be absolutely attacked by the deeply hidden mountain protection formation!

After a few quick glances, Xu Ziqing's eyes fell on another peak in the southwest.

This mountain is a secondary peak, and there is an extremely solemn and depressing atmosphere on it, and there is even a little bloody smell, which makes people feel frightened.

It is the Si Xing Peak, the peak of the entire Wuling Xianmen's law enforcement, and the most severe peak.

The puppet black eagle quickly flew to the front of the mountain. When it was close, Xu Ziqing could only see this mountain in front of him. Looking up, it was even more majestic than when he looked at it from a distance.

It is also not like many other large peaks with many small peaks attached to it, but a single peak, which is more and more strict and lonely.

When there were still a few feet away from Si Xing Peak, the mountain protection formation showed its mighty power.

Xu Ziqing only saw the black brilliance flickering on the mountain, and then the whole mountain was covered with a very thin layer of transparent aura. Under his gaze, six long spears burst out with cold light, with a huge explosion. Sound, stab quickly!

What a great formation!

Xu Ziqing was secretly shocked, a steel and wooden sword had already appeared in his hand, and he immediately shot at one of the long spears.

I think since this is my own sect, it won't just take the lives of the disciples in the sect. Mostly, it is a test.

Sure enough, after the spear stabbed, Xu Ziqing faced it, and only then did he realize that the spear only had the power of the initial stage of foundation building, but it was more solid. It's not difficult to deal with.

Soon the tip of the sword trembled, and a group of sword flowers burst out, shattering the entire spear.

The other five spears came towards Yun Lie and the four of Bliss Peak. Yun Lie's robe sleeves swayed slightly, and the sword qi passed over and took them all.

That Li Cai, who was almost thrown in front of him by the spear, turned pale with horror, and was almost helpless to go limp. On the other hand, Longquan Zhongsheng glanced at him and snorted heavily before letting him quickly come back to his senses.

After the spears were all smashed, the mountain protection formation no longer reacted, but it remained firm.

The black light in the palm of Yun Lie's palm, the black dragon order re-condensed, and then threw it, the black light released the portal that could accommodate the black vulture puppet, and let it fly in.

On the Si Xing Peak

The aura of his body is extremely rich, and every breath has a rolling aura inhaled into his dantian, where it rotates rapidly, condensing into a powerful force. There is no doubt that on this mountain, there is at least one first-order spiritual vein, which will have such a shocking effect.

The black vulture puppet flew straight to the top of the mountain without stopping.

Just on the top of the peak, there is a huge and majestic building, which seems to be made of black iron, and there is an indestructible and majestic power inside the light.

Its breath turned into a thought, and it seemed to be roaring:

"The law is like a mountain! Violation will urge it—"

Over the years, the law enforcement beliefs left by the many acting criminals have become an inseparable part of the entire criminal peak.

Xu Ziqing sensed such an upright and even cold atmosphere, and he didn't even find it annoying.

Probably because no matter where you are, there must always be enough precepts and laws to limit a certain range. Otherwise, the world will be in chaos, and everyone will only know how to plunder. What is the difference between immortals and wild shòu? And there are as many as three thousand avenues. If only the jungle law of the red luǒluǒ is left, the way of heaven cannot absorb the beliefs of all living beings, and I am afraid that this endless world cannot last long.

The black vulture puppet finally stopped in front of the most majestic hall.

There was a huge plaque hanging high, with the words "Xingtang" in large black characters. When I saw it, there was a strong killing atmosphere.

The Heilong Ling, who flew into the magic circle before, poured out of the temple and was caught by Yun Lie steadily.

At the same time, the hall rang loudly.


There is only one sound, but it is broad and distant, and it is leisurely.

At the same time, the gate of the execution hall was also opened.

The gate was originally carved with a hideous shòu head, but when it was opened wide, the dark and dark hall could not be seen clearly, as if the shòu had opened its huge mouth, and it looked very terrifying.

Xu Ziqing can't enter the punishment hall unless he becomes a criminal director - or has another identity that he is not willing to do anyway.

Because the Law Enforcement Hall is a place where official duties are performed, criminals are tried and crimes are pronounced.

At this time, Yun Lie wanted to bring the four people from Bliss Peak into the punishment hall, and asked the hall master and the nine elders to make a decision. And this kind of decision, criminals are not qualified to participate, they can only provide the information they know.

Xu Ziqing stopped and looked at Yun Lie.

Yun Lie said: "Don't walk around."

Xu Ziqing naturally understood, and immediately responded, "Yes, Senior Brother Yun."

So Yun Li took the four people from Bliss Peak and walked into the wide open hall. As soon as he entered, the gate of the palace closed firmly behind him.

The shòu head re-entered Xu Ziqing's line of sight, and only then did he realize that this evil shòu looked fierce, but there was a majestic and upright aura in his expression, and at the same time the pair of shòu pupils were full of anger and blood, which seemed contradictory. And no surprise.

Xu Ziqing thought, this may be the reason why Si Xingfeng used this to guard the execution hall. In order to maintain order, he must use thunder methods, so this shòu is very bloodthirsty. The order to be maintained must be consistent with the truth, and the punishment hall must not arbitrarily wrong others, so this shòu is also upright.

Thoughts ran wild for a while, Xu Ziqing raised his eyes and saw a giant tree in front of him. It is not far from the punishment hall, and it is obviously not as tall as the punishment hall, but it will not be too obscured by the punishment hall, but it has a sense of existence.

If it is said that the first thing people see when they arrive at this peak is the punishment hall, then the second one must be it.

Xu Ziqing had never seen such a tree before. Its body was about as thick as five people hugging each other, and the whole body was not the usual green color, but a kind of red, a dark red as if the blood had dried up.

So he couldn't help but approach, and in the next instant, he gasped.

This is not "like blood" at all, these dark red traces are clearly blood!

To dye this whole tree into such a uniform red, I don't know how much blood has washed away and how many years of precipitation.

The most surprising thing is that this giant tree did not turn on the wisdom.

In this world, it is not only birds and the like that can open their spiritual wisdom and cultivate to become demons. Plants, flowers and vines can also open their spiritual wisdom, but they may also undergo enlightenment and become demon cultivators, or they may be the same as demon spirits. Existence is called "jīng". Moreover, plants, etc., are often kinder by nature than birds and the like. If they are not evil, monks with good hearts may not meet them and kill them.

Xu Ziqing couldn't see the age of this giant tree. The reason why he thought it should be jīng was because it was now covered in blood.

As we all know, plants, flowers, vines, etc. are difficult to enlighten. Except for some spiritual seeds that are naturally large, no matter how old they are, no spirituality means no spirituality, and they can only be used as medicine for alchemy.

And if a plant with poor talent is to be enlightened, it is often only possible after experiencing the baptism of thunder, or being eroded by strong thoughts, or being irrigated by evil energy.

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